There's no excuse for this Vol. Carrying your girls purse

Originally Posted by akuratl02

if your girl ask you to hold her purse , cool , you hold it ... once walking is again initiated you hand it right back to her ...

Right! you got these dudes trying to act "hard"

knowing damn well if their momma asked them to hold thier purse....they would

immature $%% dudes

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

OP is clearly one of those "trained" females...and
at all of you dudes that feel so threatened and exposed at the thought of carrying your woman's bag...

I mean granted, she is carrying other things, there really shouldn't be an issue with it. What you should really be worrying about is how much of a man you really are if you're feeling vulnerable and emasculated at the thought of holding your woman's purse...

I'm a MAN, holding my woman's purse while she attends to something will NOT change that...



What is there to respond too? You like carrying around a purse that isn't yours...we get it.

And why would the rest of us who opt not to carry around our women's bags be "exposed" if we did? If anything since your so cool to do it maybe your the one that's exposing a bit of themself.

Your apology is accepted.

You clearly dropped out in Kindergarten, hence your lack in comprehension...

Also I like how you took my statement out of context and misconstrued it to better serve your facile attempt at humor and what is arguably, a lacklusterattempt at a rebuttal...silly you...

The interesting thing to note, however, is the fact that your whole argument hinges on the word "carry" or "carrying"...and it's forthis reason, and this reason alone why you emphasized the last part of my sentence and nothing else.

What you didn't see, or probably chose to ignore on purpose, is the fact that I SAID, I wouldn't mindHOLDING my woman's purse. This is no way tantamount to CARRYING mywoman's bag, which is the thesis of you whole argument.

Additionally, one more thing you chose to ignore, is the fact that I SAID, I would HOLD my woman's bag GRANTED SHE WAS CARRYING OTHER THINGS...but once again, you choseto ignore that because you wanted to be funny...hats off to you...

Feel free to quote me where I SAID, "I like carrying around a purse that isn't mine" in my originalpost...I only
at the idea of a bunch of "MEN" feelingthreatened and "exposed" (exposed = being self-conscious about your "identity's" as men) of the fact...but feel free quoteme...I'll wait...


Man, some of you care WAY to much about what other MEN might think of you......

But, you call someone else "AYO" for holding their girls purse?
^ you doin too much fam, talkin about your "thesis" and whatnot. %#% aint that serious...

anyway, wow this dude prancin around the mall with a purse over his shoulder. wild mo son #*## all the security

I hold my girl's purse for her when she asks, but I don't walk around with it on my shoulder like that.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

I can understand holding it for a minute or two if her arms are sore or it's too heavy, but over the shoulder? Come on dude.
No dude should be holding one @ all. She bought the damn purse and she should carry it. Damn all that "if her arms are tired." O'well, DEAL WITH IT. If you gotta tie your shoes, go to a bench, sit the purse next to you and tie your shoes. Gotta go to the bathroom, sit it on top of the toilet paper dispenser or the coat rack (im sure it has one of these). I aint holdin %%*# for ya but your shoppin bags, and thats rare if i even hold that.

dudes got issues.

on the "Why are kids so angrythese days?" tip
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

^ you doin too much fam, talkin about your "thesis" and whatnot. %#% aint that serious...

anyway, wow this dude prancin around the mall with a purse over his shoulder. wild mo son #*## all the security

You's not that serious...but he's trying to be funny on some Original Kings of Comedy type steez...

I just thought I'd really show him how it's done on some Richard Pryor x Eddie Murphy back in the 80's doing stand-ups type steez...


I'll carry my girl's purse if she asks or if I see she needs help. It's nothing to me. At worst, I just look like some guy carrying hisgirl's purse and nothing more/less. The dude that walks up to me snickering or making some kind of joke obviously doesn't have agirlfriend or isn't naturally considerate like I am, so I don't even have to entertain what he thinks. I'm too grown for that. I can"prove" my masculinity at another time if I have to.
Easy...this works for me...

just tell the girl your moms told you to not go near a woman's purse/bag what have you. voila.
Serioulsy, what is the average age of an NT'er nowadays? IMO, you see asian guys holding their womens purse 9/10, if you actually see a guy holding hisgirls purse, and most likey, said girl will be checking out my undeniable masulinty when I pass and snicker to herself that she has her man whipped in a way a+$%+# like me can never be.
NT it is not nor will it ever be acceptable to carry/hold your girls purse. PERIOD.

