The Illuminati: Dont Believe The Hype

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by finnns2003

devildog had a lot of good info in that post. obama being a puppet is the most important, as were the presidents before him. "it's all part of the plan..."

since a couple people feel me I'll continue...... The global elite consist of people at the top in all aspects of our lives... From TV to Newspapers and news outlets , politics , music , and communication. If you look at your television you wouldn't know that 6-10 companies ran every single station.. Look it up. Consolidation is the name of the game. Corner the market then u can control the outcome. The media for instance is a good example . Fox news and CNN are the top networks for news followed by msnbc. Fox is portrayed as the bad network and CNN is portrayed in a more wholesome light. When in fact they cover the same topics from a different point of view to attract their intended audiences.... Both network heads are part of CFR... The council of foreign relations. This organization is a cousin of the trilateral commision which was founded by rockerfeller and the rothschilds I belive.... The rothschilds and rockerfellers own about 80 % of the federal reserve.... 1+1=2 Obama, Hilary Clinton , timothy geithner(current head of us treasury and former federal reserve chairman), jumpoff joe biden , and many many more people are apart of these somewhat secret policy setting organizations... "they" operate under guise of the UN. United nations is set to be the global ambassadors by way of mass confusion and cry for help... Our country is at the top of the world... We have the most power... Most money .... Biggest military , etc... We run NASA and dictate policies around the world by the stroke of a pen or physical force( Iraq , Bosnia, afghanistan, Grenada, Korea etc.... They can't control the world with a superpower like ours running around so they must even the playing field.... Our market will crash again in the near future. I'm not a psyhcic but I understand the goal and moves of this organization which is already worldwide.... Look at the current ticker.... Floating around 10000... This is artifical growth. Propped up by Obama stimulus money which has two direct effects.... 1. Bring us more debt by way of taxation 2. Sucker more peope to throw money into a fixed game that will eventually crumble and cause more people to lose large sums of cash.... Gold is at 1000+.... This is actually low because the market hasn't even accounted for inflation yet. So when that occurs gold will shoot to $2000oz.. The dollar collapse is iminent. Other countries such as japan Russia china and India are trying to ease out there own dollars and deal in other countries currencies. Such as the yen and the dinar. Our dollar is the key to the manipulation of so many other countries because they hold a large amount as their reserves... The bankers are the elite. They control Washington. They are the illuminati... Just remember consolidation is key to corner the market and force manipulation.... These people aren't going to forcefully inact a nWo .... They're smarter than that... False flag attacks and money issues will cause for new world government . Which the UN will step in and take hold of it's intended position... This isn't going to happen overnight but it happen... Just look around you... Open your eyes... Once you do that you'll see the strings guiding the puppets

Great post, I can't see how people deny this.
Hm...I don't know what to believe after seeing devildog's posts. I already knew about the stuff cartune posted, but I'm starting to believe thatthe truth could be the half-way point of both sides.
Best way to conceal a lie is to leave it in plain sight.

Imma let you sit on that egg until it hatches
Originally Posted by rillo561

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by finnns2003

devildog had a lot of good info in that post. obama being a puppet is the most important, as were the presidents before him. "it's all part of the plan..."

since a couple people feel me I'll continue...... The global elite consist of people at the top in all aspects of our lives... From TV to Newspapers and news outlets , politics , music , and communication. If you look at your television you wouldn't know that 6-10 companies ran every single station.. Look it up. Consolidation is the name of the game. Corner the market then u can control the outcome. The media for instance is a good example . Fox news and CNN are the top networks for news followed by msnbc. Fox is portrayed as the bad network and CNN is portrayed in a more wholesome light. When in fact they cover the same topics from a different point of view to attract their intended audiences.... Both network heads are part of CFR... The council of foreign relations. This organization is a cousin of the trilateral commision which was founded by rockerfeller and the rothschilds I belive.... The rothschilds and rockerfellers own about 80 % of the federal reserve.... 1+1=2 Obama, Hilary Clinton , timothy geithner(current head of us treasury and former federal reserve chairman), jumpoff joe biden , and many many more people are apart of these somewhat secret policy setting organizations... "they" operate under guise of the UN. United nations is set to be the global ambassadors by way of mass confusion and cry for help... Our country is at the top of the world... We have the most power... Most money .... Biggest military , etc... We run NASA and dictate policies around the world by the stroke of a pen or physical force( Iraq , Bosnia, afghanistan, Grenada, Korea etc.... They can't control the world with a superpower like ours running around so they must even the playing field.... Our market will crash again in the near future. I'm not a psyhcic but I understand the goal and moves of this organization which is already worldwide.... Look at the current ticker.... Floating around 10000... This is artifical growth. Propped up by Obama stimulus money which has two direct effects.... 1. Bring us more debt by way of taxation 2. Sucker more peope to throw money into a fixed game that will eventually crumble and cause more people to lose large sums of cash.... Gold is at 1000+.... This is actually low because the market hasn't even accounted for inflation yet. So when that occurs gold will shoot to $2000oz.. The dollar collapse is iminent. Other countries such as japan Russia china and India are trying to ease out there own dollars and deal in other countries currencies. Such as the yen and the dinar. Our dollar is the key to the manipulation of so many other countries because they hold a large amount as their reserves... The bankers are the elite. They control Washington. They are the illuminati... Just remember consolidation is key to corner the market and force manipulation.... These people aren't going to forcefully inact a nWo .... They're smarter than that... False flag attacks and money issues will cause for new world government . Which the UN will step in and take hold of it's intended position... This isn't going to happen overnight but it happen... Just look around you... Open your eyes... Once you do that you'll see the strings guiding the puppets

