To my dudes that come from the hood/poverty/lower middle class/working class that went out and got e

My cousin makes 125k a year doin financial analyst work for a investment bank, still

Chills in da supercedes money, remember that.
Word? Is fam ever scared of something bad happening to him?

I'm from a low-income neighborhood and I don't know how I'm going to feel once I graduate with my master's and working at a Fortune 100, yet chilling in the hood. I think I'm going to feel comfortable in a sense, but that I would also like to be surrounded by people in the same status as myself.
Son... story of my life.

Like for real for real most of the dudes I came up with is stone hardened criminals, and some of them have done heinous things :smh:

Not one of them got money to ever do anything and what's the worst is I'll fly these dudes anywhere for the low and they still wouldn't have the dough, but best believe they will ante up for bag of chronic :smh:

Only my one homie from Cali that I mess with like that, but we're on different coasts so it's not like we can kick it like that.

Got one boy that's like in his mid 30's still lives at home that held down one security job his entire life for $10/hour and got fired after his 6 months were up so he can collect unemployment. Dude took out mad credit in his, and his families name and gambled almost $100K away think he could get rich and almost made his moms lose the house. Dude has a serious gambling problem and he'll lose like $5K and will back like $2K and think he's doing it. Before he takes that money and pay off some of his debt he goes and buy kicks at flight club prices hoping to resell and turn a profit.

I still got love for all of them though, but I too can't take them anywhere because they always ready to pop off and always have weapons on them or will go get them if need be... "trying to play Mr. Toughie while I'm on some pretty Tone sh.."

Another one is my cousin who had life set for him but became a pothead and still stresses over his high school sweetheart 13 years later like he just broke up with her last week... yes seriously. This dude says he still wakes up and she's the first thought on his mind... after 13 years. I don't know what to say about that, but I try to tell this dude to leave the chronic alone and get a pension job and do something, but he says it's not the chronic that's holding him back it's the chick. Meanwhile what makes it worst is his HS sweetheart is successful and that just digs him deeper in hole.

Sometimes I would like to meet new people on my level, but it's like where do I go it's not like when you're young I can't just go up to people and be like hey can I chill with your group?

Like you OP I relate more to the hood ghetto mentality of dudes from my neighborhood, and not the preppy 9-5 working types but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The last two sentences are me so much. I was honestly just talking to my sister about this on Sunday. Its not as easy to meet friends after school esp with guys getting families and other things that make it harder to get those memories you have with older friends in. Glad to know I'm not the only one somebody needs to start a website or maybe I just need to be more out going and go to a few club events of things I'm interested in.

My best friend of 18 years stopped talking to me when he left to college

**** hurt man..he went to my moms daycare..literally grew up with him, spent pretty much every weekend with him.. havent spoken to him in a few years now

I was in his neighborhood the other day. I drove by his house and saw that the light in his room was on.. almost wanted to cry :frown:


that last line sounds so sad :lol:

Bro, I know that feel. One of my best friends that I considered a brother just stopped "being friends" with me the summer after my freshman year of college. **** does hurt but you have to move on from that.
I know a lot of successful dudes that still come chill on the block in da Heightz. This is especially true during the summer. That's where the fun, family, and memories reside. Idk what hood you live in OP, but you can always find people to converse with about anything. Not everyone in the hood's dumbed down.

Man good money, dope whip, I'd be on the block in the heights in the summer too.
My cousin makes 125k a year doin financial analyst work for a investment bank, still

Chills in da supercedes money, remember that.
Word? Is fam ever scared of something bad happening to him?

I'm from a low-income neighborhood and I don't know how I'm going to feel once I graduate with my master's and working at a Fortune 100, yet chilling in the hood. I think I'm going to feel comfortable in a sense, but that I would also like to be surrounded by people in the same status as myself.
keep your grounded when you surround yourself around people who have much less then you.

My best friend of 18 years stopped talking to me when he left to college

**** hurt man..he went to my moms daycare..literally grew up with him, spent pretty much every weekend with him.. havent spoken to him in a few years now

I was in his neighborhood the other day. I drove by his house and saw that the light in his room was on.. almost wanted to cry :frown:


that last line sounds so sad :lol:
Why don't you hit him up? And have you not been as "successful" as him?
So many people I went to hs wit are having kids or had them already. Man o man

Me and my circle on the same level. Work college etc

So many have their lives twisted. One girl I graduated with is a crack head now
Nothing wrong with going back. You just need to surround yourself with people who can help you be better as a person.

I'm still friends with a lot of my people from high school and that's because they have a good head on their shoulders.
No and it hurts, I come from the GHETTO crude and unrefined GHETTO. My best friends were in and out of jail for robbery and murder from 17 years old until 2011. Although they too have grown up since then were just different, I took one of them to a med school graduation party and he drops a loaded gun on the Dj's turntables :smh: .  Whenever I try to bring them along it's just different, they don't understand the people around aren't my REAL friends, it may seem like we're living the life on Facebook but I'm truly unhappy inside, lonely even.

Around 2012 my best friend since 7 years old just stopped communication completely, I asked another friend and he said I think I'm a "********" now. :smh:

My other friends are STILL in the neighborhood not making ANY moves in life AT ALL. I'm not being judgmental but they are truly stagnate and have given up all hope. Their kids? I won't even discuss 2-5 years poppin their *** to "Bands will make her dance", I get my Jet Life on and my Wrath of Cain on but I'm GROWN. They don't like the fact I also listen to other genres of music we didn't grow up on (******** music they call it :smh: )

I try to take them on new things more fit for people our age (late 20's) Camping, hiking, skiing, road trips, international trips and things, they just don't care. But if one of them calls and says "hey we going to the hole in the wall strip club" these guys will BLOW hundreds they don't have :frown: :smh: . Systemic poverty has got them by the balls and they just don't see. 