Would your grandmother ever ask your grandfather to carry her purse? No. Never, b/c they come from a time where men were men and acted as such. Just like Iwould open the door for any girl im out with, pull her chair out, opent he car door, but I am NOT holding a purse. ( unless were in the movies and Im trying tofind that mickey d's cheeseburger I stuffed in there)

what if you were watching American Gangsta and Frank Lucas was hodling his wifeys purse? Not gangsta.
what if Obama was photo'd carrying Michelles bag intot he whitye House? It would be all over the new b/c it is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

The only ones defending this action are the simps suckered into carrying their better/smarter halfs purses.
I eman, the OP is a woman!!!! nuff said
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I was standing behind my wife as she was unstrapping my son from his car seat. Her purse kept getting in her way so she passed it to me. Normaly I just let her know I dont do purses...ever...not even for a second, but I reflexed and grabbed it. Then 2.4 seconds later when I realized I had a purse in my hand I put it on top of the car. She hit me with the
and I said why you breating so hard. Than she
(she browses NT).


but you right no purses ever..
SuperAntigen wrote:

You clearly dropped out in Kindergarten, hence your lack in comprehension...

Also I like how you took my statement out of context and misconstrued it to better serve your facile attempt at humor and what is arguably, a lackluster attempt at a rebuttal...silly you...

The interesting thing to note, however, is the fact that your whole argument hinges on the word "carry" or "carrying"...and it's for this reason, and this reason alone why you emphasized the last part of my sentence and nothing else.

What you didn't see, or probably chose to ignore on purpose, is the fact that I SAID, I wouldn't mind HOLDING my woman's purse. This is no way tantamount to CARRYING my woman's bag, which is the thesis of you whole argument.

Additionally, one more thing you chose to ignore, is the fact that I SAID, I would HOLD my woman's bag GRANTED SHE WAS CARRYING OTHER THINGS...but once again, you chose to ignore that because you wanted to be funny...hats off to you...

Feel free to quote me where I SAID, "I like carrying around a purse that isn't mine" in my original post...I only
at the idea of a bunch of "MEN" feeling threatened and "exposed" (exposed = being self-conscious about your "identity's" as men) of the fact...but feel free quote me...I'll wait...



I knew I would get out of class and see your rebuttal to what I said
...I'll grant you the fact you didn't say in so many words that "You like carrying around a purse that isn't yours." But thegeneral feeling that I get from your first comment was exactly that and I also did it for the lulz. And what is that nonsense your talking about my argument"hinges" on the word carrying? you said youself that the rest of us feel threatned by carrying our women's purse so your implying that youdon't feel threatned by carrying your (supposedly) girls (supposed) purse?

And here's the part where you shoot yourself in the foot:

Additionally, one more thing you chose to ignore, is the fact that I SAID, I would HOLD my woman's bag GRANTED SHE WAS CARRYING OTHER THINGS...but once again, you chose to ignore that because you wanted to be funny...hats off to you...

Why would you opt to hold her bag/purse instead of helping her out with whatever else she was carrying?
What's being a man in doing that?

A woman's bag/purse is exactly that...a woman's

I knew you would try to defend your honor and get at me for what I said about you but you should of just realized you slipped up
Theres no way that man should be carrying that bag. Like people have been saying, hold it for a few mins ok. But to carry it for her is a no no.
LoL i always throw my random things in other girls purses and make them carry it.

I'll hold a purse like i'm holding a bunny by the ears if my girl asks me to while she needs both arms for a something quick but damn, what is thatdude doing with it on his shoulders and casually just walking around the mall like he owns it.

