the thread about nothing...

Latest Event: Santa Monica CA
Arrival Scan - November 26, 2012 8:30:00 AM

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i usually don't ride w/ these dudes, but this **** is kinda funny.


Awesome...I can understand some of their sketches are hit or miss - and tend to start incredibly well and end poorly, but these two guys are the best doing it skit wise and deserve more praise/notoriety

Their costume design team is killing it
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don't get mad at me if you end up disappointed.
but i agree on w/ you on the forced part.
this one is good tho,

but like you said they force it, if they would have gone for 30-45 seconds then cut to the apology they would have had gold. that apology was the pay off

Agreed on the last spoiler...they always seem to go just a little toooo long
Posted this in the PS3 thread, figured I post this here as well... Where the TV and tech gadget heads at?

Anyone know how to reduce or completely rid of input lag on big screen LED TVs? I tried tampering with every single setting on my PS3 and every display/picture buffering setting for my TV, but to no avail..

I even reduced the picture from 1080p to 720p and disabled the 240HZ refresh rate but I still get very bad input lag. Was playing 2K13 and a button press is delayed and responds 2 secs later. I looked all over TV forums and a lotta people have the same issue... Does anyone have the same issue and have found a fix? I have a Panasonic Viera 55' LED smart TV if that matters.

BTW, does the type of HDMI cable make a difference in picture quality or input lag?
All HDMI cable work the same.You can get a cheap one and it still have the same quality as an expensive one.

almost-- only over much longer distances does it start to matter (signal degradation but who even runs cables that long anyways)

monoprice is your best bet for cables of any sort.

generally speaking, in today's market
LED and LCD panels have the most lag, plasma and DLP have the closest to no lag.

most LED and LCD panels try to compensate by adding a "game" picture mode so if you have that try it out.

this is from my experience if anyone knows more i'd love to learn.
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper :smh: :nerd: ...

I hate speeches too, but I've gotten over it.

Speak slowly. Sometimes you just want to get it over with so you'll speak very quickly, which can lead to fumbled and mumbled words. If you have a note card, use it, but don't put your entire speech there. Just notes, to remind you what you have to talk about.
spiderman guy pls go.
or make a new thread entirely of spiderman meme/comics

True! So i'll assume we can still talk about how bad Eastbay's online service is and how their website sucks, right? Their little avatar in the featured sponsor area looks so professional though
How do I get eastbay to stop sending me newsletters to my house.
I pmed the eastbay rep a long time ago, but they still send em.
i remember when i would look forward to the eastbay book coming in every season.
Back in the middle and HS days.
Didnt feel this was thread worthy, just had a quick question. So, I know my username to twitter, but not the pw or email. Ive tried my 2 goto emails and both those are linked to dummy twiiter accts. Anyway I can retrieve my acct? Messed up thing is when I got my phone fixed at apple, my text alerts still go off for twitter but with a new phone my acct isnt linked to app. Any help?
You could always call their customer support and they would do it for you.
I fully support spideys presence in this thread

Dragon Ball GT does not exist. I tried watching it again cause it was on TV. All I could do was
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