The Illuminati: Dont Believe The Hype

The ability to research and think rationally is ultimately the only skill you obtain during your BA. This post is evidence that this man will inevitably earn$20,000 more annually than the majority of the ignoramuses of NT. Tremendous post.
"The pyramid and eye symbol is never found among the Illuminati. Actually it is not even a Masonic symbol"

after I read that I laughed, Almost everthing OP posted is total BS, I have a lodge right down the way from me and they use thoes exact symbols
Ugh nevermind
Anyone who takes the Jay-Z deception video seriously is a fool.

I'm sorry, that guy is about as far from a reputable source as you can get.
Originally Posted by mustbefire

The ability to research and think rationally is ultimately the only skill you obtain during your BA. This post is evidence that this man will inevitably earn $20,000 more annually than the majority of the ignoramuses of NT. Tremendous post.

This post is evidence that someone can copy and paste stuff from the Internet. I learned how to do that in 5th grade. This guy did not think at all.

I'm also positive that bosses won't hire annoying dumb #!%!# who do nothing all day but Google search juicy conspiracies. That would not help aresume... AT ALL. It wouldn't give them a single cent.

Dude trying to validate the Illuminati hoax by saying it'll make you richer...
Originally Posted by stuck0nrealness

i thought masons wernt allowed to tell you they were masons...

Thats crazy the motto of the masons is "Want to be a mason? ask amason" Masons are visible and vocal

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

"The pyramid and eye symbol is never found among the Illuminati. Actually it is not even a Masonic symbol"

after I read that I laughed, Almost everthing OP posted is total BS, I have a lodge right down the way from me and they use thoes exact symbols

The eye of providence isnt a masonic symbol but it is used by the Masons. Just like the Hexagram and Baphomet are used by masons but are not originial masonicsymbols. Masons use symbols from all cultures.
The illuminati ain't what it once was because they were forced into exile by the church.... Since then the church and the "illuminati" has joinedforces. They have the see objectives but clash on the highest level of power.

Money and comtrol is the objective of " the elite".

Regardless of the name the game stays the same.

Secret socities are real. Freemasons on the highest level is mainstream nonsense. Skull and bones and their European counterparts are chosen through bloodline.Peep the last 4 presidents. They are all family down the line somewhere. Bush Sr rode Reagans coattail and they tried to pop him off GP.

Clinton laid down the ground work for his distant cousin Bush jr. You think the 10000 pg Patriot act was written a couple days after 9/11???? That bill waspassed as soon as SHTF.

Connect the dots and follow the money.

All the crazy constutional thrashing Bush jr did is being adopted and nutured by his distant cousin Barack obama.

He said at the begining of his run for president that he didn't approve of the war in Iraq.... He didn't lie. He wanted them to go to afganistan.. Andwhere are they now??? Afganistan!!!!!

This war is just a racket for profit.

Obama don't run washington. Wall st dictates the monetary policies that will collapse are country

The current market surge is a hoax and coverup. This will be seen early next ur when real numbers come in.

The dollar index is currently trading horribly against the other powerful currencies.

Gold is easily trading over $1000 with no signs of letting up as long as Obama and gang continue to throw us further into oblivion. This is a strategiccollapse.

The goal of the powers that be is globalization... They have introduced the chip .... YouTube it.

I can keep going but y'all gonna call me crazy.

I'm a former marine.... " I seen the matrix from the otherside"
whats ironic is people are getting defensive saying I researched on the internet. When I quoted books and actually "interviewed" a high degreemason

What facts do you have? Something you saw on youtube? Go do research dont take my word for it. You shouldnt take anybodys word for it go actually look it upfor yourselves. Dont be so hungry for the truth that you eat whatever someone gives you. go find out for yourself. I got facts backing me what do you have?
Originally Posted by cartune

whats ironic is people are getting defensive saying I researched on the internet. When I quoted books and actually "interviewed" a high degree mason

What facts do you have? Something you saw on youtube? Go do research dont take my word for it. You shouldnt take anybodys word for it go actually look it up for yourselves. Dont be so hungry for the truth that you eat whatever someone gives you. go find out for yourself. I got facts backing me what do you have?

If someone were to entertain the idea that these wild speculations about illumninati were true, then I would imagine that person would not necessarily look atthe "official story" as the be all and end all. Ya know?
devildog had a lot of good info in that post. obama being a puppet is the most important, as were the presidents before him. "it's all part of theplan..."
Originally Posted by finnns2003

devildog had a lot of good info in that post. obama being a puppet is the most important, as were the presidents before him. "it's all part of the plan..."

since a couple people feel me I'll continue...... The global elite consist of people at the top in all aspects of our lives... From TV to Newspapers andnews outlets , politics , music , and communication. If you look at your television you wouldn't know that 6-10 companies ran every single station.. Lookit up. Consolidation is the name of the game. Corner the market then u can control the outcome. The media for instance is a good example . Fox news and CNN arethe top networks for news followed by msnbc. Fox is portrayed as the bad network and CNN is portrayed in a more wholesome light. When in fact they cover thesame topics from a different point of view to attract their intended audiences.... Both network heads are part of CFR... The council of foreign relations. Thisorganization is a cousin of the trilateral commision which was founded by rockerfeller and the rothschilds I belive.... The rothschilds and rockerfellers ownabout 80 % of the federal reserve.... 1+1=2 Obama, Hilary Clinton , timothy geithner(current head of us treasury and former federal reserve chairman), jumpoffjoe biden , and many many more people are apart of these somewhat secret policy setting organizations... "they" operate under guise of the UN. Unitednations is set to be the global ambassadors by way of mass confusion and cry for help... Our country is at the top of the world... We have the most power...Most money .... Biggest military , etc... We run NASA and dictate policies around the world by the stroke of a pen or physical force( Iraq , Bosnia,afghanistan, Grenada, Korea etc.... They can't control the world with a superpower like ours running around so they must even the playing field.... Ourmarket will crash again in the near future. I'm not a psyhcic but I understand the goal and moves of this organization which is already worldwide.... Lookat the current ticker.... Floating around 10000... This is artifical growth. Propped up by Obama stimulus money which has two direct effects.... 1. Bring usmore debt by way of taxation 2. Sucker more peope to throw money into a fixed game that will eventually crumble and cause more people to lose large sums ofcash.... Gold is at 1000+.... This is actually low because the market hasn't even accounted for inflation yet. So when that occurs gold will shoot to$2000oz.. The dollar collapse is iminent. Other countries such as japan Russia china and India are trying to ease out there own dollars and deal in othercountries currencies. Such as the yen and the dinar. Our dollar is the key to the manipulation of so many other countries because they hold a large amount astheir reserves... The bankers are the elite. They control Washington. They are the illuminati... Just remember consolidation is key to corner the market andforce manipulation.... These people aren't going to forcefully inact a nWo .... They're smarter than that... False flag attacks and money issues willcause for new world government . Which the UN will step in and take hold of it's intended position... This isn't going to happen overnight but ithappen... Just look around you... Open your eyes... Once you do that you'll see the strings guiding the puppets
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Our market will crash again in the near future. I understand the goal and moves of this organization which is already worldwide.... Look at the current ticker.... Floating around 10000... This is artifical growth.

It begins TUESDAY 10/20.

You are pretty much on point sir. The market is a huge ponzi scheme, the top sucks money from the bottom which is hoping for a return it rarely gets. And thecrashes are timed. Next week will be interesting.
Not to be rude but, what does your uncle do for a living? I heard people that sell their souls are usually living comfortably
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Not to be rude but, what does your uncle do for a living? I heard people that sell their souls are usually living comfortably

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