There are NO benefits for men to get married.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why? Please explain why you need it please.

Without it you would have _______?

And honest question, be real. Do you think what you and your wife have is stronger than what LDJ and his life long friend have because you went through that ceremony? Be honest here. If so/not, why?
Without it I would have the same exact relationship. But, with it I have pride a sense of pride in calling my lady my wife. With it I have this title that connects us and bonds us together since that title means so much to us.

I need it because, well, that title is personally just important to me and my lady, and so I personally need it to have a word strong enough to discribe our relationship because I surely wouldn't be satisfied with calling her just my GF even if there was no term for wife or being married I would feel like a stronger word was needed. Also, I need to be married to have a family and that gives my life purpose.

No, I don't think what I have is stronger than LDJ especially since I don't know him, and def not because I just got married. So many idiots gettin married that don't have strong relationships.
See the difference between us is I don't agree that the title is what bonds you, I think your history with her is what bonds you. That is the difference in our arguments.
Umm... I guess I'm just not good at explaining things or maybe you haven't been reading my entire posts. That has been exactly what I have been saying this whole time. Stressing that marriage is just a title, but the bond is so much more.

The real difference between me and you is that I actually value the title, you don't need it or care for it. I do. That's all. No hate on either side, I think. Just a difference of a opinion on a word.  Besides that I think we can both agree the bond is the strongest most valuable thing in any relationship.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why? Please explain why you need it please.

Without it you would have _______?

And honest question, be real. Do you think what you and your wife have is stronger than what LDJ and his life long friend have because you went through that ceremony? Be honest here. If so/not, why?
Without it I would have the same exact relationship. But, with it I have pride a sense of pride in calling my lady my wife. With it I have this title that connects us and bonds us together since that title means so much to us.

I need it because, well, that title is personally just important to me and my lady, and so I personally need it to have a word strong enough to discribe our relationship because I surely wouldn't be satisfied with calling her just my GF even if there was no term for wife or being married I would feel like a stronger word was needed. Also, I need to be married to have a family and that gives my life purpose.

No, I don't think what I have is stronger than LDJ especially since I don't know him, and def not because I just got married. So many idiots gettin married that don't have strong relationships.
See the difference between us is I don't agree that the title is what bonds you, I think your history with her is what bonds you. That is the difference in our arguments.
Umm... I guess I'm just not good at explaining things or maybe you haven't been reading my entire posts. That has been exactly what I have been saying this whole time. Stressing that marriage is just a title, but the bond is so much more.

The real difference between me and you is that I actually value the title, you don't need it or care for it. I do. That's all. No hate on either side, I think. Just a difference of a opinion on a word.  Besides that I think we can both agree the bond is the strongest most valuable thing in any relationship.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down



So know its if you arent married etc under god yadda yadda then your not grown up or a man. Lol thats funny. First ppl say a real man is a guy who is his own man and does depends on no one and lives life on his own terms. Then its so long as his terms and ideas is inline with mines lol. Marriage/kids doesnt make you a man it makes a father and a person in a legal binded relationship where you vowed undying unconditionally love so long as you follow the conditions/beliefs/values i set forth and believe in.
Annualplus, have a good life man. Dont worry about the next man so much just do you. If you read what I said early the purpose of this thread was just to inform others that there are different options and you dont have to follow the norm. I am not promoting seniors citizen smashing.  