They don't understand when I attend parties and stuff in these "new circles" it's for business, EVERYTHING is FREE, corporate sponsored, old money trying to impress each other. 

I truly am alone the higher up I go and it hurts, NT please don't diss me or use this against me two weeks from now, today has been emotional for me. Maybe cause its a day off and I spent all day online and realized I only have 2 friends left I can call, both are college grads, married and own middle class homes so they understand me better and haven't changed.

I think this will be my problem. I'm a such a hip-hop, urban, Hispanic kid that's into sneakers, basketball, etc. and I feel like I just won't be able to vibe with the older white folks from private schools once I start moving up the corporate ladder.
Only on NT is everyone the ONE who made it it seems.

Ive always been anti-social or uncomfortable (comes in spurts...)
so we cant listen to rap music, watch basketball, or have kids now? ok let me adjust my tie cause this is the life i want to live :lol:
Only on NT is everyone the ONE who made it it seems.

Ive always been anti-social or uncomfortable (comes in spurts...)
I don't consider that i have made it yet.
But i think we do try harder because this site is full of materialistic people who like things that don't come cheap  
lol i'm just saying 
Leave them be. It sucks, but it happens. Surround yourself with other like minded people. They don't have to aiming to be a doctor or anything, but as long as they have practical long term goals and working towards them they're doing doing alright by me.

Same goes for the chicks you date. A lot of chicks I wouldn't have mind getting at when I was younger, but now a days you realize they're not doing much either. Plenty of attractive women out there doing well who are looking for guys doing the same.

everything you said is the cold truth & something many of us experienced :rolleyes
What high school did you go to Lucky?

I went to Banneker. I legitimately only speak to one of my boys that I went to school with back in the days. A lot of my old friends have kids, wives, court dates, etc. I don't kick it with any of them any more. I purposely make myself unavailable to anyone from my past. No Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. I believe in outgrowing people and leaving the past in the past. Can't be around people that aren't about progression.
Wow, I really hope this doesn't happen to me. I really am trying to maintain cool with my dudes from HS. I'm blessed tho that we all have our ambitions aligned.
You are only as good as your 5 closest friends. You are who you surround yourself with.

I was in denial about this for a very long time. But when I look back at some of my old friends, I can see how their group thought/mentality has ruined their lives.
My friends will always be my friends regardless of money or stature.


Cats get some student loan debt and a 40k/yr job and talking about cutting everyone off :lol:

I got room for any family and friend, as long as they're not about negativity, regardless if I "made it" or not.

The Drake video being posted is ironic considering he's talking about bringing his crew up with him ("started from the bottom now we here")

I've cut people off for being disloyal or negative, not because they don't have a 401k.
My friends will always be my friends regardless of money or stature.


Cats get some student loan debt and a 40k/yr job and talking about cutting everyone off :lol:

I got room for any family and friend, as long as they're not about negativity, regardless if I "made it" or not.

The Drake video being posted is ironic considering he's talking about bringing his crew up with him ("started from the bottom now we here")

I've cut people off for being disloyal or negative, not because they don't have a 401k.

For me personally, I want to surround myself with people who are doing something for themselves. Thats why im closer to people I went to college with than people from middle/high school and the block. I still chop it up with them if the situation cals for it, but why would you have people in your circle who have no drive to do better?
My friends will always be my friends regardless of money or stature.

Cats get some student loan debt and a 40k/yr job and talking about cutting everyone off

I got room for any family and friend, as long as they're not about negativity, regardless if I "made it" or not.

The Drake video being posted is ironic considering he's talking about bringing his crew up with him ("started from the bottom now we here")

I've cut people off for being disloyal or negative, not because they don't have a 401k.

Me and my crew havent all "made it" yet but we struggle together and will enjoy success together...

There are ppl you gotta cut off sometimes, family included.

NEVER let anyone bring you down.
That loyalty is cool but i jus stay around dudes thats not trying to better themselves. Anybody who has ever stayed in the REAL hood knows the objective is to make it out. I got homies thats still in moms basement, no job and all they wanna do is get ****** up on the weekend. Its hi and bye with them for now on. My right hand man since 9 caught a couple cases, did some time n that basically ended our friendship. Not because he got locked up but what he was locked up for. 
you need to keep a middle ground imo.

if they were your friends, key word here being friends, not just some random acquiaintances then you should maintain a friendship with them regardless of things. that doesn't mean you need to be going outta your way to hang out with them everyday but if you have that mindset of "i'm doing good, your doing bad, i can't associate with you anymore, and our past friendship is irrelevant" then your a cornball sellout.

while you can't stop your life and slow things down completely for your friends, it's no need to completely cut them out and minimize contact as much as possible either. as long as you know their happy for you and aren't the type to have resentment towards you for the moves your making then keep things cool. hell everyones situation is different, some people caught bad breaks, bad luck, made regrettable decisions etc that unfortunately stick with them. im not the type to hold my nose up in the air at those in that position, if im able to i rather help them out if i can rather then kick them to the curb. like i said earlier, there's only so much you can do for them if they don't want to help themselves but to completely cut them off is a lame move imo.
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