The Speech That Cost JFK His Life...(exposing the secret societies)


I think that more of these post should be on here. More people should get to know the real American truth.
Thanks, but I can use Google myself. I want someone to break it down to me, in layman's terms, to show that they understand it, and so I can understand it.
Essentially, the Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank that loans worthless money to the U.S. government at ridiculousinterest rates. We (the U.S. taxpayer) pays for this interest rate by way of income taxes. The money the FED loans to the government isn't backed byanything substantial such as gold or silver, they just print money at will. Does that help?
yes, the international bankers behind the FED are profiting right now off our hard labor. That is the scam. They are getting free money tossed at them and whatthey are "loaning" us is completely worthless.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but it's things like this ^ that make me question the honesty and functionality of our government. TheAmerica we live in is NOT the America that we think it is. It is not the America that the founding fathers dreamed up. Somehow, people still believe it is,and it's that flawed belief that allows these things to be perpetrated further./rant
So why is the money they are getting worth anything? It's still the same monetary concept, isn't it?
technically, yes. It is still the same "worthless" paper that they are getting. It is the idea behind the machine that is the scam. Why is a privateconglomerate of international bankers controlling the money supply and issuance of currency of an entire nation? that power should rest in the hands of thepeople. What have these guys done for us that grants them the power and right to loan money to US on interest? There is a lot more to it than this, forinstance, income taxes are illegal (the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified by the states; another scam), yet we HAVE to pay income taxes. The one guy,Mayer Rothschild in the link I posted above, said something like "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws"<---that pretty much sums up the scam.
Interesting topic.
Somehow DeeNyce you still aren't doing anything about these conspiracy theories and Illuminati ideas you keep posting. All you're doing is showing ussome info that most of us are disregarding because it's your own personal opinions or some youtube videos. Bastitch attempted to ask you an honest andmature question... "What are YOU doing about this?" Well... what are you doing? The simple posting of these videos and "spreading thetruth" to some sneakerheads isn't going to get much done. To be honest most of the people who post on here either

A) skip over your nonsensical crap
B) think about it for a few minutes and keep it moving
C) Or your conspiracy theory friends say: open your eyes people, the truth is going to be exposed soon! LOL!

What are you exposing? What are you doing about this? You talk about it like you yourself are a part of some sort of cult or movement to take down these typesof Illuminati groups. If this is that important to you, show us how to help or show us what you are doing to take these groups down. Otherwise you're justas bad as they are.
Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

technically, yes. It is still the same "worthless" paper that they are getting. It is the idea behind the machine that is the scam. Why is a private conglomerate of international bankers controlling the money supply and issuance of currency of an entire nation? that power should rest in the hands of the people. What have these guys done for us that grants them the power and right to loan money to US on interest? There is a lot more to it than this, for instance, income taxes are illegal (the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified by the states; another scam), yet we HAVE to pay income taxes. The one guy, Mayer Rothschild in the link I posted above, said something like "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws" <---that pretty much sums up the scam.
Pretty much hit the nail right on the head.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Interesting topic.
Somehow DeeNyce you still aren't doing anything about these conspiracy theories and Illuminati ideas you keep posting. All you're doing is showing us some info that most of us are disregarding because it's your own personal opinions or some youtube videos. Bastitch attempted to ask you an honest and mature question... "What are YOU doing about this?" Well... what are you doing? The simple posting of these videos and "spreading the truth" to some sneakerheads isn't going to get much done. To be honest most of the people who post on here either

A) skip over your nonsensical crap
B) think about it for a few minutes and keep it moving
C) Or your conspiracy theory friends say: open your eyes people, the truth is going to be exposed soon! LOL!

What are you exposing? What are you doing about this? You talk about it like you yourself are a part of some sort of cult or movement to take down these types of Illuminati groups. If this is that important to you, show us how to help or show us what you are doing to take these groups down. Otherwise you're just as bad as they are.

