I don't remember the last time I logged into NT and there was 20 new posts in the AM1 thread. Granted part of that is me and that I rarely go more than a couple hours without bringing it up to check but it was cool to see the thread jumping.
^^^ exactly ^^^

I'd rather have it slower in here without all the novelty hypebeast user bs posts i have to wade through just to get some regular info. It'll be chirping crickets again come 3.27.17 when fools are busy reselling on ebay.

Also, idgaf about the box. I break that ish down and throw them sneakers on the shelf anyway. How about nike focus on ish that actually matters.

Grump mode on fleek today. >:
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^^^ exactly ^^^

I'd rather have it slower in here without all the novelty hypebeast user bs posts i have to wade through just to get some regular info. It'll be chirping crickets again come 3.27.17 when fools are busy reselling on ebay.

Also, idgaf about the box. I break that ish down and throw them sneakers on the shelf anyway. How about nike focus on ish that actually matters.

Grump mode on fleek today.

@Modus47  stole your log in info.
[emoji]128514[/emoji] Comedy.

I'm usually not a box keeper either (unless it's an old one) so with this new box + little pamphlet thing (dunno proper name haha) I'm keepin the box foh sho.
i keep all my boxes.  i just break them down and store them, so whether they want to give me a box made of titanium plated diamond resin mixed polymer, or a box made of a homeless dudes home, makes no difference, because its going in storage. just saying we geeking out about a box.  but guess that make sense since we geeks about this. 
i keep all my boxes.  i just break them down and store them, so whether they want to give me a box made of titanium plated diamond resin mixed polymer, or a box made of a homeless dudes home, makes no difference, because its going in storage. just saying we geeking out about a box.  but guess that make sense since we geeks about this. 

Oh I getcha. So you have a storage filled with a ton of broken down boxes ? That's kinda tight!
The pics and video don't really tell us jack....tell us two two things

1.) We get the OG box (cool and all but we don't wear the box)

2.) Thick mudguard

If someone can tell me the toebox is whack or  dope JUST from that pic and video then I must be blind because he hides it in both, which has to be on purpose - unless that's some crazy odd coincidence.

I'm sure more will surface soon, I really doubt Nike is going to give us a cliff toe when we got halfway decent on pinnacle and berry (granted, it is nike...)

I'm just sayin, if they're like my jades then I can live with it!
The pics and video don't really tell us jack....tell us two two things

1.) We get the OG box (cool and all but we don't wear the box)
2.) Thick mudguard

If someone can tell me the toebox is whack or  dope JUST from that pic and video then I must be blind because he hides it in both, which has to be on purpose - unless that's some crazy odd coincidence.

I'm sure more will surface soon, I really doubt Nike is going to give us a cliff toe when we got halfway decent on pinnacle and berry (granted, it is nike...)

I'm just sayin, if they're like my jades then I can live with it!

This. [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]

@InContrastOfSin  is just proving himself to our grumpy elitist group.  we're numbered in few, but little do yall know, we pull the strings over at HQ in beaverton. its mandatory for a candidate of this overly critical yet contrite group to be...  well, overly critical, yet contrite.  so far hes passed the first test.  complain about any given detail (though its improved) but still commit to buying self proclaimed garbage.  i too have low hope for anything we're talking about, but i will also copp.  

if you aint grump, you aint cool. 
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The pics and video don't really tell us jack....tell us two two things

1.) We get the OG box (cool and all but we don't wear the box)
2.) Thick mudguard

If someone can tell me the toebox is whack or  dope JUST from that pic and video then I must be blind because he hides it in both, which has to be on purpose - unless that's some crazy odd coincidence.

I'm sure more will surface soon, I really doubt Nike is going to give us a cliff toe when we got halfway decent on pinnacle and berry (granted, it is nike...)

I'm just sayin, if they're like my jades then I can live with it!

I agree, you can't see the toebox.But if you zoom in you get an idea.


And here a quick comparison good shape / bad shape as you all allready have seen countless times.
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I agree, you can't see the toebox.But if you zoom in you get an idea.

And here a quick comparison good shape / bad shape as you all allready have seen countless times.
LOL look at us....assuming a shape of a toebox of a shoe based off some ridiculous angle. I am just going to stick with my "assumption" and say they are identical to pinnacles and berrys and that it is what it is...a funky angle of the shoe
Haha touche...but ya used the 09 quickstrike with the disappearing mudguard 
exactly.  its a banana hammock garbage version but i do own, and would buy another.  personally the supposed new shape doesnt make or break my decision on the OG color blocked ish.  hence, me not buying any of the pinnacles.  the shape isnt enough for me to want those boring sneakers.  likewise, the berries are awful in color execution so again, shape does not influence me as much as getting the right colors together + [decent] shape.
exactly.  its a banana hammock garbage version but i do own, and would buy another.  personally the supposed new shape doesnt make or break my decision on the OG color blocked ish.  hence, me not buying any of the pinnacles.  the shape isnt enough for me to want those boring sneakers.  likewise, the berries are awful in color execution so again, shape does not influence me as much as getting the right colors together + [decent] shape.
I hear ya - I actually dug the jade colorway, somewhat reminded me of patta cords which are an all time favorite. But I'll agree on berrys, yes they have the new shape but that colorway is not for me (personally). Not going to buy a pair just because the shape is somewhat fixed..... But I will def be scoopin OGs because, well simple does it for me...that.s what I'm most excited for is IDs. Making some OG Oranges have always been something I've wanted in my collection. 
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