The Speech That Cost JFK His Life...(exposing the secret societies)

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

"Publically appointed board of governors" don't ,ake me laugh

and if the constitution gives congress the right to coin money then why don't they?

again the fed is a privately owned business concerened onlywith their bottom hence the reason they loan us money with interest attached to it

What bank doesn't loan money without Interest? That's the way banks make their money.

Don't they coin money? Increasing or decreasing inflation?
why not merge the threads on secret societies etc. into 1? both are interesting stuff and seem related.

im gonna watch Money Masters next.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

If you know your history about Kennedy you would know he had very STRONG mob ties. He got a high profile as a result of these Mob ties and Union Corruption, who was led by...You guessed it, Jimmy Hoffa and where is he?
. Also what you may not know that Kennedy was accused of voter fraud in his presidential election in Illinois, similar to the 2000 election. Also makes you wonder about Bobby Kennedy...

I've always wondered why people are so fast to put Kennedy up on a high horse when it comes to things like this. The Kennedy family is a wealthy, prominentfamily, just like the type of people that you claim secretly control the world. Why is John Fitzgerald immune from all the criticism? Maybe he was part oftheir plan, and this speech was to throw people off the scent! Maybe his death was faked, and he pulled the strings of all the nation for years to come! Also,do all of you have a better substitute for the FED? Don't get started on the constitutionality of it, America has had this discussion many times before,and it has ruled in favor of the bank. Is Andrew Jackson a hero to all of you "down with the fed" people? What monetary alternative do we have? Hardmoney? I know Paul is in favor of a gold backed currency, but I cant recall many economists supporting his viewpoint.
lulz why are people asking dude whats he doing for this issue? People can't simply have an opinon or thought and share it with others? They MUST act upontheir opinions in order to have one??? People will act upon a thought when they feel strong enough about it with the neccessary resouces to accomplish it.

geez think about what you're saying
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

If you know your history about Kennedy you would know he had very STRONG mob ties. He got a high profile as a result of these Mob ties and Union Corruption, who was led by...You guessed it, Jimmy Hoffa and where is he?
. Also what you may not know that Kennedy was accused of voter fraud in his presidential election in Illinois, similar to the 2000 election. Also makes you wonder about Bobby Kennedy...

I've always wondered why people are so fast to put Kennedy up on a high horse when it comes to things like this. The Kennedy family is a wealthy, prominent family, just like the type of people that you claim secretly control the world. Why is John Fitzgerald immune from all the criticism? Maybe he was part of their plan, and this speech was to throw people off the scent! Maybe his death was faked, and he pulled the strings of all the nation for years to come! Also, do all of you have a better substitute for the FED? Don't get started on the constitutionality of it, America has had this discussion many times before, and it has ruled in favor of the bank. Is Andrew Jackson a hero to all of you "down with the fed" people? What monetary alternative do we have? Hard money? I know Paul is in favor of a gold backed currency, but I cant recall many economists supporting his viewpoint.

What alot of people don't understand is that the United States is like a publically traded stock. This has been true ever since our Independence fromEngland. So many countries are invested in this country and without that, this country would never have been as prosperous as it has been.

What is our alternative? Communism.

Ron Paul has good intentions, but people in this country would never go for it.

Government has an obligation to create revenue for the better of the country. I'll use an example.

Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, how? He cut taxes across the board allowing more people to invest into the country allowing to create revenue to produceweapons. Reagan knew since the Soviets were Communists that they did not create revenue and could not keep up with the United States ability to create moreweapons at a faster pace than the Soviets, thus the Soviets basically going bankrupt and having no choice but to end the Cold War.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...

He never said general public. The President and the Senate are not part of the federal reserve, so I guess they could be considered public. It's like anindirect election then. In a sense, when voting for President and Senate seats, we vote for electors of the board of the Federal Bank. Its not a perfectdemocratic election, but neither is our presidential election.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...

He never said general public. The President and the Senate are not part of the federal reserve, so I guess they could be considered public. It's like an indirect election then. In a sense, when voting for President and Senate seats, we vote for electors of the board of the Federal Bank. Its not a perfect democratic election, but neither is our presidential election.

And there you go.

