There's no excuse for this Vol. Carrying your girls purse

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

I would never ask my man to carry my purse because I don't want him lookin like a !*$$#

If your man look like a &^#%& holding your purse, trust me, it aint the purse...

Get an upgrade yo...

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

I can understand holding it for a minute or two if her arms are sore or it's too heavy, but over the shoulder? Come on dude.
No dude should be holding one @ all. She bought the damn purse and she should carry it. Damn all that "if her arms are tired." O'well, DEAL WITH IT. If you gotta tie your shoes, go to a bench, sit the purse next to you and tie your shoes. Gotta go to the bathroom, sit it on top of the toilet paper dispenser or the coat rack (im sure it has one of these). I aint holdin %%*# for ya but your shoppin bags, and thats rare if i even hold that.
Yay! What a manly gentleman! Here's your cookie macho man!
I ask my husband to hold my stuff if I need my hands/arms free, like if I'm trying on a jacket or something. I wouldn't exactly call that"carrying" it though, he ain't wandering through the mall with it. Well one time something caught his eye and he wandered away with my bag but..oh well
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

I would never ask my man to carry my purse because I don't want him lookin like a !*$$#
That's all it takes?

I carry my wife's purse and the diaper bag when my little one wants to be held by Mommy. No big deal to me.
are those fresh water's?

at anyrate. if im trying something on or i just ask him to hold it for a quick shouldnt be that big of a deal. but he look like he just strollingaround happily with it. why would she let him do that is my question.
Thats a damn shame...

I can understand holding your girl's purse while she is doing something for less than a couple minutes, but walking around with the purse while she'sfully able to do so herself???

And SuperAntigen, you must like carrying purse's since your so secure...Ayo indeed.
I dont see why girls insist on having you carry their purses.. I mean, their shoulders arent broken.
I don't know what's worse, the fact that he's holding her purse or the fact that you took a picture of them just to make a thread on NT
Originally Posted by lu cash

I don't know what's worse, the fact that he's holding her purse or the fact that you took a picture of them just to make a thread on NT

You must be new here...the basis of Niketalk is pics
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thats a damn shame...

I can understand holding your girl's purse while she is doing something for less than a couple minutes, but walking around with the purse while she's fully able to do so herself???

And SuperAntigen, you must like carrying purse's since your so secure...Ayo indeed.

Reread my OG post, figure out where you went wrong in your interpretation, then come back with a better response...




Actually, it doesn't even matter...and you know why...because like I already said, I'm a MAN...and a silly little bag doesn't alter that...

I have what's known as BIG-DIC SWAGGER so I'm always good...if you pray to the Lord, maybe he will bless you with the confidence I have...

My apologies for that last bit of brashness...but it had to be said...

maple5 wrote:
Some of you dudes let your testosterone get the best of you.

If they are in a committed relationship, what does it matter if he carries her purse.
I dont fully agree with you on that. while i dont feel as strongly as most do about it, i think it's completely unnecessary even if they are in a committed relationship. Like, is it cool if he wears her clothes too? Why? Why not just wear man clothes and have man wallets instead of carrying purses?

how do you go from carrying a purse for your girl to wearing your girls clothes?
your counterargument makes no sense.
and women wear mens clothes all the time.
and some have mens wallets...

No, it makes perfect sense. It just doesn't make sense to you because you don't see a problem with men carrying women's person (forno reason), and u see nothing weird about men and women doing the switch-a-roo on clothes. It's cool that you feel like that...if you read my firststatement carefully, you will notice that I said "I don't fully agree." This is not a counterargument, it is an opinion. And yes, because you areso clever, you stated that women wear men's clothes in your argument. Let me clear that up...when me and my girl are done smashing, and she goes to thekitchen to get some water, she will often throw my shirt on. Now, if we were going to the mall, just like the couple we are discussing in this post, and mygirl decides to put on my shirt, my jeans and my kicks, i will politely ask her "What the hell are you doing?"

Just do what's necessary. Don't walk around with your girls bag while her arms are just swinging. That's my OPINION.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

OP is clearly one of those "trained" females...and
at all of you dudes that feel so threatened and exposed at the thought of carrying your woman's bag...

I mean granted, she is carrying other things, there really shouldn't be an issue with it. What you should really be worrying about is how much of a man you really are if you're feeling vulnerable and emasculated at the thought of holding your woman's purse...

I'm a MAN, holding my woman's purse while she attends to something will NOT change that...



What is there to respond too? You like carrying around a purse that isn't yours...we get it.

And why would the rest of us who opt not to carry around our women's bags be "exposed" if we did? If anything since your so cool to do it maybeyour the one that's exposing a bit of themself.

Your apology is accepted.
Originally Posted by Rawk On


A friend and i saw this while walking through the mall this weekend and i had to document this. I doubt he's gay, because they're clearly holding hands and they kissed.
I don't think this is sweet or cute at all and i really don't understand this, NT. Not even if both my arms were broken would i let my man carry my purse for me.

the closest ive gotten was having my shortys bag NEXT to me while waiting for her to try something on
if your girl ask you to hold her purse , cool , you hold it ... once walking is again initiated you hand it right back to her ...
Looks like they came out the store from her trying stuff on and he hasn't given the purse back to her yet.
I've done that to my s/o's and they end up carrying my bag the whole day from me constantly trying stuff on at the mall.
hold not carry ... that is my rule ... there may be a legitimate reason and that is fine .... but walking around carrying it ... $+*!$
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