Here are my thoughts with typical American marriages and beautiful Americanized women. (Based from family, friends, experience)

I feel majority of Americanized women have killed chivarly/marriage. There is a sense of entitlement they give off like all guys owe them something because there beautiful. They might also use the feminist card, but only when it benefits them. They see thses things in movies or read in those gossip magazines written by other women who claim to know all about what men want. I want men not to worship these kind of women. Change the culture of dating for better words even tho I know this is not going to happen. Just think if there wasnt so many guys worshipping these girls then maybe they would not expect things and appreciate more guys, not just bypass them because there average, too nice or whatever. How come its generally ok for these kind of women to be the trophy wife, but when the roles are reversed then the guy is looked as a loser? How come these type of women seem to always marry up. These women are complicated, but men we just want a more old fashioned beautiful down to earth type girl that knows when to !+*$. $ is usually not something that would make or break a girl. What I am getting at is that these women have a window of desirability. Generally 18-30. After that women do start to decline. Then there not so picky, and settle for Mr. good enough. (Usually the guys that were given no time of day when these broads were in their prime.) Yea guys do as well, but girls usually dont fall for attractive dudes. They are attracted to $ Power and Fame. While there in their prime they use and abuse guys for all they can get. Why do us males continue to settle for this type of behavior?

I just hate seeing dudes knock up a girl/get married cause they think its the next step in life, but they fail to realize what their future reality entails. There dreams/potential are now lost. Generally there is weight gain once the girl gets comfortable or has a kid.  Alot of the time sex declines or is used as a bargaining tool. It just becomes about maintaining a household rather then the initial romance. The husband alot the times becomes the last priority after work/kids etc. Many men are delusional and are to {} to keep it real with there spouse. So they take the nagging and the looks going down. Which I feel is disrespectful to the guy. Granted he is still keeping in shape himself. This kills the so called "in love" feeling. But when married and or with kids there stuck in a dead end. Divorce will cost alot and vaginamony is also award usually. Its like why do you have to pay women to get away if the relationship is dead? The courts are usually biased in favor of the women. 

I just want the males to think about it logically and dont let outside factors influence you. Figure out YOUR true Happiness.

I say avoid these Americanized types of girls and look elseware.

Yes I know there are exceptions to every rule. I would just like to see more.

Having a true relationship or being a good parent >

BTW my parents have been married for 25 years.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down



So know its if you arent married etc under god yadda yadda then your not grown up or a man. Lol thats funny. First ppl say a real man is a guy who is his own man and does depends on no one and lives life on his own terms. Then its so long as his terms and ideas is inline with mines lol. Marriage/kids doesnt make you a man it makes a father and a person in a legal binded relationship where you vowed undying unconditionally love so long as you follow the conditions/beliefs/values i set forth and believe in.
Annualplus, have a good life man. Dont worry about the next man so much just do you. If you read what I said early the purpose of this thread was just to inform others that there are different options and you dont have to follow the norm. I am not promoting seniors citizen smashing.  

Here are my thoughts with typical American marriages and beautiful Americanized women. (Based from family, friends, experience)

I feel majority of Americanized women have killed chivarly/marriage. There is a sense of entitlement they give off like all guys owe them something because there beautiful. They might also use the feminist card, but only when it benefits them. They see thses things in movies or read in those gossip magazines written by other women who claim to know all about what men want. I want men not to worship these kind of women. Change the culture of dating for better words even tho I know this is not going to happen. Just think if there wasnt so many guys worshipping these girls then maybe they would not expect things and appreciate more guys, not just bypass them because there average, too nice or whatever. How come its generally ok for these kind of women to be the trophy wife, but when the roles are reversed then the guy is looked as a loser? How come these type of women seem to always marry up. These women are complicated, but men we just want a more old fashioned beautiful down to earth type girl that knows when to !+*$. $ is usually not something that would make or break a girl. What I am getting at is that these women have a window of desirability. Generally 18-30. After that women do start to decline. Then there not so picky, and settle for Mr. good enough. (Usually the guys that were given no time of day when these broads were in their prime.) Yea guys do as well, but girls usually dont fall for attractive dudes. They are attracted to $ Power and Fame. While there in their prime they use and abuse guys for all they can get. Why do us males continue to settle for this type of behavior?