A) skip over your nonsensical crap

What are you the voice of NT? How do you know people don't read this? It's nonsensical to you well because... it's not made for the nonsensical.What are your threads about, the miami dolphins?? huh "PHINSFAN13?" Cheering on a bunch of guys who really a) don't know you and nor do they wantto know you B) don't give a #%%$ about you and don't really have any affect on you or the future of your kids livelihoods. So my question is, if I makethreads on truth, and you make threads on the MIAMI DOLPHINS, what does that make you?

B) think about it for a few minutes and keep it moving

Thats okay, it's not for everyone. Besides, you're the thread master right. I'm simply doing what I'm supposed to be doing on a MESSAGE BOARDby sharing discussions, thoughts, videos & articles on these issues concerning the federal reserve. Not everyone's going to agree, if not thats ok.I'm simply letting them know what's been swept under the rug by the powers that be.. So again, I ask you, What are you doing besides brownnosing thesemods for brownie points? Because that's obviously what you're trying to do, you're pretty pathetic.

C) Or your conspiracy theory friends say: open your eyes people, the truth is going to be exposed soon! LOL!

Don't hate on what you don't understand. If you don't like the truth, you can leave and go back into your sports forum and talk about your MiamiDolphins with all your friends. Really all you're doing is sweating a bunch of overpaid athletes who would care less if you died today. Go tell RickyWilliams your problems, see if he don't laugh in your face.

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

technically, yes. It is still the same "worthless" paper that they are getting. It is the idea behind the machine that is the scam. Why is a private conglomerate of international bankers controlling the money supply and issuance of currency of an entire nation? that power should rest in the hands of the people. What have these guys done for us that grants them the power and right to loan money to US on interest? There is a lot more to it than this, for instance, income taxes are illegal (the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified by the states; another scam), yet we HAVE to pay income taxes. The one guy, Mayer Rothschild in the link I posted above, said something like "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws" <---that pretty much sums up the scam.
Pretty much hit the nail right on the head.

DeeNyce, you still have not answered any of my questions or questions of others. What IS it that you are actually doing? If this conspiracy stuff is such anissue to you, why not tell the rest of us how we can help with your little rebellion against the evil empire?

Your attacks at my screen name are just weak, desperate attempts to avoid questions I and others have presented. Do you want me to stoop to your level? Okay,here it goes... NYCE? What? What is so "NYCE" about you? Can you not spell? Dee? As in dee-de-de-deee? Are you ******ed? So you're illiterate,right?
See... how ridiculous does that sound? Stomp that crap and actually SAY something worthwhile if you're going to discuss this.

I do not post in the sports forum, and do not "sweat a bunch of overpaid athletes who would care less if you died today." Just because I'm a fanof a sports team doesn't mean that's my life and that's all I do. I have presented mature and concrete arguments and questions to you and yourtheory friends, and have never received a mature response, only more propaganda and more attacks on others who question your motives.

In regards to your attack at me for "brownnosing" the mods... really? What benefit would I get from this? E-props? A pat on the back? He asked you aquestion to which you ignored... and I presented it you again.
And yet again... you ignore the question many of us have asked... WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING TO STOP THESE "ILLUMINATI" GROUPS? Youtube and wikipediapropaganda might be good citations for an LD class in the 9th grade, but when you present these ideas to MATURE adults, (such as myself and others who havesimply questioned these ideas, NOT attacked them), we like to see some real sources and real citations.

Like I've stated before, I appreciate these posts for whatever value they have and for whatever you're trying to do, but give us some concreteevidence/sources, show us what exactly is effected in the US by these Illuminati groups, give us REAL info.
Don't bother trying to argue with DeeNyce. It isn't worth the effort, as I can almost assure you his next post will be nearly identical in content tohis previous one, and so on and so forth. He is not a very good ambassador for this conspiracy theory movement, although in reality most of the posters on herethat preach this "open your eyes" gospel are similar. I appreciate when people like The Black James actually provide useful information, along withtheir own analysis. That is much more likely to get me to believe than an annoying teenager telling me to "open my eyes".

