To my dudes that come from the hood/poverty/lower middle class/working class that went out and got e

I can relate and even though my dudes are still my dudes I just have to spend less time with them to do what I need to. They are still on that I get chicks young boy (like that makes up for not having $$$ and/or better situations in life) flow. Thats cool and all but my whole life doesn't revolve around trying to get chicks all the time and other silly things. I'm trying to do big things but they will always be my friends just can't spend as much time with them like I used to when we were on the same stuff.
My HS homies? Nah, we out grew eachother. we still keep in touch, but nah. Haven't kicked it in forever.

My undergrad boys, them ny ****** for life. We struggled through sharing $1 bag chips together. started from the bottom.

My graduate school homies, time will tell.
I don't get why does going to college = success?? I'm in school don't get me wrong but I'm not gonna get all douchy on friends that aren't in school and drop em. In a way they keep me grounded.
My HS homies? Nah, we out grew eachother. we still keep in touch, but nah. Haven't kicked it in forever.

My undergrad boys, them ny ****** for life. We struggled through sharing $1 bag chips together. started from the bottom.

My graduate school homies, time will tell.
Exactly the same for me. My friends from college are pretty much friends for life. We did it all from spring break trips to 3am pizza slices on a Saturday night.

My buddies from high school I barely keep in touch with anymore. Some had kids, some are in rehab for heroin, and a couple in prison. Most happen to be in the military. Not much to really tall about a few years seperated from HS
My peoples will always have a place in my life, but that place isn't what it once was when I started doing my own thing on another level. 
No and it hurts, I come from the GHETTO crude and unrefined GHETTO. My best friends were in and out of jail for robbery and murder from 17 years old until 2011. Although they too have grown up since then were just different, I took one of them to a med school graduation party and he drops a loaded gun on the Dj's turntables 
.  Whenever I try to bring them along it's just different, they don't understand the people around aren't my REAL friends, it may seem like we're living the life on Facebook but I'm truly unhappy inside, lonely even.

Around 2012 my best friend since 7 years old just stopped communication completely, I asked another friend and he said I think I'm a "********" now. 

My other friends are STILL in the neighborhood not making ANY moves in life AT ALL. I'm not being judgmental but they are truly stagnate and have given up all hope. Their kids? I won't even discuss 2-5 years poppin their *** to "Bands will make her dance", I get my Jet Life on and my Wrath of Cain on but I'm GROWN. They don't like the fact I also listen to other genres of music we didn't grow up on (******** music they call it 

I try to take them on new things more fit for people our age (late 20's) Camping, hiking, skiing, road trips, international trips and things, they just don't care. But if one of them calls and says "hey we going to the hole in the wall strip club" these guys will BLOW hundreds they don't have 
. Systemic poverty has got them by the balls and they just don't see. 

They don't understand when I attend parties and stuff in these "new circles" it's for business, EVERYTHING is FREE, corporate sponsored, old money trying to impress each other. 

I truly am alone the higher up I go and it hurts, NT please don't diss me or use this against me two weeks from now, today has been emotional for me. Maybe cause its a day off and I spent all day online and realized I only have 2 friends left I can call, both are college grads, married and own middle class homes so they understand me better and haven't changed.

Don't feel bad, you simply outgrew them, it happens.

I grew up in a crappy neighborhood, it was fun when I was a little knucklehead but once I got my head on straight it no longer appealed to me, only 2 other friends of mines actually made it through college or even bothered to attend, those I'm still very much in touch with, we may not chill as much due to family and work, but we still kick it, we have plenty to talk about because we grew together and now all take care of our own....the rest of the dudes from my old block, I still see when I go see my mother, I say what's up, maybe I'll chop it up, but it feels as if they always look at me sideways...idk.

We were all given the same or very similar opportunities, I'm not going to feel bad because you didn't branch out and I did, you shouldn't either...all this hood love crap is for simple minded individuals, you are placed on this earth to make the best of YOUR life and your family, if your childhood friends decide they about the same thing, trust you'd still be their friend, obviously their priorities were elsewhere and just like a relationship with a woman ya grew too apart to even have anything to talk about.
Don't feel bad, you simply outgrew them, it happens.

