The Illuminati: Dont Believe The Hype

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by cartune

whats ironic is people are getting defensive saying I researched on the internet. When I quoted books and actually "interviewed" a high degree mason

What facts do you have? Something you saw on youtube? Go do research dont take my word for it. You shouldnt take anybodys word for it go actually look it up for yourselves. Dont be so hungry for the truth that you eat whatever someone gives you. go find out for yourself. I got facts backing me what do you have?

If someone were to entertain the idea that these wild speculations about illumninati were true, then I would imagine that person would not necessarily look at the "official story" as the be all and end all. Ya know?

What wild speculations? Or are you assuming I got all my research from one source? Nah I looked up everything dude from more than one place. thats kinda whatresearch is. Did you read anything I wrote? If so what is it you have a problem with?
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Not to be rude but, what does your uncle do for a living? I heard people that sell their souls are usually living comfortably

He's a history professor at a college in the midwest hes living pretty modestly for someone who sold his soul especially being he doesnt believe in thedevil
Being a freemason doesn't mean selling your soul....

Selling your soul for materialistic gains is what some people do....

Why the 10/20 date???? That's my wifeys b day...
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by cartune

whats ironic is people are getting defensive saying I researched on the internet. When I quoted books and actually "interviewed" a high degree mason

What facts do you have? Something you saw on youtube? Go do research dont take my word for it. You shouldnt take anybodys word for it go actually look it up for yourselves. Dont be so hungry for the truth that you eat whatever someone gives you. go find out for yourself. I got facts backing me what do you have?

If someone were to entertain the idea that these wild speculations about illumninati were true, then I would imagine that person would not necessarily look at the "official story" as the be all and end all. Ya know?

What wild speculations? Or are you assuming I got all my research from one source? Nah I looked up everything dude from more than one place. thats kinda what research is. Did you read anything I wrote? If so what is it you have a problem with?

I was refering to the wild speculations you set out to disprove with your "research". If they believed that stuff to begin with, a brief search ofreadily available info is probablly not enough to convince them otherwise.

Basically, you need more people!
Yeah, I am pretty much out of all my positions in the market. I won't be getting an anvil dropped on my head.
Devildog you said something about the price of gold rising. could this be why im seeing comcercials of these companies buying up gold from consumers andoffering cash making it seem like its a good deal? one of them is
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

I was refering to the wild speculations you set out to disprove with your "research". If they believed that stuff to begin with, a brief search of readily available info is probablly not enough to convince them otherwise.

Basically, you need more people!

Exactly why I was laughing while reading the original post.

All sorts of misinformation flying all over the place...

But I got my eyes on the financial markets just like you guys
...And it's not likely to change anytime soon. If you have to live in it, may as well be a wolf.

lemme hold some of those bouillons and i'm good.

Everything comes at a price though my G.

If someone is offering you Gold for your Soul...they are only doing so because they are getting something back of greater value in their eyes.
To be honest it's more about the life than the money, i don't need money, i don't need power, but i do need more than the mundane day to day tasks.For some reason i want to be at the head table of this world you guys are all speculating on, dictating what i want the prime minister of some nation to say inhis next national address. I wanna see if that world really exists, and if i do have to sell my soul...
Originally Posted by Smashing

To be honest it's more about the life than the money, i don't need money, i don't need power, but i do need more than the mundane day to day tasks. For some reason i want to be at the head table of this world you guys are all speculating on, dictating what i want the prime minister of some nation to say in his next national address. I wanna see if that world really exists, and if i do have to sell my soul...
hate to say it but you wouldn't come within 3 planets of that. there's so much to it. your networking, financial resources, knowledge,ideologies, theories, and political affiliations come from what? who you are and where you come from. it just can't happen overnight for someone. even ifyou won the lottery tomorrow, it's only enough to keep you occupied until the grave.
First time I've seen good arguments by both sides of the coin in this type of thread. Even if the arguments are only from 2 people.

Anyone want to let me hold about 5 g's for some gold?
I read the whole thread, I love this stuff. I dunno what I call myself as far as conspiracy theorist, but I feel everything devildog has said. I dunno over thepast 2 years I dunno...this world crazy, maybe NT has helped me become like this or maybe I just matured but yea man.......haze, devildog an some other catsput me on to some stuff. NT is great. Real Talk I don't trust obama either I dunno man politicians are all shady imo. You never caught me in those obamathreads actin like he was a savior (idc if he white or black if it matters)
Way to many coincidences for me, a lot of this stuff is well documented and I'm not talking about the music industry.
Originally Posted by stuck0nrealness

i thought masons wernt allowed to tell you they were masons...
If you ask a Mason if they are a Freemason they must tell you.

It's not hard to become one, either. All you really need is a pledge.
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