The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I loved my 1.8G. Then I sold my D800 and now it sits on my desk. Anyone wanna buy it?

One recent shot I edited.
Nice contrast. I'm sure you didn't just desaturate. Looks good.
I really like this picture.

I feel it's very Henri-Cartier Bresson-esque.

He is my favorite photographer. His whole concept and mentality when shooting is something I completely agree with. The decisive moment.

It's about the ratio. The buildings engulfing the man. The repetition. The geometry.

I got to start getting my pictures printed out. **** Walgreens. Quality prints. Expensive though.

It's interesting, I don't think this image would have the same effect if the man was wearing something other

than what he's wearing. Imagine him wearing some shorts with a tee, dunno, just wouldn't be the same.

Pardon my random ramblings. Peace!
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Does anyone know about how much it costs to get your camera cleaned? I have this thing that looks like a hair showing up in my pictures. Its not on my lens and its not on my mirror. Unless I just can't see it. You can see it on that Hulk picture I posted on the last page.

Beef Sandwich by Wills Lost Camera, on Flickr
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^^^^Thanks man.

Does anyone know about how much it costs to get your camera cleaned? I have this thing that looks like a hair showing up in my pictures. Its not on my lens and its not on my mirror. Unless I just can't see it. You can see it on that Hulk picture I posted on the last page.

Beef Sandwich by Wills Lost Camera, on Flickr

I had this issue the other day and even right now. It's not your mirror but your sensor. If you have a Canon, there should be a way to close up your mirror so your sensor is only showing. From there, you can try and clean that or just use a blower of some sorts. I am almost positive that should be the issue.


I remember when I wanted to play around with a DSLR I took this picture out of pure boredom and actually liked it a lot.
not sure if i posted some of these in the past

some wedding work







some engagement work




some family studio work




i just
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Nice shots Fongstarr... rich colors!

Dope stuff Steez... remember you saying you made around 24k in a year, must be nice man!

Sony Cybershot



With the Cybershot I am trying to use the manual setting more often than not, any suggestions?

With my GoPro I am all over the place, I think I am getting the hang of it though.

Happy shooting everyone.
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