And I can't believe that DeeNyce is on a SHOE FORUM calling out people for liking sports teams. We are all vain, materialistic people on here, okay? Youincluded, unless you joined NT just to post about this #%%#, in which case you are simply a troll. There is more to life than "exposing the truth".While we live normally and enjoy our lives, you are doing the equivalent of standing on a street corner screaming at the top of your lungs for people tolisten. Then when we pay attention you prove to really have nothing to say. Sure you may get featured in a Godspeed You! Black Emperor song, but no listens tothem anyway (except me). Get a life, man, for your own good.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

technically, yes. It is still the same "worthless" paper that they are getting. It is the idea behind the machine that is the scam. Why is a private conglomerate of international bankers controlling the money supply and issuance of currency of an entire nation? that power should rest in the hands of the people. What have these guys done for us that grants them the power and right to loan money to US on interest? There is a lot more to it than this, for instance, income taxes are illegal (the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified by the states; another scam), yet we HAVE to pay income taxes. The one guy, Mayer Rothschild in the link I posted above, said something like "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws" <---that pretty much sums up the scam.
Pretty much hit the nail right on the head.
Cosign. The Federal Reserve is not what it is....
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Don't bother trying to argue with DeeNyce. It isn't worth the effort, as I can almost assure you his next post will be nearly identical in content to his previous one, and so on and so forth. He is not a very good ambassador for this conspiracy theory movement, although in reality most of the posters on here that preach this "open your eyes" gospel are similar. I appreciate when people like The Black James actually provide useful information, along with their own analysis. That is much more likely to get me to believe than an annoying teenager telling me to "open my eyes".

And I can't believe that DeeNyce is on a SHOE FORUM calling out people for liking sports teams. We are all vain, materialistic people on here, okay? You included, unless you joined NT just to post about this #%%#, in which case you are simply a troll. There is more to life than "exposing the truth". While we live normally and enjoy our lives, you are doing the equivalent of standing on a street corner screaming at the top of your lungs for people to listen. Then when we pay attention you prove to really have nothing to say. Sure you may get featured in a Godspeed You! Black Emperor song, but no listens to them anyway (except me). Get a life, man, for your own good.
yo don't even bother responding man, let's just keep the discussion going. It seems like we can't have a mature discussion on NTwithout people arguing back and forth, taking shots at each other
hmm. after reading that website about the Federal Reserve it does bring up some interesting points if those same points can be verified as fact & not justspeculation. But like somebody else said, if some of you "conspiracy theorists" i hesitate to use that term cuz of the negative connotation. But whydont some of you try to get the word out there about the FED, on your college campus, most college students would be willing to at least listen to what youhave to say.

But on a sidenote, can someone go more in depth on some of the other conspiracies that they beleive are in place.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

DeeNyce, you still have not answered any of my questions or questions of others. What IS it that you are actually doing? If this conspiracy stuff is such an issue to you, why not tell the rest of us how we can help with your little rebellion against the evil empire?

Your attacks at my screen name are just weak, desperate attempts to avoid questions I and others have presented. Do you want me to stoop to your level? Okay, here it goes... NYCE? What? What is so "NYCE" about you? Can you not spell? Dee? As in dee-de-de-deee? Are you ******ed? So you're illiterate, right?
See... how ridiculous does that sound? Stomp that crap and actually SAY something worthwhile if you're going to discuss this.

I do not post in the sports forum, and do not "sweat a bunch of overpaid athletes who would care less if you died today." Just because I'm a fan of a sports team doesn't mean that's my life and that's all I do. I have presented mature and concrete arguments and questions to you and your theory friends, and have never received a mature response, only more propaganda and more attacks on others who question your motives.

In regards to your attack at me for "brownnosing" the mods... really? What benefit would I get from this? E-props? A pat on the back? He asked you a question to which you ignored... and I presented it you again.
And yet again... you ignore the question many of us have asked... WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING TO STOP THESE "ILLUMINATI" GROUPS? Youtube and wikipedia propaganda might be good citations for an LD class in the 9th grade, but when you present these ideas to MATURE adults, (such as myself and others who have simply questioned these ideas, NOT attacked them), we like to see some real sources and real citations.

