To my dudes that come from the hood/poverty/lower middle class/working class that went out and got e

what use to make me sad is back during college during times like christmas break I would see all my friends from good areas on Facebook having "high school reunions" where everyone is talking about what they are doing what they want to do etc etc, just having a good time, while I had nothing to come home to because all the cats from school I was cool with werent doing anything/ too busy having kids and going to jail so really besides seeing my mom there was no reason for me to come home during holidays and I usually just stayed at school and worked. Its like I relate to the hood more than I do the uppity "black elite" kids who have generational wealth and never seen struggle, but I just cant associate with hood cats because besides our upbrining we have nothing in common 9/10 times.

Just try to give your kids the life you didn't have growing up....that's what I always think about....if I see myself raising my kids in the same hood I grew up in, that's when I know i failed them.
I don't know about that one for me. I like the person I am and wouldn't change it, so part of me would like to have my child have the same background as me, but I can see how it might be better to have them grow up in a better area.
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