41 and I love loud colored shoes. How can you be a Jordan head or a AM90 head and not love infrared. I was wearing Letterman Jordan 1s the other day and my daughter told me I look ridiculous lol. Chlorophylls came in today and only thing that looked a little off was the thin mudguards but still love them.

I’m in my 30s now. I always hear people my age complaining about knee pain, back pain, pain, pain and PAIN! In my head, I’m like, “TF are you talking about?! I don’t feel ANY of that.”. Another one is “running is bad for your knees”. Again, I’m like, “TF you mean?!”. I still feel like in my 20s physically just wiser now. Even Garmin’s Fitness app metric tells me I’m in my 20s. I have no knee pain, no back pain from my running or training, and I’m also in the best shape of my life right now. I eem still get carded regularly.

I started running in my early 20s because I was 60lb overweight, miserable and prediabetic. I started running in some retro AM93 then “upgraded” to some AM95 because I didn’t know any better lol.

As the years progressed, I eventually lost the weight and improved tremendously with running. I ran a full marathon as my first race ever. Even with bad form then, I had a somewhat good time for a debut, 3:30. I kept it consistent with better form and faster and faster times up until COVID (800mi-1200mi per year). At that point, I made the transition to strength training/weights/calisthenics and focused in on nutrition.

Even with all the running I did in the past, I was still skinny fat. After months of strength training, I finally had a visible six pack (and still do), which I NEVER thought I’d EVER have in my life! I restarted running in 2021. The strength training even improved my running so much that I placed 9th overall in a race with ~6,400 participants.

Nowadays, I do bohffofdem (running and strength training), and I’m eem more into nutrition. I mostly eat simple, whole and nutrient dense foods; mostly eggs (6-8/day) and beef/chicken/salmon with no rice/bread/pasta. What I’m most proud of is that I did it by my damn self; no coach, no team, no nutritionist... just me showing up everyday and learning ways to get better.

I think the only downside to getting fit is the maintenance and sustainability of it! LOL I really think that exercise and moving regularly is the fountain of youth, or at least slows aging down SIGNIFICANTLY. Somehow, I realized that the seeds I planted when I was in my early 20s would pay off in the long run!

SHOUT OUT to those retro AM93s and AM95s for pretty much changing the trajectory of my health and life for the BETTER! My old overweight self would be SO DAMN PROUD to see his future self (present me)!

He’d be like:
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Another seed I planted in my 20s was deciding to get into the medical field with nursing. I was unemployed for about 2.5 years. Nowadays, I’m earning a good amount of income, and I’m also expecting another raise soon.

With that said, close your eyes, because… 😂

Silver Bullet Triple AMtendres (AM97/95/87) for work today (by GOVRN)

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I'm so old (46) that some of these old people memes are starting to hit home. Saw one the other day about VHS tapes and pagers and kids in their 20's never heard of them. I have a 6 yr old and that little **** asked me about how things were in the late 1900's and I about fainted.
Was a this the video? These young bucs (no pun intended) made me feel old and I'm only 34 lol.


I’m in my 30s now. I always hear people my age complaining about knee pain, back pain, pain, pain and PAIN! In my head, I’m like, “TF are you talking about?! I don’t feel ANY of that.”. Another one is “running is bad for your knees”. Again, I’m like, “TF you mean?!”. I still feel like in my 20s physically just wiser now. Even Garmin’s Fitness app metric tells me I’m in my 20s. I have no knee pain, no back pain from my running or training, and I’m also in the best shape of my life right now. I eem still get carded regularly.

I started running in my early 20s because I was 60lb overweight, miserable and prediabetic. I started running in some retro AM93 then “upgraded” to some AM95 because I didn’t know any better lol.

As the years progressed, I eventually lost the weight and improved tremendously with running. I ran a full marathon as my first race ever. Even with bad form then, I had a somewhat good time for a debut, 3:30. I kept it consistent with better form and faster and faster times up until COVID (800mi-1200mi per year). At that point, I made the transition to strength training/weights/calisthenics and focused in on nutrition.