I grew up in a crappy neighborhood, it was fun when I was a little knucklehead but once I got my head on straight it no longer appealed to me, only 2 other friends of mines actually made it through college or even bothered to attend, those I'm still very much in touch with, we may not chill as much due to family and work, but we still kick it, we have plenty to talk about because we grew together and now all take care of our own....the rest of the dudes from my old block, I still see when I go see my mother, I say what's up, maybe I'll chop it up, but it feels as if they always look at me sideways...idk.

We were all given the same or very similar opportunities, I'm not going to feel bad because you didn't branch out and I did, you shouldn't either...all this hood love crap is for simple minded individuals, you are placed on this earth to make the best of YOUR life and your family, if your childhood friends decide they about the same thing, trust you'd still be their friend, obviously their priorities were elsewhere and just like a relationship with a woman ya grew too apart to even have anything to talk about.
No and it hurts, I come from the GHETTO crude and unrefined GHETTO. My best friends were in and out of jail for robbery and murder from 17 years old until 2011. Although they too have grown up since then were just different, I took one of them to a med school graduation party and he drops a loaded gun on the Dj's turntables :smh: .  Whenever I try to bring them along it's just different, they don't understand the people around aren't my REAL friends, it may seem like we're living the life on Facebook but I'm truly unhappy inside, lonely even.

Around 2012 my best friend since 7 years old just stopped communication completely, I asked another friend and he said I think I'm a "********" now. :smh:

My other friends are STILL in the neighborhood not making ANY moves in life AT ALL. I'm not being judgmental but they are truly stagnate and have given up all hope. Their kids? I won't even discuss 2-5 years poppin their *** to "Bands will make her dance", I get my Jet Life on and my Wrath of Cain on but I'm GROWN. They don't like the fact I also listen to other genres of music we didn't grow up on (******** music they call it :smh: )

I try to take them on new things more fit for people our age (late 20's) Camping, hiking, skiing, road trips, international trips and things, they just don't care. But if one of them calls and says "hey we going to the hole in the wall strip club" these guys will BLOW hundreds they don't have :frown: :smh: . Systemic poverty has got them by the balls and they just don't see. 

They don't understand when I attend parties and stuff in these "new circles" it's for business, EVERYTHING is FREE, corporate sponsored, old money trying to impress each other. 

I truly am alone the higher up I go and it hurts, NT please don't diss me or use this against me two weeks from now, today has been emotional for me. Maybe cause its a day off and I spent all day online and realized I only have 2 friends left I can call, both are college grads, married and own middle class homes so they understand me better and haven't changed.


Don't feel bad brah, I swear ALOT of dudes in the hood are like crabs in a bucket, hate to see one of their own doing good for themselves, all of a sudden you are thought of as "the dude that thinks his **** don't stink" reflecting their own insecurities.

In the wise words of the Sweet Brown AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR DAT.

Btw I'm like you, only have 2 friends from my childhood that I'd still kick it with, after them is literally my bro-in-law and a handful of other dudes I've met maybe in the past 4-5 years.
what use to make me sad is back during college during times like christmas break I would see all my friends from good areas on Facebook having "high school reunions" where everyone is talking about what they are doing what they want to do etc etc, just having a good time, while I had nothing to come home to because all the cats from school I was cool with werent doing anything/ too busy having kids and going to jail so really besides seeing my mom there was no reason for me to come home during holidays and I usually just stayed at school and worked. Its like I relate to the hood more than I do the uppity "black elite" kids who have generational wealth and never seen struggle, but I just cant associate with hood cats because besides our upbrining we have nothing in common 9/10 times.
still touch base when I go home.  So limited though.  They never have money to do much other than grab a beer and a burger.  Still got love for em, but you realize it'll never be the same as it was when yall were growing up.
what use to make me sad is back during college during times like christmas break I would see all my friends from good areas on Facebook having "high school reunions" where everyone is talking about what they are doing what they want to do etc etc, just having a good time, while I had nothing to come home to because all the cats from school I was cool with werent doing anything/ too busy having kids and going to jail so really besides seeing my mom there was no reason for me to come home during holidays and I usually just stayed at school and worked. Its like I relate to the hood more than I do the uppity "black elite" kids who have generational wealth and never seen struggle, but I just cant associate with hood cats because besides our upbrining we have nothing in common 9/10 times.