Like I was saying before, the government runs this country like a business, it has to. Some people may look at some dealings as "corrupt", but theyare really "business moves" on behalf of the elected officials.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

If you know your history about Kennedy you would know he had very STRONG mob ties. He got a high profile as a result of these Mob ties and Union Corruption, who was led by...You guessed it, Jimmy Hoffa and where is he?
. Also what you may not know that Kennedy was accused of voter fraud in his presidential election in Illinois, similar to the 2000 election. Also makes you wonder about Bobby Kennedy...

I've always wondered why people are so fast to put Kennedy up on a high horse when it comes to things like this. The Kennedy family is a wealthy, prominent family, just like the type of people that you claim secretly control the world. Why is John Fitzgerald immune from all the criticism? Maybe he was part of their plan, and this speech was to throw people off the scent! Maybe his death was faked, and he pulled the strings of all the nation for years to come! Also, do all of you have a better substitute for the FED? Don't get started on the constitutionality of it, America has had this discussion many times before, and it has ruled in favor of the bank. Is Andrew Jackson a hero to all of you "down with the fed" people? What monetary alternative do we have? Hard money? I know Paul is in favor of a gold backed currency, but I cant recall many economists supporting his viewpoint.
Really? Who exactly are you refering to when you say"America"?

He killed the bank didn't he?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sound monetary reform requires the issuance of all money (legal tender) by the State, exclusively; in amounts calculated to stabilize the general price level; without debt obligation to private persons; with all lending to be performed by private legal persons, exclusively; while safeguarding the widespread ownership of private property.[/font]
I'm talking about the Supreme Court when I say America.

Yes, he did kill the bank, but doing so did not help the country.
The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers… The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the government's greatest creative opportunity…
By the adoption of these principles the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity."
-Abraham Lincoln
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...

He never said general public. The President and the Senate are not part of the federal reserve, so I guess they could be considered public. It's like an indirect election then. In a sense, when voting for President and Senate seats, we vote for electors of the board of the Federal Bank. Its not a perfect democratic election, but neither is our presidential election.

And there you go.

Like I was saying before, the government runs this country like a business, it has to. Some people may look at some dealings as "corrupt", but they are really "business moves" on behalf of the elected officials.

What we all have to realize is that the reason these cats in this thread are going "you guys are crazy" is because they have the wrong view of these"conspiracies".

It's not that there's some group of dudes sitting in a room plotting on how they can keep people down.

It's that there's a bunch of like-minded individuals each wanting their families lines to be and remain the wealthiest, and are willing to do anythingin order to make it happen. They form alliances (through groups like the Masons and Skull & Bones etc.), become enemies with other families (the BinLaden's and the Hussein's), and generally work toward owning as much as they possibly can through each generation (modern day dynasties, and ancientdynasties that are still going strong). .In reality it's bigger than America. It's the Rothschild's and the Bush's and the Taft's and theDaley's. They're not worried about making the country worse or keeping people dumb. Really it's just making themselves rich and keeping peopleunaware. There's a difference.

Either way, JFK definitely told us all in plain English that there's some really really fishy stuff going on in the highest levels of government. Why ishe going to say it, then get murdered unexpectedly by a man who was killed on his way to trial if he was just talking crazy talk?

How are you gonna hear that speech and still say that this thread and the other are just a bunch of malarky?

Please remember: Though Rome fell, its emperical families still lived on and remained rich and powerful.
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...

He never said general public. The President and the Senate are not part of the federal reserve, so I guess they could be considered public. It's like an indirect election then. In a sense, when voting for President and Senate seats, we vote for electors of the board of the Federal Bank. Its not a perfect democratic election, but neither is our presidential election.

And there you go.

Like I was saying before, the government runs this country like a business, it has to. Some people may look at some dealings as "corrupt", but they are really "business moves" on behalf of the elected officials.

What we all have to realize is that the reason these cats in this thread are going "you guys are crazy" is because they have the wrong view of these "conspiracies".

It's not that there's some group of dudes sitting in a room plotting on how they can keep people down.

