There are NO benefits for men to get married.

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Plus, if a divorce happens, most of the time the state gives the child to the FATHER, for custody, not the mom.

We might want to start adopting this format here in the USA.
What for? Can a father breast feed an infant? Babies and children need there mothers.  It's like that in the animal kingdom. The reason why fathers would get custody and not the mothers in that kind of culture is because it's laced with property. 

 Also, in these cultures, it is a patriarchal society. The man holds the family name, he is the breadwinner and brings the finances. Over there in those countries, if the custody goes to the mom, she doesn't have financial means to support the child. The mom gets no child support. There is no such thing as benefits or a welfare state over there. In some of the countries, they will allow the child to be with the mom until the age of 7 or until the child is 14.

One girl I know that got married, comes here to live for a bit with the husband. Then goes back home. Then back home things go awry and there's a divorce.  Ex-husband serves her with papers, and boom, she loses the kid. She comes back here childless. That's the Middle East for you. It's a man's world.

The way the system is built here is more of a state as being a provider to the less unfortunate. In most cases, if the custody goes to the mother, she is seen as the one needing the support to raise the child. So that is why the state is in favour to the mom.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Plus, if a divorce happens, most of the time the state gives the child to the FATHER, for custody, not the mom.

We might want to start adopting this format here in the USA.
What for? Can a father breast feed an infant? Babies and children need there mothers.  It's like that in the animal kingdom. The reason why fathers would get custody and not the mothers in that kind of culture is because it's laced with property. 

 Also, in these cultures, it is a patriarchal society. The man holds the family name, he is the breadwinner and brings the finances. Over there in those countries, if the custody goes to the mom, she doesn't have financial means to support the child. The mom gets no child support. There is no such thing as benefits or a welfare state over there. In some of the countries, they will allow the child to be with the mom until the age of 7 or until the child is 14.

One girl I know that got married, comes here to live for a bit with the husband. Then goes back home. Then back home things go awry and there's a divorce.  Ex-husband serves her with papers, and boom, she loses the kid. She comes back here childless. That's the Middle East for you. It's a man's world.

The way the system is built here is more of a state as being a provider to the less unfortunate. In most cases, if the custody goes to the mother, she is seen as the one needing the support to raise the child. So that is why the state is in favour to the mom.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Don't even get me started on this subject. Courts have raped me as a father you have no rights.
If its not too much to type I would like to hear what happened.


Basically I have my daughter half the time if not 70 percent of the time some weeks. I pay child support as if I had her one weekend a month. Its a joke. I will get it reduced if not stop paying all together some time but its such a long process I don't have time to do it now. The trade off is I claim my daughter and make about 10k every tax time. But its BS even paying child support.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Don't even get me started on this subject. Courts have raped me as a father you have no rights.
If its not too much to type I would like to hear what happened.


Basically I have my daughter half the time if not 70 percent of the time some weeks. I pay child support as if I had her one weekend a month. Its a joke. I will get it reduced if not stop paying all together some time but its such a long process I don't have time to do it now. The trade off is I claim my daughter and make about 10k every tax time. But its BS even paying child support.
I think I've just given up on the idea having a good marriage with a good husband... it seems more like a fairy tale to be honest with you. I'll just let society 'win' I can be happy single.
 Btw "old lady" "main chick" sounds even worse. I dont see how people cant understand where I'm coming from society doesnt praise the faithful, good woman its always the girl thats taking off her clothes and vying for male attention. NT is a perfect example of this...
Do men seem to flock towards the half naked attention seekers? Yep, and the decent chick on the sidelines is like 'What the hell, man?' But you know what? That decent chick is locked in on some cocky, billy bad-a, deadbeat dad type, leaving decent dudes on the sidelines like 'Really? Have fun getting beat down and wondering how you're gonna get out, I guess.'

For every chick wondering why it's so difficult for a faithful, good woman to get the praise and attention of males, there's some dude out there wondering why it's so difficult for a faithful, humble man to get some shine. Tons of good women are thinking "I guess I have to start slutting it up to get a decent guy" while tons of good men are thinking "I guess I need to be a more arrogant jerk to get a decent guy."


Didn't know you rolled like that, ska. You free this weekend? I'm an arrogant jerk. 