Great post, I can't see how people deny this.
Because most of it is speculation. The guy that owns most of the news outlets in America Ted Turner is a visual dude you see him at every charityevent thrown out here. I dont know what he does in his spare time but he doesnt seem like hes trying to take over the world he's probably done more goodfor the world through his philanthropy.

The idea of the "Power Behind The Throne" is actually older than the Illuminati it goes back to medieval times when the poor believe the rich peopleat the top are doing something sinister to get that power. I see that idea is still sticking because you guys in this thread talking about selling your soulfor riches
that mindset will have you stuck in your situation. Getyour knowledge game up, find a niche and capitalize it aint that hard to make money in this country if thats what you want to do. I've seen dudes make 100sof mill by selling dope they didnt believe "everybody at the top had to be evil" they thought "if he can do it i can do it"

Think about it how many politicians do we see fold right in front of our eyes. We see corporations, banks falter all the time. All these wealthy people why doconspiracy theorist pick and chose whos in on the conspiracy? If Donald Trump wasnt on TV everyday and more of a mystical character I guarantee Trump would bea "devil worshipping mason". But no since he seems "normal" its not him its the people behind him

Maybe if the president and our government wasnt on television everyday I might consider that things are going on that we cant see. Or are you saying everyoneis acting? In order to be a representative in congress, a senator, a news anchor, a president you have to go through acting class. And lets say Obama is apuppet how is he getting his orders? In a secret room? Then that means Michelle must know about it too. And the 100s of people in his staff. Not including thesecret service who monitors him at all times or are they all in on it? What about their spouses their kids too? See I can speculate too're wrapped up in all the wrong misconceptions.

You're picking the most far out and misguided beliefs floating around Youtube and attacking them...Anyone with a brain, who has done any type of study onthe topic would never believe any of that.

No one is saying that you have to sell your soul to be rich or successful in America or that all Masons are vampiric devil-worshipers but there is awell-researched and documented proof of a Global structure of manipulation by a selected elite.

Knowing a few Masons and rich people that have made it through their own perserverance has nothing to do with this topic. My Grandfather is one of the highranking 33 degree Black Mason in England and I have an uncle who is a former felon and is now a multi-millionare construction mogul in the tri-statearea....all of that is irrelevant to this topic.

Read Carroll Quigley and stop browsing Youtube....
Maybe if the president and our government wasnt on television everyday I might consider that things are going on that we cant see. Or are you saying everyone is acting? In order to be a representative in congress, a senator, a news anchor, a president you have to go through acting class. And lets say Obama is a puppet how is he getting his orders? In a secret room? Then that means Michelle must know about it too. And the 100s of people in his staff. Not including the secret service who monitors him at all times or are they all in on it? What about their spouses their kids too? See I can speculate too
Thats some simple minded stuff, that shows you really haven't looked into the topic and are just adding more fuel to the fire to silence thequestions in your own mind....