It's that there's a bunch of like-minded individuals each wanting their families lines to be and remain the wealthiest, and are willing to do anything in order to make it happen. They form alliances (through groups like the Masons and Skull & Bones etc.), become enemies with other families (the Bin Laden's and the Hussein's), and generally work toward owning as much as they possibly can through each generation (modern day dynasties, and ancient dynasties that are still going strong). .In reality it's bigger than America. It's the Rothschild's and the Bush's and the Taft's and the Daley's. They're not worried about making the country worse or keeping people dumb. Really it's just making themselves rich and keeping people unaware. There's a difference.

Either way, JFK definitely told us all in plain English that there's some really really fishy stuff going on in the highest levels of government. Why is he going to say it, then get murdered unexpectedly by a man who was killed on his way to trial if he was just talking crazy talk?

How are you gonna hear that speech and still say that this thread and the other are just a bunch of malarky?

Please remember: Though Rome fell, its emperical families still lived on and remained rich and powerful.

Jack Ruby worked for the Campisi's an Italian Mob family who were tight with the Giacanas.

Giacana's were based out of Chicago, and toward Prohibition JFK's father was heavily involved in bootlegging in association with the Giacan family.Like I stated earlier, there were accusations of JFK rigging the 1960 election. I wonder why...

Bobby Kennedy was knocked because he put pressure on Hoover to go after the Mob.
I don't know why people idolize JFK especially Black folks. If anyone really wanted to help us it was RFK. John F could give a damn about us.
This thread is awesome. Lets keep it going to see where it goes.

The FED, which has private stock holders and these stock holders are kept private from the public. But who are these private stock holders? The author of theactual Federal Reserve Act has never been mention. Yet they(bankers) and the congressmen Nelson Aldrich that attended had to secretly go to Jekyll island fora meeting to discuss the creation of a central bank for the United States and to reform the monetary system. The Creature from Jekkyll Island by G. EdwardGriffen goes into more detail about the Federal Reserve.
There are vids like "Money Masters" and "Money as Debt" on google vid that are pretty informative.
Heres a link that leads to more articles and books that show who is behind The Federal Reserve.

Yes, the Fed is Un-Constitutional. Until more people realize that then maybe we'll see something happen.

"The Grace Commission confirms the allegation that the income tax revenues go 100% to pay the interest on the nationaldebt and not a single nickel of it goes to the government. Whatever government services we have, they are not being financed by the income tax."

I just found this report, but I'll go over it later.
DeeNyce doesn't have to answer yoru questions, the government is who needs to answer your questions, he's just the messenger, good thread none theless.
the board of governors have a 14 year term just so you know

and if you don't think Wall Street doesn't pre-approve those picks, I don't know what to say
Originally Posted by AmericanDream

hell of a public speaker


I heard this before you guys.. in fact, I tied this to my digital audio assignment last week. I win, check the sig
The whole reason I questioned him was because I don't want some stupid youtube video to speak for him and his views, I want to hear it directly from himand his views on all of this, not someone else's. Yet again, he avoids a question that has been presented before. (WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO COUNTERTHESE GROUPS?) If you're afraid to answer it for fear of the government reading your post and coming to get you or of you disappearing forever, then justsay it. Otherwise, YOU'RE the lame, DeeNyce. I never attempted to have a scuffle on here, I just wanted some legitimate questions answered, yet every timeI attempted to in this thread and in the other conspiracy ones, you and your LAME friends attacked me and said crap like this:

"DeeNyce doesn't have to answer yoru questions, the government is who needs to answer your questions, he's justthe messenger"

"What are you the voice of NT? How do you know people don't read this? It's nonsensical to you well's not made for the nonsensical. What are your threads about, the miami dolphins?? huh "PHINSFAN13?" Cheering on a bunch of guys who really a)don't know you and nor do they want to know you B) don't give a #%%$ about you and don't really have any affect on you or the future of your kidslivelihoods. So my question is, if I make threads on truth, and you make threads on the MIAMI DOLPHINS, what does that make you?"

"Thats okay, it's not for everyone. Besides, you're the thread master right. I'm simply doing what I'msupposed to be doing on a MESSAGE BOARD by sharing discussions, thoughts, videos & articles on these issues concerning the federal reserve. Noteveryone's going to agree, if not thats ok. I'm simply letting them know what's been swept under the rug by the powers that be.. So again, I askyou, What are you doing besides brownnosing these mods for brownie points? Because that's obviously what you're trying to do, you're prettypathetic."