Oh snap.
I think I've just given up on the idea having a good marriage with a good husband... it seems more like a fairy tale to be honest with you. I'll just let society 'win' I can be happy single.
 Btw "old lady" "main chick" sounds even worse. I dont see how people cant understand where I'm coming from society doesnt praise the faithful, good woman its always the girl thats taking off her clothes and vying for male attention. NT is a perfect example of this...
Do men seem to flock towards the half naked attention seekers? Yep, and the decent chick on the sidelines is like 'What the hell, man?' But you know what? That decent chick is locked in on some cocky, billy bad-a, deadbeat dad type, leaving decent dudes on the sidelines like 'Really? Have fun getting beat down and wondering how you're gonna get out, I guess.'

For every chick wondering why it's so difficult for a faithful, good woman to get the praise and attention of males, there's some dude out there wondering why it's so difficult for a faithful, humble man to get some shine. Tons of good women are thinking "I guess I have to start slutting it up to get a decent guy" while tons of good men are thinking "I guess I need to be a more arrogant jerk to get a decent guy."


Didn't know you rolled like that, ska. You free this weekend? I'm an arrogant jerk. 

Oh snap.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down


My Gma got remarried on her 80th bday. I guess there are benefits to getting married at any age, I mean you get pretty lonely at that age. Is this good for everyone though? Nope
"that's a BINGO! that how you say it?"
marriage is not for everyone. i do however feel someday i will be ready for it and for those who don't....hey do you, just know there's nothing like comming home to your child and a woman you love waiting for you (long story short i know, i have a child and her and her mom more than likely will be moving in with me within a year's time - extenuating circumstances currently prevent this) 

.........but the title of the thread is "there are NO benefits for men getting married."

i am goin to shut that still1rise crap down.....easy

as for antons Different Strokes gif.....i guess my analogy of putting yourself in the creator's shoes (since we were made in His image) apparently went over your head.

i try to speak secularly to appeal to your atheistic train of thought but.....maybe you should just loosen up that fruity trench coat you wear.  i think its depriving your brain of much needed oxygen.

and nah i dont equate not getting married with being immature......i just say don't knock it till ya try it......and we all start off single so we've all tried that now, haven't we?
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by AnnualPlusSome

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Makes sense to me. These are the benefits of being a man with no biological time clock. Check out my dude Charlie Chaplin.
But I thought I was the only one who thought the age thing was
. 89 tho? I dont even want to be alive then. This thread is outta control. 


89?  my grandmothers 94?.....95? and still living on her and own and mentally stable.

as for whose not gonna be married or divorced twice by that age?

a) people in a successful marriage (as successful as can be possible)

b) people like OP who are think marriage is for the birds.......famb

as for the age differences 20 and 89 were the ages of the WOMEN these brad pitts are going to be chasing when they're that old....still tryin to play the game and not having grown up by that point is it doesnt matter if these 89 year old brad pitts are trying to chase 20 year olds or women their own's still whack trying to be stubborn and say you tryin to live that bachelor life. IMO

89 though is just a random old age i throw out there....60's 70's same thing.  At some point the skirt chasing is going to get old and you're priorities will or SHOULD change.

and that's great our biological clocks arent as confining as that of the fairer sex......great, you can father a newborn at 72 and look like a complete %*@*#$@!% changing your own pampers and your childs one after the other

read correctly you two and next time you won't get so shut down


My Gma got remarried on her 80th bday. I guess there are benefits to getting married at any age, I mean you get pretty lonely at that age. Is this good for everyone though? Nope
"that's a BINGO! that how you say it?"
marriage is not for everyone. i do however feel someday i will be ready for it and for those who don't....hey do you, just know there's nothing like comming home to your child and a woman you love waiting for you (long story short i know, i have a child and her and her mom more than likely will be moving in with me within a year's time - extenuating circumstances currently prevent this) 

.........but the title of the thread is "there are NO benefits for men getting married."

i am goin to shut that still1rise crap down.....easy

as for antons Different Strokes gif.....i guess my analogy of putting yourself in the creator's shoes (since we were made in His image) apparently went over your head.

i try to speak secularly to appeal to your atheistic train of thought but.....maybe you should just loosen up that fruity trench coat you wear.  i think its depriving your brain of much needed oxygen.