Carroll Quigley (November 9, 1910 - January 3, 1977) was a noted historian, polymath, and theorist of the evolution of civilizations.
Quigley was born in Boston, and attended Harvard University, where he studied history and earned B.A, M.A., and Ph.D. degrees. He taught at Princeton University, and then at Harvard, and then at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976.[sup][1][/sup]

In his freshman year in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, future U.S. President Bill Clinton took Quigley's course, receiving a 'B' as his final grade in both semesters.[sup][6][/sup]
Clinton named Quigley as an important influence on his aspirations and political philosophy in 1991, when launching his presidential campaign in a speech at Georgetown.[sup][7][/sup] He also mentioned Quigley again during his acceptance speech to the 1992 Democratic National Convention In his bookThe Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden,written in 1949 but published posthumously in 1981, Quigley purports to trace the history of a secret society founded in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner. The society consisted of an inner circle ("The Society of the Elect") and an outercircle ("The Association of Helpers").[sup][11][/sup] The society as a whole does not have a fixed name:

According to Quigley, the leaders of this group were Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner from 1891 until Rhodes' death in 1902, Milner alone until his own death in 1925, Lionel Curtis from 1925 to 1955, Robert H. (Baron) Brand from 1955 to 1963, and Adam D. Marris from 1963 until the time Quigley wrote his book. This organization also functioned through certain loosely affiliated "front groups", including the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Council on Foreign Relations. After 1963 the organization's activities were "greatly reduced."[sup][15][/sup]

In addition, other secret societies are briefly discussed in Tragedy and Hope, including a consortium of the leaders of the central banks of several countries, who formed the Bank for International Settlements with the intent to "create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."[sup][16][/sup]


Cecil John Rhodes DCL (5 July 1853 - 26 March1902[sup][1][/sup]) was anEnglish-born businessman, mining magnate, and politician in SouthAfrica. He was the founder of the diamond company De Beers, which today markets 40% ofthe world's rough diamonds and at one time marketed 90%.[sup][2][/sup] He was an ardent believer in colonialism and imperialism, and was the founder of the state of Rhodesia, which was named after him. Rhodesia, later Northern and Southern Rhodesia, eventually became Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively. South Africa's Rhodes University is named after him, and he is also known for the Rhodes Scholarship which is funded by his

Rhodes wanted to expand the British Empire because he believed that the Anglo-Saxon race was destined to greatness. In his last will and testament, Rhodes said of the British, "I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race."[sup][cite this quote][/sup]He wanted to make the British Empire a superpower in which all of the white countries in the empire, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Cape Colony, would be represented in the British Parliament. Rhodes included Americans in the Rhodes scholarships and said that he wanted to breed an American elite of philosopher-kings who would have the USA rejoin the British Empire. Rhodes also respected the Germans and admired the Kaiser, and allowed Germans to be included in the Rhodes scholarships. He believed that eventually Great Britain, the USA and Germany together would dominate the world and ensure peace together.[sup][4][/sup]
The heart of this concept is not about your new money millionaires and celebrities, its about men who literally owned entire Nations and bankers who can swaythe global economy at their whim.

You ever heard of "whales" moving the stock market of "lobbyists" ruling the American government? Its the same concept and shouldn't betoo hard to comprehend.

When you look at privately funded Think Thanks that produce government policy and notice that all of the members are close friends, family andassociates....and they are all members of the same secret societies, you have to start thinking and looking deeper.

If John Kerry and George Bush are both in the Skull and Bones....both swear the same blood oath and pledge with their lives to fulfill the groups objectives,which they won't disclose to the American that not a cause for concern? When you notice that the head of major banking institutions and mediaconglomerates are also S&B don't think further research and disclosure is called for?

Some of the overblown and fantastical claims made on Youtube turn a lot of people away from the discussion but once you lay aside your pre-conceived notionsand do the knowledge, the truth is inescapable. When NYC taxpayers pay a billion dollars in tax to build private stadiums and pad the pockets of the alreadysuper rich and when Goldman Sach and JP Morgan recieve Billions more of your tax dollars only to turn around and record record profits, while Americansstruggle to stay afloat....wheter you call it "The Illumati" or a straight up rackeet by the ruling elite...the reality is inescapable.

This movie will give you a better grasp of the topic than those "Soulja Bou is an Illumati" videos on Youtube....

HueyP in LouieV wrote:

Some of the overblown and fantastical claims made on Youtube turn a lot of people away from the discussion

very true. my original post was aimed at people who do believe the crazy claims but there are some unseen, untold accounts of man's lust forpower and world conquest. I cant deny that. Greatpost
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

He believed that eventually Great Britain, the USA and Germany together would dominate the world and ensure peace together.[sup][4][/sup]

lol too bad he didn't live another 30 years.

Great post though, Haze.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

The heart of this concept is not about your new money millionaires and celebrities, its about men who literally owned entire Nations and bankers who can sway the global economy at their whim.

You ever heard of "whales" moving the stock market of "lobbyists" ruling the American government? Its the same concept and shouldn't be too hard to comprehend.

When you look at privately funded Think Thanks that produce government policy and notice that all of the members are close friends, family and associates....and they are all members of the same secret societies, you have to start thinking and looking deeper.

