There's no excuse for this Vol. Carrying your girls purse

I was standing behind my wife as she was unstrapping my son from his car seat. Her purse kept getting in her way so she passed it to me. Normaly I just let herknow I dont do purses...ever...not even for a second, but I reflexed and grabbed it. Then 2.4 seconds later when I realized I had a purse in my hand I put iton top of the car. She hit me with the
and I said why youbreating so hard. Than she
(she browses NT).
Originally Posted by digitalO22

Originally Posted by Rawk On

Not even if both my arms were broken would i let my man carry my purse for me.

If both of your arms were broken you would have bigger problems to think about, like who's gonna wipe your *#!.
Real talk.
My co-workers daughter broke both her wrists skiing.... I know she's wiping with all the motherly love she can give
Originally Posted by archnoobie

Originally Posted by digitalO22

Originally Posted by Rawk On

Not even if both my arms were broken would i let my man carry my purse for me.

If both of your arms were broken you would have bigger problems to think about, like who's gonna wipe your *#!.
Real talk.
My co-workers daughter broke both her wrists skiing.... I know she's wiping with all the motherly love she can give
I think both of you missed the point, but that's okay.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't think its that serious...long as he's not beggin to carry it its fine...maybe he was already holding it and they just started walking...


nope...i've seen a guy come in my job multiple times holding his girls ##!*@ %** dog bag with the dog in it...i think thats worse...
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

i hold my girl's bag when she's in the bathroom at the mall. not on the shoulder though.
Yeah, that's what my ex was handy for at times when it came to hold things for me such as my purse or bags. But, not on the shoulder, justhold it.

Off topic- My ex used to refuse to go in with me at ladies' bra and panties type of stores. At times he would give in to help me pick out things he likedbut only when he thought it was necessary and it would be quick. Other times, he would try to tag along, but he would turn red and say he could not take itand leave to go wait outside. I used to see quite a few boyfriends of some girls going in there right with their girls with no problem. I guess my ex felt lessmanly when it came to it or that it was not a "macho" thing to do.
Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I used to see quite a few boyfriends of some girls going in there right with their girls with no problem.
That's just a disaster waiting to happen.... looking at all the other girls in there.... seeing ones that would look better inthe lingerie that your girl is looking at.... your girl getting all mad when she catches you....
i only carry my wifes bag if
a)she's hella tired


b) i did something wrong at that moment lol

and i ALWAYS hold it like it's a football under my arm hahahhahah
i dont like carrying my gf's bag and i will never put it on my shoulder like that. i grab the top of the bag and carry it akwardly and most times she justgets mad and takes it back.
Some of you dudes let your testosterone get the best of you.

If they are in a committed relationship, what does it matter if he carries her purse.
I dont fully agree with you on that. while i dont feel as strongly as most do about it, i think it's completely unnecessary even if they arein a committed relationship. Like, is it cool if he wears her clothes too? Why? Why not just wear man clothes and have man wallets instead of carrying purses?
if my chick ask me to hold her purse while she is doing something, yes

if my chick ask me to hold her purse while we walk through the mall, no
LOL not for me. I get ask to hold it, we are standing there so i.....damn i dont know what i do. its not held tho.
Originally Posted by maple5

Some of you dudes let your testosterone get the best of you.

If they are in a committed relationship, what does it matter if he carries her purse.
I dont fully agree with you on that. while i dont feel as strongly as most do about it, i think it's completely unnecessary even if they are in a committed relationship. Like, is it cool if he wears her clothes too? Why? Why not just wear man clothes and have man wallets instead of carrying purses?

how do you go from carrying a purse for your girl to wearing your girls clothes?
your counterargument makes no sense.
and women wear mens clothes all the time.
and some have mens wallets...
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