and nah i dont equate not getting married with being immature......i just say don't knock it till ya try it......and we all start off single so we've all tried that now, haven't we?
just know there's nothing like comming home to your child and a woman you love waiting for you


i LOVE the feeling.  after a hard day, i come home and my kids greet me and i get the biggest hug and best kiss of my life from my wife.  with steak and jordan XII cookies.  no lie.

one of the most recent moments i will hold dear to myself.  last year, my father came to visit us and we had our 1st annual memorial day bbq.  i didn't think anything of it because this is the norm for me.  we just bought our house at that time, so we invited our friends.  had drinks.  played wii.  the usual cheesy american holiday where we should be celebrating our vets but have a bbq instead.  my father, who is in his mid-50's, he is a senior project manager working at aerospace in los angeles.  his new crib is CRAZY and has the nice truck for the weekends and crap car for commuting on weekends.  living the LA lifestyle.  makes more than i'll ever see as far as income.  he said he was 'jealous' of me.  he has commitment issues too w/ dating casually this woman he's been seeing for 10 yrs.  i understand dudes not wanting marriage, but that could be YOU if you keep that attitude.  proof right there is that money and freedom don't keep you happy.  it's that simple need for companionship and love that men and women want.  and in some cases, a family.


ANY woman that goes this extra mile 'just because' is a keeper.
just know there's nothing like comming home to your child and a woman you love waiting for you


i LOVE the feeling.  after a hard day, i come home and my kids greet me and i get the biggest hug and best kiss of my life from my wife.  with steak and jordan XII cookies.  no lie.

one of the most recent moments i will hold dear to myself.  last year, my father came to visit us and we had our 1st annual memorial day bbq.  i didn't think anything of it because this is the norm for me.  we just bought our house at that time, so we invited our friends.  had drinks.  played wii.  the usual cheesy american holiday where we should be celebrating our vets but have a bbq instead.  my father, who is in his mid-50's, he is a senior project manager working at aerospace in los angeles.  his new crib is CRAZY and has the nice truck for the weekends and crap car for commuting on weekends.  living the LA lifestyle.  makes more than i'll ever see as far as income.  he said he was 'jealous' of me.  he has commitment issues too w/ dating casually this woman he's been seeing for 10 yrs.  i understand dudes not wanting marriage, but that could be YOU if you keep that attitude.  proof right there is that money and freedom don't keep you happy.  it's that simple need for companionship and love that men and women want.  and in some cases, a family.


ANY woman that goes this extra mile 'just because' is a keeper.
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by dreaface

After reading the first part of this thread, I am surprised at how many men disagreed with OP. I am glad to see that there are a few men out there who do want to get married. As a woman, I have never been sold on the idea of marriage. [Let me just say, I dont think I'll be having kids either. If I wanted kids then I would of course want to be married.] I think I just have commitment issues and seeing how much our society hates the idea of marriage (esp. from a man's perspective) I just find it impossible for to people to make it last. There is just something about the word "wife" that leaves a bad taste in my mouth
 this might be the saddest statement I've ever read on NT.  Maybe you are around the wrong people if the word "wife" leaves a bad tast in your mouth.  Being somebody's "old lady" or "main chick" should leave a bad taste in your mouth.  Your whole post gives off a vibe of defeat and low self-esteem. 
Idk why you would say low self- esteem... defeat maybe... I think I've just given up on the idea having a good marriage with a good husband... it seems more like a fairy tale to be honest with you. I'll just let society 'win' I can be happy single.
 Btw "old lady" "main chick" sounds even worse. I dont see how people cant understand where I'm coming from society doesnt praise the faithful, good woman its always the girl thats taking off her clothes and vying for male attention. NT is a perfect example of this...

sex sells.
some of those male sex consumers move on to seek a true invaluable treasure

a good woman/wife is never for sale.....