I just hate seeing dudes knock up a girl/get married cause they think its the next step in life, but they fail to realize what their future reality entails. There dreams/potential are now lost. Generally there is weight gain once the girl gets comfortable or has a kid.  Alot of the time sex declines or is used as a bargaining tool. It just becomes about maintaining a household rather then the initial romance. The husband alot the times becomes the last priority after work/kids etc. Many men are delusional and are to {} to keep it real with there spouse. So they take the nagging and the looks going down. Which I feel is disrespectful to the guy. Granted he is still keeping in shape himself. This kills the so called "in love" feeling. But when married and or with kids there stuck in a dead end. Divorce will cost alot and vaginamony is also award usually. Its like why do you have to pay women to get away if the relationship is dead? The courts are usually biased in favor of the women. 

I just want the males to think about it logically and dont let outside factors influence you. Figure out YOUR true Happiness.

I say avoid these Americanized types of girls and look elseware.

Yes I know there are exceptions to every rule. I would just like to see more.

Having a true relationship or being a good parent >

BTW my parents have been married for 25 years.
Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by ricky409

lol @ the ages getting father and farther aprt.

first, yall didnt wanna be a 65 year old chasing a 25..

now its 89 chasing 20...


you act like by the time people get that age, that havent married AND divorced atleast twice.


and who's gonna have their sex drive pumpin at 89? who's gonna even give a damb about society at 89? you ever met an 89 year old, fambs??

20s - you dont have to be married cuz you're young.

30s - you dont have to be married cuz that's the prime of your life.

40s and 50s - you dont have to be married cuz your intelligence and paper is the longest in your life... also, many, MANY people get divorces at this age.

why? their kids have grown up.

60s + - you dont have to marry cuz you an old man, fambs. you can still catch from 40 years old and up, and by this time, you dont care what other think anyway.

what am i missing??
Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down


My Gma got remarried on her 80th bday. I guess there are benefits to getting married at any age, I mean you get pretty lonely at that age. Is this good for everyone though? Nope
Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by ricky409

lol @ the ages getting father and farther aprt.

first, yall didnt wanna be a 65 year old chasing a 25..

now its 89 chasing 20...


you act like by the time people get that age, that havent married AND divorced atleast twice.


and who's gonna have their sex drive pumpin at 89? who's gonna even give a damb about society at 89? you ever met an 89 year old, fambs??

20s - you dont have to be married cuz you're young.

30s - you dont have to be married cuz that's the prime of your life.

40s and 50s - you dont have to be married cuz your intelligence and paper is the longest in your life... also, many, MANY people get divorces at this age.

why? their kids have grown up.

60s + - you dont have to marry cuz you an old man, fambs. you can still catch from 40 years old and up, and by this time, you dont care what other think anyway.

what am i missing??
Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down


My Gma got remarried on her 80th bday. I guess there are benefits to getting married at any age, I mean you get pretty lonely at that age. Is this good for everyone though? Nope
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq


Did I just say polygamous?
 Sorry ya'll, I meant monogamous.


But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq


Did I just say polygamous?
 Sorry ya'll, I meant monogamous.


But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

My dude I don't think you know what love is.  And I also don't know why you tried to throw all those variables into Keiths situation.  When you love something truly you will do anything for it, you will take risk.  Love gives you tunnel vision.  So if you rather be a doctor than play overseas guess love medicine not basketball.  Can you love both? I guess but the point of this thread was your one true love.  Basketball can't be your one true love if you have the talent and ability but won't pursue it.  Kobe wouldn't be working at foot locker if he could get $ hooping. 

1. I don't know what love is because I don't believe all people SHOW love the SAME ways as the next man? Ok.

2. Variable into Keith's situation, last time I checked life is FULL of variables. So how can you dismiss variables of a hypothetical situation? You lost me there.

3. When you love something you do ANYTHING for it? Says who? Again, who is writing these rules for this definition of love? I love my friends, but I wouldn't DIE for any of those dudes. Does that mean I don't truly love them? Not at all.

4. Love gives tunnel vision? Again, says who? So the only way to truly be in love means you aren't coherent of reality?

5. I would rather be a doctor than play ball means I don't love playing ball? Now we are only allowed to love one thing at once? Again, says who? Why does love have to be an either or thing? Why does it have to be an all for nothing thing?