If John Kerry and George Bush are both in the Skull and Bones....both swear the same blood oath and pledge with their lives to fulfill the groups objectives, which they won't disclose to the American that not a cause for concern? When you notice that the head of major banking institutions and media conglomerates are also S&B don't think further research and disclosure is called for?

Some of the overblown and fantastical claims made on Youtube turn a lot of people away from the discussion but once you lay aside your pre-conceived notions and do the knowledge, the truth is inescapable. When NYC taxpayers pay a billion dollars in tax to build private stadiums and pad the pockets of the already super rich and when Goldman Sach and JP Morgan recieve Billions more of your tax dollars only to turn around and record record profits, while Americans struggle to stay afloat....wheter you call it "The Illumati" or a straight up rackeet by the ruling elite...the reality is inescapable.

This movie will give you a better grasp of the topic than those "Soulja Bou is an Illumati" videos on Youtube....


Exactly what society needs to do is look at the whole prespective. We need a legitimate think tank. Not just people who know something fishy happened. But alegitimate think tank as a race we need to look into history and find out how that history of the crusades, and all the wars previous infulence our livestoday. America needs to look at its self in the mirror and discuss what is truth and what is fiction. Nothing is black and white. Nothing is certain. But weneed to look seriously into the things that occur and make it a concept. Make it clear that although somethings are natural everything has a cause.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by rillo561

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by finnns2003

devildog had a lot of good info in that post. obama being a puppet is the most important, as were the presidents before him. "it's all part of the plan..."

since a couple people feel me I'll continue...... The global elite consist of people at the top in all aspects of our lives... From TV to Newspapers and news outlets , politics , music , and communication. If you look at your television you wouldn't know that 6-10 companies ran every single station.. Look it up. Consolidation is the name of the game. Corner the market then u can control the outcome. The media for instance is a good example . Fox news and CNN are the top networks for news followed by msnbc. Fox is portrayed as the bad network and CNN is portrayed in a more wholesome light. When in fact they cover the same topics from a different point of view to attract their intended audiences.... Both network heads are part of CFR... The council of foreign relations. This organization is a cousin of the trilateral commision which was founded by rockerfeller and the rothschilds I belive.... The rothschilds and rockerfellers own about 80 % of the federal reserve.... 1+1=2 Obama, Hilary Clinton , timothy geithner(current head of us treasury and former federal reserve chairman), jumpoff joe biden , and many many more people are apart of these somewhat secret policy setting organizations... "they" operate under guise of the UN. United nations is set to be the global ambassadors by way of mass confusion and cry for help... Our country is at the top of the world... We have the most power... Most money .... Biggest military , etc... We run NASA and dictate policies around the world by the stroke of a pen or physical force( Iraq , Bosnia, afghanistan, Grenada, Korea etc.... They can't control the world with a superpower like ours running around so they must even the playing field.... Our market will crash again in the near future. I'm not a psyhcic but I understand the goal and moves of this organization which is already worldwide.... Look at the current ticker.... Floating around 10000... This is artifical growth. Propped up by Obama stimulus money which has two direct effects.... 1. Bring us more debt by way of taxation 2. Sucker more peope to throw money into a fixed game that will eventually crumble and cause more people to lose large sums of cash.... Gold is at 1000+.... This is actually low because the market hasn't even accounted for inflation yet. So when that occurs gold will shoot to $2000oz.. The dollar collapse is iminent. Other countries such as japan Russia china and India are trying to ease out there own dollars and deal in other countries currencies. Such as the yen and the dinar. Our dollar is the key to the manipulation of so many other countries because they hold a large amount as their reserves... The bankers are the elite. They control Washington. They are the illuminati... Just remember consolidation is key to corner the market and force manipulation.... These people aren't going to forcefully inact a nWo .... They're smarter than that... False flag attacks and money issues will cause for new world government . Which the UN will step in and take hold of it's intended position... This isn't going to happen overnight but it happen... Just look around you... Open your eyes... Once you do that you'll see the strings guiding the puppets

Great post, I can't see how people deny this.
Because most of it is speculation. The guy that owns most of the news outlets in America Ted Turner is a visual dude you see him at every charity event thrown out here. I dont know what he does in his spare time but he doesnt seem like hes trying to take over the world he's probably done more good for the world through his philanthropy.