....i think dc has a crush on drea 
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by dreaface

After reading the first part of this thread, I am surprised at how many men disagreed with OP. I am glad to see that there are a few men out there who do want to get married. As a woman, I have never been sold on the idea of marriage. [Let me just say, I dont think I'll be having kids either. If I wanted kids then I would of course want to be married.] I think I just have commitment issues and seeing how much our society hates the idea of marriage (esp. from a man's perspective) I just find it impossible for to people to make it last. There is just something about the word "wife" that leaves a bad taste in my mouth
 this might be the saddest statement I've ever read on NT.  Maybe you are around the wrong people if the word "wife" leaves a bad tast in your mouth.  Being somebody's "old lady" or "main chick" should leave a bad taste in your mouth.  Your whole post gives off a vibe of defeat and low self-esteem. 
Idk why you would say low self- esteem... defeat maybe... I think I've just given up on the idea having a good marriage with a good husband... it seems more like a fairy tale to be honest with you. I'll just let society 'win' I can be happy single.
 Btw "old lady" "main chick" sounds even worse. I dont see how people cant understand where I'm coming from society doesnt praise the faithful, good woman its always the girl thats taking off her clothes and vying for male attention. NT is a perfect example of this...

sex sells.
some of those male sex consumers move on to seek a true invaluable treasure

a good woman/wife is never for sale.....

....i think dc has a crush on drea 
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


1. How is your relationship of 5 years? Are you happy or comfortable? Do you have enough faith in yourself and him (as a man) to think that you two could take this to the next step?

2. If not ^, are you willing to just being "together" for the rest of your lives and not get married?
I am happy and I think that everyone who gets married is happy but yet there is such a high divorce rate... so its still would be a decision based on hope.... I think he wants to get married and have a family down the line... I'm not married yet so I think its a decision i have to make for myself. We are no where near making that type of commitment to each other... so we dont talk about it much.
No way you anywhere close to late 20's. That clock will start clicking soon enough. 
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


1. How is your relationship of 5 years? Are you happy or comfortable? Do you have enough faith in yourself and him (as a man) to think that you two could take this to the next step?

2. If not ^, are you willing to just being "together" for the rest of your lives and not get married?
I am happy and I think that everyone who gets married is happy but yet there is such a high divorce rate... so its still would be a decision based on hope.... I think he wants to get married and have a family down the line... I'm not married yet so I think its a decision i have to make for myself. We are no where near making that type of commitment to each other... so we dont talk about it much.
No way you anywhere close to late 20's. That clock will start clicking soon enough. 
anyone watch tosh last night. the remake about marriage being way way way worse. makes u never want to get married.
anyone watch tosh last night. the remake about marriage being way way way worse. makes u never want to get married.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Plus, if a divorce happens, most of the time the state gives the child to the FATHER, for custody, not the mom.

We might want to start adopting this format here in the USA.
What for? Can a father breast feed an infant? Babies and children need there mothers.  It's like that in the animal kingdom. The reason why fathers would get custody and not the mothers in that kind of culture is because it's laced with property. 

Um this would make some sort of logic if more then 13.7% of mothers breast feed. So are you saying a woman can mix/make formula better then a man? Are you saying woman can change diapers/wipe butts/wash clothes etc better then men? Maybe you didnt have a father in your household but men are just as adequate as woman when it comes to the loving and caring of children.

Again its these stereotypical ancient ideals that ppl hold on to. Its funny how alot of woman dont want to be type-cast ito these roles aka the man is the boss, should wait on him hand and foot, be under his servitude aka donna reed,cleavers etc. Be on some independence, but yet want a man to treat and use chilvary like men did back in those days. So which is it you wanna be viewed treated how many women use to be viewed back in the day, or you want to be viewed as the i am everyone ms independent woman of today?
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Plus, if a divorce happens, most of the time the state gives the child to the FATHER, for custody, not the mom.

We might want to start adopting this format here in the USA.
What for? Can a father breast feed an infant? Babies and children need there mothers.  It's like that in the animal kingdom. The reason why fathers would get custody and not the mothers in that kind of culture is because it's laced with property. 

Um this would make some sort of logic if more then 13.7% of mothers breast feed. So are you saying a woman can mix/make formula better then a man? Are you saying woman can change diapers/wipe butts/wash clothes etc better then men? Maybe you didnt have a father in your household but men are just as adequate as woman when it comes to the loving and caring of children.

Again its these stereotypical ancient ideals that ppl hold on to. Its funny how alot of woman dont want to be type-cast ito these roles aka the man is the boss, should wait on him hand and foot, be under his servitude aka donna reed,cleavers etc. Be on some independence, but yet want a man to treat and use chilvary like men did back in those days. So which is it you wanna be viewed treated how many women use to be viewed back in the day, or you want to be viewed as the i am everyone ms independent woman of today?
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