I just think our definition of the word love is different. I explained that in this response.

I think our definition of love is different also.  What you call "love" I call "really like".  I love my mother, father, brother, and some other relatives.  I really like most of my relatives and some close friends.  I love basketball.  I really like drawing.  I just don't throw the word around.  So who made these rules?  I guess there are no rules but I feel like the word shouldn't be thrown around.  Love is the highest form of passion and respect. 

As for a man cheating on his wife.  I do believe you can slip up once and still love your wife.  But it also depends on the situation.  If you are out screwing your secretary twice a week then naw son you don't love her.  Everybody can slip up once but you gotta be strong in a marriage. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

My dude I don't think you know what love is.  And I also don't know why you tried to throw all those variables into Keiths situation.  When you love something truly you will do anything for it, you will take risk.  Love gives you tunnel vision.  So if you rather be a doctor than play overseas guess love medicine not basketball.  Can you love both? I guess but the point of this thread was your one true love.  Basketball can't be your one true love if you have the talent and ability but won't pursue it.  Kobe wouldn't be working at foot locker if he could get $ hooping. 

1. I don't know what love is because I don't believe all people SHOW love the SAME ways as the next man? Ok.

2. Variable into Keith's situation, last time I checked life is FULL of variables. So how can you dismiss variables of a hypothetical situation? You lost me there.

3. When you love something you do ANYTHING for it? Says who? Again, who is writing these rules for this definition of love? I love my friends, but I wouldn't DIE for any of those dudes. Does that mean I don't truly love them? Not at all.

4. Love gives tunnel vision? Again, says who? So the only way to truly be in love means you aren't coherent of reality?

5. I would rather be a doctor than play ball means I don't love playing ball? Now we are only allowed to love one thing at once? Again, says who? Why does love have to be an either or thing? Why does it have to be an all for nothing thing?

I just think our definition of the word love is different. I explained that in this response.

I think our definition of love is different also.  What you call "love" I call "really like".  I love my mother, father, brother, and some other relatives.  I really like most of my relatives and some close friends.  I love basketball.  I really like drawing.  I just don't throw the word around.  So who made these rules?  I guess there are no rules but I feel like the word shouldn't be thrown around.  Love is the highest form of passion and respect. 

As for a man cheating on his wife.  I do believe you can slip up once and still love your wife.  But it also depends on the situation.  If you are out screwing your secretary twice a week then naw son you don't love her.  Everybody can slip up once but you gotta be strong in a marriage. 
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Did I just say polygamous?
 Sorry ya'll, I meant monogamous.


But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now


Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Did I just say polygamous?
 Sorry ya'll, I meant monogamous.


But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now


The definition of marriage, which in itself is a religious term - flawed already, does not take away it's inclusion with something much more meaningful- commitment. Marriage has little to do with love, love alone won't work-our divorce rates prove that. People think it's universal studios and the answer is always love- nah.  Anyone who is can attest that marriage is about commitment. Some show it by not getting married and being faithful and all that, and don't need a ring. MAybe some men need to be scared of God a little to not cheat..Meh. At the end of the day it is a choice, got a few boys who live with their woman, and have kids. Take care of them - committed, but smash on the daily behind their woman's back. We already know the things certain married guys too. All that does is justify that it is ones choice to be faithful. Some feel that at a certain point in life, it's the right move, and that is where I lean towards. If a girl that special to me, why wouldn't I want her to have my name? I do know that I know an equal amount of married and living with baby mommas is faithful and unfaithful. Depends on what you want out of it.
Edit: Some take too serious 
The definition of marriage, which in itself is a religious term - flawed already, does not take away it's inclusion with something much more meaningful- commitment. Marriage has little to do with love, love alone won't work-our divorce rates prove that. People think it's universal studios and the answer is always love- nah.  Anyone who is can attest that marriage is about commitment. Some show it by not getting married and being faithful and all that, and don't need a ring. MAybe some men need to be scared of God a little to not cheat..Meh. At the end of the day it is a choice, got a few boys who live with their woman, and have kids. Take care of them - committed, but smash on the daily behind their woman's back. We already know the things certain married guys too. All that does is justify that it is ones choice to be faithful. Some feel that at a certain point in life, it's the right move, and that is where I lean towards. If a girl that special to me, why wouldn't I want her to have my name? I do know that I know an equal amount of married and living with baby mommas is faithful and unfaithful. Depends on what you want out of it.
Edit: Some take too serious 
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by LDJ

