Thoughts on Obama getting assassinated???

You can get killed walking your doggie
SS doesn't mean he's untouchable
like they said if it happens, its an inside job
I felt like it was going to happen when he was doing his speech. Like I could feel it coming anysecond but thank "god" it didn't.
umm.... this is what he gave his speech behind:


[h2]Barack Obama electionnight speech to be behind bullet proof glass[/h2]
Posted By: Toby Harnden at Nov 4, 2008 at 01:32:00 [General]
Posted in: Foreign Correspondents


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assassination , Barack Obama , bullet proof glass , chicago , Grant Park , secret service , US Elections , white supremacists

Here at Grant Park in Chicago, the stage for what Barack Obama hopes will be a victory speech on Tuesday night is being set up. On either side of the lectern is a large bullet proof glass screen protecting him from any shots fired by would-be assassins who might be positioned in skyscrapers overlooking the venue.


The bullet proof glass screens that will protect Barack Obama

One of the workers helping build the steel-reinforced stage said the two screens (which measure about 10 feet high and 15 feet long and are about two and a half inches thick) had been lowered into place by cranes at about 5pm today.

He described how Secret Service agents had taken up different positions on the stage where they had been lit up up ont heir chests with red dots apparently "fired" by other agents using laser guns and posing as snipers aiming from the windows of different skyscrapers. The existence of the screens was first reported by ABC radio news.

The screens would protect Mr Obama from most of the high-rise buildings surrounding the park with the line of sight from many other buildings being be blocked by the press stand and broadcast tents . This is the first time I have seen bullet proof screens being used to protect Mr Obama. Law enforcement officials with binoculars often scan tall buildings close to campaign rallies.

Mr Obama first received Secret Service protection in May 2007, a much earlier juncture than previous presidential candidates, after his Senate colleague #*%% Durbin raised concerns about his safety. Last week, federal agents in Tennessee broke up what they described as a plot by two white supremacists to assassinate Mr Obama as party of a "killing spree" targeting black people.

SS is not !@!%$#@ around with this one guys
Originally Posted by ESPNonthescreen

umm.... this is what he gave his speech behind:


[h2]Barack Obama election night speech to be behind bullet proof glass[/h2]
Posted By: Toby Harnden at Nov 4, 2008 at 01:32:00 [General]
Posted in: Foreign Correspondents


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assassination , Barack Obama , bullet proof glass , chicago , Grant Park , secret service , US Elections , white supremacists

Here at Grant Park in Chicago, the stage for what Barack Obama hopes will be a victory speech on Tuesday night is being set up. On either side of the lectern is a large bullet proof glass screen protecting him from any shots fired by would-be assassins who might be positioned in skyscrapers overlooking the venue.


The bullet proof glass screens that will protect Barack Obama

One of the workers helping build the steel-reinforced stage said the two screens (which measure about 10 feet high and 15 feet long and are about two and a half inches thick) had been lowered into place by cranes at about 5pm today.

He described how Secret Service agents had taken up different positions on the stage where they had been lit up up ont heir chests with red dots apparently "fired" by other agents using laser guns and posing as snipers aiming from the windows of different skyscrapers. The existence of the screens was first reported by ABC radio news.

The screens would protect Mr Obama from most of the high-rise buildings surrounding the park with the line of sight from many other buildings being be blocked by the press stand and broadcast tents . This is the first time I have seen bullet proof screens being used to protect Mr Obama. Law enforcement officials with binoculars often scan tall buildings close to campaign rallies.

Mr Obama first received Secret Service protection in May 2007, a much earlier juncture than previous presidential candidates, after his Senate colleague #*%% Durbin raised concerns about his safety. Last week, federal agents in Tennessee broke up what they described as a plot by two white supremacists to assassinate Mr Obama as party of a "killing spree" targeting black people.

