Thoughts on Obama getting assassinated???

I pray he doesnt get assassinated ... it would pretty much be over for the U.S. at that point ... all those white votes and white people cheering and cryinglast night for obama will be forgotten and we would just fight each other until death
Secret Service agents are some of the baddest dudes on the planet, but I know there will be attempts.
Unfortunately I have thought about this possibility myself. There is no doubt that there will be people plotting and some brave enough to attempt but thechances of it occuring should be slim to none. I don't even want to begin to think of the devastating effect it would have on the people and our country.

On a more positive note... I would like to take this time to express the honor and privilege I felt as I witnessesed Barack Obama becom the first AfricanAmercan and 44th president in U.S. history. It was even more rewarding seeing how this was my first time ever participating in a presidential election. Thespeech Obama delivered last night in Chicago was inspiring and even more so was seeing the look on the peoples faces in attendence. I look forward to thegreat things possible for the future of this country with Obama as president of the United States.
Secret Service aint playing, my son BEE already got paid a visit for threatening obama....
if i were obama i would not do public appearances. just set up tv's and appear via satelite. lol i dont trust those looney racists
Bush didn't get assassinated because people didn't care enough to take his dumb !+# out
The white supremacists that WANT Obama dead are run of the mill, shotgun totin', illiterate idiots who couldn'tdream of the sophistication required to pull off a job like this
The threat against his life isn't some big revelation like people make it out to be. Don't underestimate theSecret Service.

I've been afraid of this for about a year now, when it became a very real possibility that he could be President.

I mean, you don't need a grip of people to assassinate a Pres.; just one.

All the open forums he's going to be in... I mean... protective agents can't literally be everywhere and see everything.

I'm reading comments in here from people putting crazy faith in the Secret Service and the FBI and everything, saying 'I just don't see howit's possible.'

Me? I don't see how it's not possible.
There will be attempts , in which 80% of them won't be be covered by the media .

They will not show (tell) us these things , as well as other things .

National Security they call it .
At the end of the day, if America were to show us that they had any audacity it would have been fixing the election, I doubt anyone really has the cojones toreally take it there, I mean after shooting up youll get maybe 6 hours of freedom before you go to prison and trust me, in jail you will GET IT
anybody can get killed

but i just want to enjoy this im white and it makes me proud to be an american when i see people off all colors celebrating

this is such a good day to be an american
Originally Posted by Kneesh

There will be attempts , in which 80% of them won't be be covered by the media .

They will not show (tell) us these things , as well as other things .

National Security they call it .
Agreed. I would be shocked if the Secret Service hasn't already stopped severalserious attempts without any news coverage.
I dont know. I think the SS is suspecting an attempt so they gon be all over Barack like white on rice
it still amazes me how hateful and fearful people are of black people in power. Bush ruined the country over the past 8
years and I never heard of any assassination attempts on his life but Obama just got elected yesterday and I hear people
saying they're gonna kill him already. They don't even know what he can do yet and they want him dead?
Man...... they better not .... cuz if they do (and God forbid) ... There WILL be a Civil War! I wish him all the best, and hope Everyone gives him a chance toprove himself...
as sad as it is to admit it, i think it will happen. There was already a plan to take him down and it was before he even was elected. It's disgusting tothink that someone could kill another human with no just reason, but there are too many backwards people out there in this county and this world. I hope Mr.Obama has a successful presidency, but who knows.
Originally Posted by 18key

Theres a possibility, but Bush made it 8 years, so I dont see Obama getting murked. Some random act of God will cause the attempt to fail.

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by TuckYaChainzN

since Kennedy, Secrete service is tyte on dudes! No ayyo
Kennedy was an inside job Einstein.
It really was not but whatever
You're right the only record of a tricky bullet in the history of guns took place on that day

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