Like I've stated before, I appreciate these posts for whatever value they have and for whatever you're trying to do, but give us some concrete evidence/sources, show us what exactly is effected in the US by these Illuminati groups, give us REAL info.

You must be illiterate. Does your mom chew up your food for you and then feed you? How about when you use the bathroom, she must wipe your %!@ too i bet. Watchthe video, and if that doesn't explain everything to you, than you're a damn fool. It's obvious you already have your ignorant views and yourintentions are to patronize myself and others who makes this information available. I don't need to explain anything to YOU, I'm not your teacher. Yourattempt at throwing me under the bus really was a FAIL, and it shows your true colors as a LAME, PHINSFAN. You want concrete evidence? Look in the mirror.
Originally Posted by Pervis Ellison

Originally Posted by retepelnart

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The Fed is a scam, if you can't see that I don't know what to tell you.
And yes I'm going to keep repeating this over and over and over and over and......
No disrespect to you or anyone who believes this country is foul played, but we cant do anything about it so why bother? It's not like you gonna flee the country anyway .
Ron Paul was going to eliminate the Federal Reserve and he was a mainstream I don't know what the hell your talking about man.

1 man vs a multi trillion dollar private bank, I see why he didn't win. Watch Money Masters to see how deep the rabbit hole is.

Its only dynce's job to post the vids and spark discussion. One person can educate and inform only so many people. Its the viewers job to educatethemselves nothing more.
Funny how this thread popped up again, since I started reading about the FED over the weekend a little and this what I got from it.


- The Fed Reserve Banks are privately owned, but controlled by publically-appointed Board of Governors
- No foreigners own any part of the Fed. Each Federal Reserve bank is owned exclusively by the participating commercial banks and S&Ls operating within theFederal Reserve bank's district. Individuals and non-bank firms, be they foreign or domestic, are not permitted by law to own any shares of a FederalReserve bank. Moreover, monetary policy is controlled by the publically-appointed Board of Governors, not by the Federal Reserve banks.
- Independent accounting firms conduct full financial audits of the Federal Reserve banks and the Board of Governors every year.
- The Federal Reserve rebates its net earnings to the Treasury every year.
- Records show Kennedy and the Federal Reserve were almost always in agreement on policy matters. He even signed legislation to give the Fed more authority toissue currency.
- The banking system is indeed able to create money with a mere computer keystroke. However, a bank's ability to create money is tied directly to theamount of reserves customers have deposited there. A bank must pay a competitive interest rate on those deposits to keep them from leaving to other banks.

Also if you have any idea of how a bank is operated you would know that Interest expenses are a big portion of banks operating costs.

Here is a Myth.

Conspiracy Theorist Gary Kah in 1991 accused that the Fed Reserve Banks were majority controlled by foreigners. Here majority owners as of 1997. Keep in mindthis is the NY Reserve.

Chase Manhatten Bank
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Fleet Bank
Bankers Trust
Bank of New York
Marine Midland Bank
Summit Bank.

Once again, the Fed is privately owned, but operated by publically-appointed people. Nearly all the interest the Federal Reserve collects on government bondsis rebated to the Treasury each year, so the government does not pay any net interest to the Fed.

The constitution grants Congress to control the rights to regulate currency. Also, has the right to coin money and regulate value. Congress also has the rightto make any law deemed "necessary and proper'' for execution of numerated powers.

If you know your history about Kennedy you would know he had very STRONG mob ties. He got a high profile as a result of these Mob ties and Union Corruption,who was led by...You guessed it, Jimmy Hoffa and where is he?
. Alsowhat you may not know that Kennedy was accused of voter fraud in his presidential election in Illinois, similar to the 2000 election. Also makes you wonderabout Bobby Kennedy...
"Publically appointed board of governors" don't ,ake me laugh

and if the constitution gives congress the right to coin money then why don't they?

again the fed is a privately owned business concerened onlywith their bottom hence the reason they loan us money with interest attached to it
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