SS is not !@!%$#@ around with this one guys


Somebody cue the done cut-throat emoticons.
None of that makes me feel any more or less secure for new President-elect.
If Obama get's assassinated I believe that the trust of the American people in the U.S. Government will falter even more. I mean there's always plotsto assassinate a president, no matter who it is, and Bush has been alive all 8 years and dude is one of the most hated presidents in a long time.

If the worst scenario were to occur and Obama is popped...then it HAS to be an inside job. Please believe that the Secret Service is tight...and withtoday's technology, there's no excuse for an assassination to occur on one of the largest, if not the largest, political figures today.

People at school jokingly taking bets on when Barack will get hit, and I said put me up for never. If Barack gets hit I swear I'll never vote againbecause I never put so much trust in any political figure as much as I have in Obama. If the Secret Service can't protect Obama then they'll never beable to "protect" anyone else as deserving, yet hated for NO reason, as him.
Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

word.... if it were to happen, could possibly be the saddest day in U.S. history...
I gues Abraham Licoln getting assasintated or JFK wasnt a big deal, 9/11, civil war, mlk, great depression, none of those events compare to thefirst half black president of the united states who has not yet proven himself in office.

You people are a joke, with all this hype if the economy isn't booming within 2 months of him taking office he should be called a failure.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

word.... if it were to happen, could possibly be the saddest day in U.S. history...
I gues Abraham Licoln getting assasintated or JFK wasnt a big deal, 9/11, civil war, mlk, great depression, none of those events compare to the first half black president of the united states who has not yet proven himself in office.

You people are a joke, with all this hype if the economy isn't booming within 2 months of him taking office he should be called a failure.
I agree with you partially. 9/11 to me is the saddest/darkest moment this country has experienced and one person getting killed won't changethat. But a president elect, who won by far, who will take EXTRA criticism for everything that isn't right in this country, getting assassinatedshouldn't be looked at like sand in the air.

I also agree that people shouldn't make it seem like it would be the worst thing EVER, but at the same time, don't make it seem like it wouldn't bea big deal.
For career day back in high school this ex Secret Service agent came in and talked to a group of us about what it was like being in the service...them dudesare no joke, you wouldnt believe the selection process, them dudes are the best of the best at what they do...SS, US Rangers, and maybe some Seal Team Six typedudes are the elite...dude also went over some of their strategies, weapons and technology, @%$$ had me in surprisingly confident in the SecretServices ability to protect the president, regardless my prayers will be with Obama, lord knows he'll be tested
There are always threats to assassinate the president, no matter who it is, cuz it's the freaking President of the United States.....they gotta doeverything they can to make sure nothing goes down, but I got faith that the SS and crap can protect him well.
I really doubt it. Only way Obama get assasinated is it, the assassination is a inside job.
I'm sure to a lot of folks who really HATE Obama...the person who takes him out would be considered a martyr SMH
I'm so pissed every class I went to today people kept saying 'he's gonna get shot' smh like #$%^ is a joke its not the least bit funny justrepeating stuff they heard frm their friends
Whenever my friends bring this up I say that they're planning for this and security is gonna be tight as hell.
I dont get why some of you think its less likely to happen with him. Not only are people out to get him because of his political views, but there are racistsout there that want to get him also. Bush, Clinton etc never experienced what Obama is going to experience and fear for from racists.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

I'm so pissed every class I went to today people kept saying 'he's gonna get shot' smh like #$%^ is a joke its not the least bit funny just repeating stuff they heard frm their friends
There was some redneck who tried to start a rumor that Obama got shot this morning. He got beat up before the end of 1st hour
If someone wanted to "get" Obama it's too late now.

It can only happen with help from the inside now. It's not going to happen though.
I think he knew what he was getting into when he started running for president. He's gonna stay strapped yo, and as sad as it is to see ignant americansshootin' their leader, Hopefully, things stay calm.

But on a side note** KKK have 70 days, and started plottin
NWA is going to happen all over again. smh
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