The Combat Jack Show Thread

Boyz II Men as a group was the important 'artist' to R&B, Shawn Stockman alone was not an important artist. Come on dude didn't even release a solo album :lol: we know the names of group members when they were the lead, branched off and had solo careers, or did something really bad in the media
Rob was sort of alluding to something being up with Joe, or he thought so. But Joe said he was just happy to be back.

I agreed with what Joe was saying to the girl. If she's on an R&B podcast talking R&B weekly, she should have some serious knowledge of the biggest R&B acts of the last 20 years. Boyz II Men is one of the biggest names in R&B music of the last 25 years and she can't even name them? I wouldn't want to talk music with her. She needs to go do some research and study up.

I think its a little bit of both. She should have known the names given the circumstance but he was way outta line trying to belittle her because she didn't know. Thats like saying someone cant comment on basketball because they dont know the bulls starting 5 in 95. Yes you should know but one piece of trivia doesn't represent your knowledge on a subject.

I don't see it that way. It's not a music podcast covering all genres, it's specifically towards R&B. If you can't name the members of one of the biggest groups in R&B of the last 15 years, I don't care what you have to say about R&B. You should have some real knowledge on Jodeci, Boyz II Men and New Edition no matter your age.

Yep basically, your opinion at that point is useless. You can't have an R&B podcast and not know specific names of important artist.
If somebody had a Hip-Hop podcast and never heard Lupe's albums before I wound't tune in after the fact.

I see both sides.

I think you can be a fan of R&B and not necessarily know the names. Now if she said Boyz 2 Men as her favorite group, that would be something different. But still Wayna and Shawn are the most recognizable members because they normally had the lead.

but she's 24 or 25. Boyz 2 Men were out when she was born.
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I've listened to RLS & ol girl is definitely out the loop at times for her to COHOST an R&B show. I do agree with Joe on that. She wants to be an actress so I'm not sure why she hosts that show. The age difference in hosts for that show doesn't make sense to me.

I think ol girl came in already feeling a way about Joe or maybe something her happened before she got there.

Joe is old enough to know not everyone is going for that ***** *** **** tho. If he wants to talk to his friends like that that's cool and on them but everyone isn't down for that. Tax does that **** to but no one ever says anything to him about it. They'll correct him on f*g*** but not ***** it ***.

I used to correct Tony on that all the time but now I just don't care to anymore. Long as he don't talk to me like that we good.
I've listened to RLS & ol girl is definitely out the loop at times for her to COHOST an R&B show. I do agree with Joe on that. She wants to be an actress so I'm not sure why she hosts that show. The age difference in hosts for that show doesn't make sense to me.

I think ol girl came in already feeling a way about Joe or maybe something her happened before she got there.

Joe is old enough to know not everyone is going for that ***** *** **** tho. If he wants to talk to his friends like that that's cool and on them but everyone isn't down for that. Tax does that **** to but no one ever says anything to him about it. They'll correct him on f*g*** but not ***** it ***.

I used to correct Tony on that all the time but now I just don't care to anymore. Long as he don't talk to me like that we good.
Whose tony???
I think ol girl came in already feeling a way about Joe or maybe something her happened before she got there.

I used to correct Tony on that all the time but now I just don't care to anymore. Long as he don't talk to me like that we good.


Oh yeah, she definitely already had passed judgement on Joe before she came. She sort of slipped up, but then decided to keep it positive.
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Real s**t I was upset when Joe's joint wasn't up on Wednesday. An hour of my work day was so mundane.:lol:

Idiots were idiots. Schulz was off the wall this time. I wanna see if they get jay Williams back though.
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Combat got Officer Dowd on from the "Seven Five Documetary" on.. extremely interesting so far. especially his take on how the NYPD literally ignored drug arrest due to the money it cost the city.
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I Can't front as much as i have grown to really be distant of cops, he just seems like an overall genuine dude... but then again he is a cop & a smart one at that so it could all be a swindle lol
I tried to listen to the Combat/Tax min in Combat told him, "You're very smart." CURTAINS
Heard Dowd on Rogan's podcast a while back. If you liked this, check that out. Really good interview.

He seems like a genuine dude. Not mad at him for his past. Just got caught up in the game. I believe him.

LOL @ Combat shouting out The Coli. He was posting heavy and then cats did kind of "run him off"
That message board replaced NT in my daily browsing. I still love this thread though! :pimp:
I was a little young for that part of the crack era. It was interesting to hear the NYPD's reaction to it. I never thought of the money aspect. It's crazy how they went from that kind of policing to Giuliani's method. From one extreme to another.

Combat was annoying me as usual when he was interrupting and trying to finish sentences. He was killing me during the Prince Markie Dee story.

I'm still wondering what a co-host is adding, if he doesn't let them do anything but sit there?
LOL @ Combat shouting out The Coli. He was posting heavy and then cats did kind of "run him off"
That message board replaced NT in my daily browsing. I still love this thread though!
 ha yea that's why I slowed down on here

I can get the kinda post off on there that I can't on here

wish I knew about it earlier...joined a month or two ago
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when dude said there was a millionaire on every block :smh:

If only those young cats had the game to really boss up and start buying property NYC would have been completely different these days
when dude said there was a millionaire on every block :smh:

If only those young cats had the game to really boss up and start buying property NYC would have been completely different these days

Too busy showing off and buying stupid things. smh
can't blame them tho dudes were legit 17-21 with NO IDEA on what to do with that kind of money

Very true and there really wasn't anyone to show them. The next generation was supposed to learned from them but it seems like people just like going to jail.
there's some who survived but the majority of them cats are either still locked up, drugged out, or in a casket :\
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