That is a man fail.
are yall dudes really that insecure that you wouldn't even hold your GIRLFRIEND OR WIFE's purse if she needed you to? That's just sad
I'll hold my wife's purse if she needs both hands to look at something or grab something, but just plain carrying it around like that is too far.

Looks like from the picture girl was either too lazy to carrying it, or test the dude to see what he would do.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

SuperAntigen wrote:

You clearly dropped out in Kindergarten, hence your lack in comprehension...

Also I like how you took my statement out of context and misconstrued it to better serve your facile attempt at humor and what is arguably, a lackluster attempt at a rebuttal...silly you...

The interesting thing to note, however, is the fact that your whole argument hinges on the word "carry" or "carrying"...and it's for this reason, and this reason alone why you emphasized the last part of my sentence and nothing else.

What you didn't see, or probably chose to ignore on purpose, is the fact that I SAID, I wouldn't mind HOLDING my woman's purse. This is no way tantamount to CARRYING my woman's bag, which is the thesis of you whole argument.

Additionally, one more thing you chose to ignore, is the fact that I SAID, I would HOLD my woman's bag GRANTED SHE WAS CARRYING OTHER THINGS...but once again, you chose to ignore that because you wanted to be funny...hats off to you...

Feel free to quote me where I SAID, "I like carrying around a purse that isn't mine" in my original post...I only
at the idea of a bunch of "MEN" feeling threatened and "exposed" (exposed = being self-conscious about your "identity's" as men) of the fact...but feel free quote me...I'll wait...



I knew I would get out of class and see your rebuttal to what I said
...I'll grant you the fact you didn't say in so many words that "You like carrying around a purse that isn't yours." But the general feeling that I get from your first comment was exactly that and I also did it for the lulz. And what is that nonsense your talking about my argument "hinges" on the word carrying? you said youself that the rest of us feel threatned by carrying our women's purse so your implying that you don't feel threatned by carrying your (supposedly) girls (supposed) purse?

And here's the part where you shoot yourself in the foot:

Additionally, one more thing you chose to ignore, is the fact that I SAID, I would HOLD my woman's bag GRANTED SHE WAS CARRYING OTHER THINGS...but once again, you chose to ignore that because you wanted to be funny...hats off to you...

Why would you opt to hold her bag/purse instead of helping her out with whatever else she was carrying?
What's being a man in doing that?

A woman's bag/purse is exactly that...a woman's

I knew you would try to defend your honor and get at me for what I said about you but you should of just realized you slipped up

At you nitpicking now...
...If wifey asks me to hold her bag while she attends to otherthings...that's ok with me, I'll hold her bag. If wifey asks me to hold the other things she is carrying as opposed to her bags, that's cool too. Idon't mind holding that as well. It's that simple...

@ you trying your BEST to ridicule me because I don't have a childish mentality like you. The only thing you and many others have proving is justhow "simple" y'all are. I mean seriously...this mentality is akin to the primary school boy logic where lil boys assume that touching anythingbelonging to a girl is going to give them cooties...bunch of grown men...afraid to hold or carry a bag...because it's a "girl" bag...the realissue here is the fact that your masculinity is so easily abraded and jeopardized...

The only reason why I even respond to you is because your foolishness is entertaining and I wouldn't want you to feel as though, your material isunappreciated...

And as for my "honor"...don't worry about it...because it remains pristine, flawless, and forever intact. That's real masculinity brah...


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thats a damn shame...

I can understand holding your girl's purse while she is doing something for less than a couple minutes, but walking around with the purse while she's fully able to do so herself???

And SuperAntigen, you must like carrying purse's since your so secure...Ayo indeed.

Reread my OG post, figure out where you went wrong in your interpretation, then come back with a better response...




Actually, it doesn't even matter...and you know why...because like I already said, I'm a MAN...and a silly little bag doesn't alter that...

I have what's known as BIG-DIC SWAGGER so I'm always good...if you pray to the Lord, maybe he will bless you with the confidence I have...

My apologies for that last bit of brashness...but it had to be said...

Sadly to say, I see this all the time when I'm out in public places.


Is the reaction I always give off to the dudes.
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