Just try to give your kids the life you didn't have growing up....that's what I always think about....if I see myself raising my kids in the same hood I grew up in, that's when I know i failed them.
I outgrew everybody from the old neighborhood. Even tho I dropped out of school, it jus seems like all they wanna do is smoke all day n blame everybody else for whats not happening in their lives. I have a son now so I can't chill on thw porch n drink n smoke all day
Son... story of my life.

Like for real for real most of the dudes I came up with is stone hardened criminals, and some of them have done heinous things :smh:

Not one of them got money to ever do anything and what's the worst is I'll fly these dudes anywhere for the low and they still wouldn't have the dough, but best believe they will ante up for bag of chronic :smh:

Only my one homie from Cali that I mess with like that, but we're on different coasts so it's not like we can kick it like that.

Got one boy that's like in his mid 30's still lives at home that held down one security job his entire life for $10/hour and got fired after his 6 months were up so he can collect unemployment. Dude took out mad credit in his, and his families name and gambled almost $100K away think he could get rich and almost made his moms lose the house. Dude has a serious gambling problem and he'll lose like $5K and will back like $2K and think he's doing it. Before he takes that money and pay off some of his debt he goes and buy kicks at flight club prices hoping to resell and turn a profit.

I still got love for all of them though, but I too can't take them anywhere because they always ready to pop off and always have weapons on them or will go get them if need be... "trying to play Mr. Toughie while I'm on some pretty Tone sh.."

Another one is my cousin who had life set for him but became a pothead and still stresses over his high school sweetheart 13 years later like he just broke up with her last week... yes seriously. This dude says he still wakes up and she's the first thought on his mind... after 13 years. I don't know what to say about that, but I try to tell this dude to leave the chronic alone and get a pension job and do something, but he says it's not the chronic that's holding him back it's the chick. Meanwhile what makes it worst is his HS sweetheart is successful and that just digs him deeper in hole.

Sometimes I would like to meet new people on my level, but it's like where do I go it's not like when you're young I can't just go up to people and be like hey can I chill with your group?

Like you OP I relate more to the hood ghetto mentality of dudes from my neighborhood, and not the preppy 9-5 working types but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
man.. hang in there all of you, this thread is making me sad haha since I'm only turning 19 in the summer, I got my whole life ahead of me! but hang in there all of you.
It's pretty much life. As a lot of people have already said, we're all bound to outgrow a lot of things. For whatever reason, we were all able to make the best of our opportunities.

To the question at hand tho, I still kick it a lot with a lot of my friends from home. I didn't go to school too far, 15 mins away, but it felt like a totally different world. I pretty much have to groups of friends, my undergrad friends and my high school friends. I'm a recent grad and moved back home for the time being, I kick it a lot more with my high school friends. It is different tho. I don't really favor any group tho. Both have their share of characters. I love both groups unconditionally.

I could go on for days about this topic, but I just try to keep it chill with any group of friends. I never walk around trying to be some intellectual or something like that.

I do notice that a lot of my friends from high school are having kids. I'm like what the heck??? I can't imagine having a kid right now.

The sad thing is, I'm most likely moving East for Grad School this Fall, and wont have either group to chill with. :smh:
Still young to even experience something like this since I'm a senior in high school and graduating in 4 months. But I have a few friends that just don't care. One of them was just about that "I don't care life" got in trouble with drugs/alcohol dropped out of school his junior year. Had 2 endless jobs and moved to the motherland. 1 friend just stopped talking/kicking it with him, knew him since 4th grade, been living in the same town for 13 years plus another 4 for college upcoming. Same **** just a different day, I mean friends come and go through out your life, hate to say it but it's true. All you have is yourself and family. 
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