"Don't hate on what you don't understand. If you don't like the truth, you can leave and go back into yoursports forum and talk about your Miami Dolphins with all your friends. Really all you're doing is sweating a bunch of overpaid athletes who would care lessif you died today. Go tell Ricky Williams your problems, see if he don't laugh in your face."

"You must be illiterate. Does your mom chew up your food for you and then feed you? How about when you use the bathroom,she must wipe your %!@ too i bet. Watch the video, and if that doesn't explain everything to you, than you're a damn fool. It's obvious you alreadyhave your ignorant views and your intentions are to patronize myself and others who makes this information available. I don't need to explain anything toYOU, I'm not your teacher. Your attempt at throwing me under the bus really was a FAIL, and it shows your true colors as a LAME, PHINSFAN. You wantconcrete evidence? Look in the mirror."

I guess I must really break it down for you, yet again, because you cannot seem to READ WELL. I am not questioning your motives or your beliefs,however, all I am asking is:
"You want concrete evidence? Look in the mirror." %%! does that even mean? You sparked an argument and beef for no reason by attacking my screen nameof all things and calling me a brownnoser to some sneakerhead forum moderators. Great. Real mature. It's a simple question that I'm actually interestedin hearing the answer to, not to "throw you under the bus" or "call you out". I just wanted to hear some more information on what some ofyou conspiracy guys had to say YOURSELF, not from Youtube or Wikipedia sources. I'm not asking you to be "my teacher", just to back up theseaccusations and videos you keep throwing around in these topics. Since I'm the bigger man, I will not fight back at you, just continue to sit here and waitfor an honest and mature answer from SOMEONE. BTW, don't ever say anything about my mother. This has nothing to do with her.
Originally Posted by Liveabovemediocrity

I don't know why people idolize JFK especially Black folks. If anyone really wanted to help us it was RFK. John F could give a damn about us.

Good question.

Kennedy voted against the Civil Right Act of 1957, which was proposed by a Republican president. And for the record, more Democrats in the House and Senatevoted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

the board of governors have a 14 year term just so you know

and if you don't think Wall Street doesn't pre-approve those picks, I don't know what to say

Without a doubt. To believe any appointments at anywhere in the government doesn't involve a 3rd party is naive, that doesn't make it corrupt, unless aQuid Pro Quo is involved.
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

So how are the publically-appointed Board of Governors appointed by the public?

Are they on the ballot when you vote?

They are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation.
How are they appointed by the public if they are appointed by the President and Senate confirmation?
You lost me... when did the President and the Senate become the general public? Contradicting yourself FTL...

He never said general public. The President and the Senate are not part of the federal reserve, so I guess they could be considered public. It's like an indirect election then. In a sense, when voting for President and Senate seats, we vote for electors of the board of the Federal Bank. Its not a perfect democratic election, but neither is our presidential election.

And there you go.

Like I was saying before, the government runs this country like a business, it has to. Some people may look at some dealings as "corrupt", but they are really "business moves" on behalf of the elected officials.

What we all have to realize is that the reason these cats in this thread are going "you guys are crazy" is because they have the wrong view of these "conspiracies".

It's not that there's some group of dudes sitting in a room plotting on how they can keep people down.

It's that there's a bunch of like-minded individuals each wanting their families lines to be and remain the wealthiest, and are willing to do anything in order to make it happen. They form alliances (through groups like the Masons and Skull & Bones etc.), become enemies with other families (the Bin Laden's and the Hussein's), and generally work toward owning as much as they possibly can through each generation (modern day dynasties, and ancient dynasties that are still going strong). .In reality it's bigger than America. It's the Rothschild's and the Bush's and the Taft's and the Daley's. They're not worried about making the country worse or keeping people dumb. Really it's just making themselves rich and keeping people unaware. There's a difference.

Either way, JFK definitely told us all in plain English that there's some really really fishy stuff going on in the highest levels of government. Why is he going to say it, then get murdered unexpectedly by a man who was killed on his way to trial if he was just talking crazy talk?

How are you gonna hear that speech and still say that this thread and the other are just a bunch of malarky?

Please remember: Though Rome fell, its emperical families still lived on and remained rich and powerful.
good post my man...
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