But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now




I'm a try to stay away from the inevitable opened can of worms
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by LDJ

But please explain this to me real talk, how and why do ppl go before god, and somehow over look all the sinning and false following, and hypocricy in their religious convictions, then say and ask god to over look this lifetime of actions and please approve this union between us to, then vow that they will always have a undying unconditional love, then say oh well if my wife/husband lie/cheat etc do something i dont like and then im leaving aka divorce? Wouldnt that be conditions then? ill be married love you etc so long as you do/dont do this. So essentially you lied to god, yet believe he gave you blessings although you are a wishy washy follower and you swore boldface lied to him in his house? Cause the vows do say unconditionally to death do us part. And cheating isnt death, losing a job isnt death, not taking me out treating me like you use to isnt death. Or are you saying that those things are death?
LDJ wins again. For like the 20th time now




I'm a try to stay away from the inevitable opened can of worms
Apparently a lot of folks don't know the origins of marriage.
It had very little to do with love. In fact, it had probably nothing to do with love.

Life is governed by incentives and disincentives; carrots and sticks. Present day marriage (at least in the Western world) completely screws up this natural system. 

In layman's terms, both parties come to the rational conclusion that the other party "ain't going anywhere". There's no incentive to keep the other party happy so that they don't run off and find someone who can. Both parties have an incentive to become complacent. This in turn starts to whittle down the relationship. Then you bring children into the picture and now the woman (with the aid of the legal system) has the guy completely by the balls. I know a lot of married women know this because it's a completely rational thought. I don't blame them for knowing  this and acting on it. They have an incentive to do so. 

Women want marriage because it turns an equal relationship into one where they start to assume more and more power (with the aid of the law). In developing countries, the opposite is true. Men like marriage because they hold the power. 

A relationship works at it's most optimal when there is a balance of power between the two sides. Then there are incentives for both parties to keep the other happy and interested. The knowledge that one may party may leave at any time  drives both parties to keep that from happening. 

Marriage isn;t good for relationships which have that balance. It may be good for unbalanced relationships but those relationships are not optimal in the first place. 
Apparently a lot of folks don't know the origins of marriage.
It had very little to do with love. In fact, it had probably nothing to do with love.

Life is governed by incentives and disincentives; carrots and sticks. Present day marriage (at least in the Western world) completely screws up this natural system. 

In layman's terms, both parties come to the rational conclusion that the other party "ain't going anywhere". There's no incentive to keep the other party happy so that they don't run off and find someone who can. Both parties have an incentive to become complacent. This in turn starts to whittle down the relationship. Then you bring children into the picture and now the woman (with the aid of the legal system) has the guy completely by the balls. I know a lot of married women know this because it's a completely rational thought. I don't blame them for knowing  this and acting on it. They have an incentive to do so. 

Women want marriage because it turns an equal relationship into one where they start to assume more and more power (with the aid of the law). In developing countries, the opposite is true. Men like marriage because they hold the power. 

A relationship works at it's most optimal when there is a balance of power between the two sides. Then there are incentives for both parties to keep the other happy and interested. The knowledge that one may party may leave at any time  drives both parties to keep that from happening. 

Marriage isn;t good for relationships which have that balance. It may be good for unbalanced relationships but those relationships are not optimal in the first place. 
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