Even with all the running I did in the past, I was still skinny fat. After months of strength training, I finally had a visible six pack (and still do), which I NEVER thought I’d EVER have in my life! I restarted running in 2021. The strength training even improved my running so much that I placed 9th overall in a race with ~6,400 participants.

Nowadays, I do bohffofdem (running and strength training), and I’m eem more into nutrition. I mostly eat simple, whole and nutrient dense foods; mostly eggs (6-8/day) and beef/chicken/salmon with no rice/bread/pasta. What I’m most proud of is that I did it by damn self; no coach, no team, just me showing up everyday and learning on ways to get better.

I think the only downside to getting fit is the maintenance and sustainability of it! LOL I really think that exercise and moving regularly is the fountain of youth, or at least slows aging down SIGNIFICANTLY. Somehow, I realized that the seeds I planted when I was in my early 20s would pay off in the long run!

SHOUT OUT to those retro AM93s and AM95s for pretty much changing the trajectory of my health and life for the BETTER! My old overweight self would be SO DAMN PROUD to see his future self (present me)!

He’d be like:

How are you able to do all that AND do you side hustle of soleswaps as your alter ego, GOVRN?

I’m in my 30s now. I always hear people my age complaining about knee pain, back pain, pain, pain and PAIN! In my head, I’m like, “TF are you talking about?! I don’t feel ANY of that.”. Another one is “running is bad for your knees”. Again, I’m like, “TF you mean?!”. I still feel like in my 20s physically just wiser now. Even Garmin’s Fitness app metric tells me I’m in my 20s. I have no knee pain, no back pain from my running or training, and I’m also in the best shape of my life right now. I eem still get carded regularly.

I started running in my early 20s because I was 60lb overweight, miserable and prediabetic. I started running in some retro AM93 then “upgraded” to some AM95 because I didn’t know any better lol.

As the years progressed, I eventually lost the weight and improved tremendously with running. I ran a full marathon as my first race ever. Even with bad form then, I had a somewhat good time for a debut, 3:30. I kept it consistent with better form and faster and faster times up until COVID (800mi-1200mi per year). At that point, I made the transition to strength training/weights/calisthenics and focused in on nutrition.

Even with all the running I did in the past, I was still skinny fat. After months of strength training, I finally had a visible six pack (and still do), which I NEVER thought I’d EVER have in my life! I restarted running in 2021. The strength training even improved my running so much that I placed 9th overall in a race with ~6,400 participants.

Nowadays, I do bohffofdem (running and strength training), and I’m eem more into nutrition. I mostly eat simple, whole and nutrient dense foods; mostly eggs (6-8/day) and beef/chicken/salmon with no rice/bread/pasta. What I’m most proud of is that I did it by my damn self; no coach, no team, no nutritionist... just me showing up everyday and learning ways to get better.

I think the only downside to getting fit is the maintenance and sustainability of it! LOL I really think that exercise and moving regularly is the fountain of youth, or at least slows aging down SIGNIFICANTLY. Somehow, I realized that the seeds I planted when I was in my early 20s would pay off in the long run!

SHOUT OUT to those retro AM93s and AM95s for pretty much changing the trajectory of my health and life for the BETTER! My old overweight self would be SO DAMN PROUD to see his future self (present me)!

He’d be like:
What I took away from this is your a nurse in your 30s with a sick *** collection that is in an amount you can’t even count, and you run fast, you wore AM95s to run away too…so I’m assuming your actual side hustle is street pharmacist
Another seed I planted in my 20s was deciding to get into the medical field with nursing. I was unemployed for about 2.5 years. Nowadays, I’m earning a good amount of income, and I’m also expecting another raise soon.

With that said, close your eyes, because… 😂

Silver Bullet Triple AMtendres (AM97/95/87) for work today (by GOVRN)


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