The idea of the "Power Behind The Throne" is actually older than the Illuminati it goes back to medieval times when the poor believe the rich people at the top are doing something sinister to get that power. I see that idea is still sticking because you guys in this thread talking about selling your soul for riches
that mindset will have you stuck in your situation. Get your knowledge game up, find a niche and capitalize it aint that hard to make money in this country if thats what you want to do. I've seen dudes make 100s of mill by selling dope they didnt believe "everybody at the top had to be evil" they thought "if he can do it i can do it"

Think about it how many politicians do we see fold right in front of our eyes. We see corporations, banks falter all the time. All these wealthy people why do conspiracy theorist pick and chose whos in on the conspiracy? If Donald Trump wasnt on TV everyday and more of a mystical character I guarantee Trump would be a "devil worshipping mason". But no since he seems "normal" its not him its the people behind him

Maybe if the president and our government wasnt on television everyday I might consider that things are going on that we cant see. Or are you saying everyone is acting? In order to be a representative in congress, a senator, a news anchor, a president you have to go through acting class. And lets say Obama is a puppet how is he getting his orders? In a secret room? Then that means Michelle must know about it too. And the 100s of people in his staff. Not including the secret service who monitors him at all times or are they all in on it? What about their spouses their kids too? See I can speculate too

Wait, there are reasonable, logical, and erudite posters on NT?!? (Ok, that is an exaggeration, there are like 5-10)

Thank you for this... Too bad 99% are going to claim you are just brainwashed by the system.
huey p you speak the truth all you dudes need to dust ur third eye off this is bigger than poulation control,h1n1,obama,2012, this is a war we been fightingsince the begining of time and trust me we are losing.
Just watched that movie clip.

Isn't that the same thing they did with the real estate market (economic hit)?

Give out loans (fractional reserve money) to people who could never repay them and then seize their property once they (borrowers) defaulted on their loans.

On another note, who thinks that the dollar will be worth anything in 2 years?
I know who runs the united States. As for who owns it, the people, you and I do. We just don't know how to go about owning it and taking control of her. .. yet.

As for who runs it. Lets look at:

The United States Code (USC) Title 22 § 286, which states,

"§ 286. Acceptance of membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.
"The President is hereby authorized to accept membership for the United States in the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund"), and in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank"), provided for by the Articles of Agreement of the Fund and the Articles of Agreement of the Bank as set forth in the Final Act of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference dated July 22, 1944, and deposited in the archives of the Department of State. (July 31, 1945, ch. 339, § 2, 59 Stat. 512.) Short titles: . May be cited as the 'Bretton Woods Agreements Act'.
"Other provisions:
Par value modification. For the Congressional direction that the Secretary of the Treasury maintain the value in terms of gold of the Inter-American Development Bank's holdings of United States dollars following the establishment of a par value of the dollar at $38 for a fine troy ounce of gold pursuant to the Par Value Modification Act and for the authorization of the appropriations necessary to provide such maintenance of value, see 31 USC § 449a." (accents in red added).

[It should be noted that recently, to cover-up the Bretton Woods Agreements (hereinafter "BWA") control and the quitclaim of the United StatesGovernment to the IMF, the United States Congress abolished the references in the USC referring to the BWA. Other than removing such references thatabolishment had no effect on the BWA.]
The imf runs the U.S.
To understand this, you must know that the United States is a corporation. You could read TheDistrict of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 (Chapter 62, 16 Statutes at Large, 419).

Here is more of an overview from the beginning. Easy to read.
and when you are done, go and read the front page.
Originally Posted by cartune

HueyP in LouieV wrote:

Some of the overblown and fantastical claims made on Youtube turn a lot of people away from the discussion
very true. my original post was aimed at people who do believe the crazy claims but there are some unseen, untold accounts of man's lust for power and world conquest. I cant deny that. Great post

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction! You should also be aware that 9 times out of 10, big money philanthropy = money laundering/tax evasion.

We all saw the top of the market today. We won't see these levels again for some time. Keep an eye on the insider trading stuff coming out.

Huey P, aYou ever heard of a conspiracy theory conspiracy? It's real out here. I can't help but feeling like we are all supposed to believe in a sinister NWO plot. It's far too prevalent these days. I could go into the dialects of it. Thesis/anti-thesis and all that jazz. But i wont.

We could debate and compare "facts' all day but the reality of the situation is we know nothing! Our sources are not verifiable. The same people whoown all the tv stations, own all the publishing houses that decide what is available to read. They can determine what comes up in internet search results. Wewill never know anything for sure. If something is covered up, the average joe can't uncover it. Not saying theres not truth out there, but how do youknow the truth if you don't know the truth? Ya know?
" The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

If you wake up with a woman child car and and roof over your head but still feel incomplete that means something is wrong with the society structure we live...If something is wrong we must find out where it went wrong them we can move forward.

Soooo many unanswered questions and coverups I cant help but lean towards conspiracy theories...

Too many coincidences...
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