The "beast" in the book of revelations is Catholicism

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by nick0lis

i go to a catholic school and have to take religion as a required class. catholics are in general good people.

there are so many ignoramuses out there that think catholics are somehow trying to take over the world and all that jazz. while i agree that some of their practices are pretty backwards
for example: confessing sins to a priest so you can be forgiven, being baptized to be saved (a lot of religions believe this, but we already are saved from jesus' dying on the cross, we dont have to do anything else to gain god's acceptance), and the fact that they believe that the eucharist is actually jesus christ.

they still are doing things with a good heart, do you think god is going to persecute them for claiming the pope or priests as their holy father? no, of course not, they're just trying to get into heaven and be the best people they know how to, even if is a little different.

as they say, ignorance is bliss

Who am I to judge someone.
But a honest crook is still a crook.
i agree that there are definitely some bad seeds in catholicism, but there are going to be bad seeds in every religion.

thats why i dont #%@@ with religion. true christians dont believe in condemnation or judgement.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by cartune

The reason why priest might sodomize boys is crazy tho.
why is that? because they're not allowed marriage. how is that crazy?

i'm saying, though, not being allowed to marraige doesn't exactly jump straight to sodomizing boys. there's grown women who go to church too, noteven including nuns. plus nuns have a bad history of diddling girls too.

On top of that priests smoke, drink, and curse like anyone else. Seems to be alot of hypocrisy in the business of organized religion.

Real talk I think the western world got it right before the crusades. It was basically do whatever you want as long as it is reasonably good, don't feelbad about your vices unless they're harmful to others, and try not to infringe on other's property because you will get murked and if someone steps onyour property you can murk them. There were even Black people making moves in Europe during that time i.e. the Moores. Look at Spain, Italy, Portugal. Those were way more guilt-free times where laws were not really enforced crazy because the law was more for determining things like someone's rights toproperty or what will happen to someone in instances of war or straightening out disputes.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.
God is too big for one religion. We have finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite. Organized religion as a whole is pointless. The problem with it is all of you think you have the one and only truth, and its killing humanity.
at this. I'm not Catholic but I am a Christian.I say let M16 think Islam is the only truth. I can have my truth and he can have his but at the end of the day we both believe in one God and that's allthat matters.

Your signature does interest me though:
I am Shiva, The God of Death
Interesing read, but I can hear the arguements from a mile away:smh: I'm catholic and yes we don't "worship" the pope or saints but sure do"pray" to them for help and guidance in many situations...the pope on many levels is deified but that's jus one of the quarrels I have withcatholicism including saints...which I do not pray to
Originally Posted by nick0lis

i go to a catholic school and have to take religion as a required class. catholics are in general good people.

there are so many ignoramuses out there that think catholics are somehow trying to take over the world and all that jazz. while i agree that some of their practices are pretty backwards
for example: confessing sins to a priest so you can be forgiven, being baptized to be saved (a lot of religions believe this, but we already are saved from jesus' dying on the cross, we dont have to do anything else to gain god's acceptance), and the fact that they believe that the eucharist is actually jesus christ.

they still are doing things with a good heart, do you think god is going to persecute them for claiming the pope or priests as their holy father? no, of course not, they're just trying to get into heaven and be the best people they know how to, even if is a little different.

as they say, ignorance is bliss
The Vatican and everyday Catholics are two different things.
It's like comparing the average citizen of any nation with their corrupt and criminal ridden political system.

The Vatican is a political entity. It has very little to do with religion.

You are most likely right, but I swear you're pessimistic in 93% of your posts.

I may come off that way but I'm actually not a pessimistic persona t all.
I just try to see things for what they are.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by nick0lis

i go to a catholic school and have to take religion as a required class. catholics are in general good people.

there are so many ignoramuses out there that think catholics are somehow trying to take over the world and all that jazz. while i agree that some of their practices are pretty backwards
for example: confessing sins to a priest so you can be forgiven, being baptized to be saved (a lot of religions believe this, but we already are saved from jesus' dying on the cross, we dont have to do anything else to gain god's acceptance), and the fact that they believe that the eucharist is actually jesus christ.

they still are doing things with a good heart, do you think god is going to persecute them for claiming the pope or priests as their holy father? no, of course not, they're just trying to get into heaven and be the best people they know how to, even if is a little different.

as they say, ignorance is bliss

Who am I to judge someone.
But a honest crook is still a crook.
i agree that there are definitely some bad seeds in catholicism, but there are going to be bad seeds in every religion.

thats why i dont #%@@ with religion. true christians dont believe in condemnation or judgement.
I totally agree with what your saying.
But for the sake of yourself I ask that you please dont dismiss God for man's doing.
There are so many people that diss religion because of experiences with people or mans wrong doing.
These people in no way speak for god and his doing. There just another confused person.
For example a doubt any children who were molested in church will ever turn to God again just because
of lewd act that man committed.
If the pope was in a sex scandal today or tomorrow people will spit on God's name as if he done it.
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[size=+2]Those who would defend Roman Catholicism persistently press the illogical and invalid assertion that the Roman cult neither teaches nor in fact practices worship of Mary. They argue that, as concerns Mary and the other ghosts in the RCC pantheon, worship does not mean worship and venerate does not mean worship and render homage does not mean worship and pray to does not mean worship and sacrifice to does not mean worship. Words can be used to convey many meanings, a fact the Magisterium has consistently used to its own purpose.[/size]

[size=+2]Regardless of what those who speak in Rome's cause may claim or of how they redefine word meanings, the Roman Catholic hierarchy indeed do foster mariolatry, worship of things and the spirits of the dead. When the Ladies' Sodality meets every night in the chapel to toll their beads and pray the Rosary, they are rendering worship to Mary. When a little old man struggles up to a statue of Mary and, falling to his knees before it, places coins in a box, lights a candle and offers prayers to her, that is worship. When a Blackrobed Benedictine oblate prays to St. Maurus and calls upon him to heal a dying child, he is not only praying to a spirit for a miracle but actually is rendering a low-level of worship. When the Catholic faithful genuflect or cross themselves when passing in front of the tabernacle where a consecrated host is kept, they might claim they are rendering honors to Christ, but the fact is they are paying homage to a cracker.[/size]

[size=+2]As one Christian theologian wrote:[/size]

[size=+2]"The same worship is rendered to Mary as to Christ. Churches are built to her honour; her shrines are crowded with devotees; enriched with their gifts; and adorned with their votive offerings. To her prayers are addressed as to a divine being, and blessing are asked as from one who has power to bestow them. Her votaries are taught to pray, 'Spare us, good Lady,' and 'From all evil, good Lady, deliver us.' Five annual festivals celebrate her greatness, and keep alive the devotion of her worshippers. In Roman Catholic countries the dawn is ushered in with hymns to her honour; her praises are again chanted at noon, and the day is closed with an Ave Maria sung to the Lady of Heaven." (James A. Wylie, The Papacy, London (1852) p. 370)[/size]

I ask you : what is God ?

Didn't God create everything in the heavens and on earth ?

How can one truly ever not worship God if he exists in all of us as we were created in his image ?

Are not all these saints that are worshiped differnt aspects of the same God ? ie Mary : the nurturing, feminin ?

Ummmm...heck nooooo...

First of all, understand that the only "people" worthy of being called saints, if you insist on using that term, are Jesus' "immediate"disciples (plus or minus Judas). I say this because only Jesus (God) had the "power" to commission and elevate a man to saint-hood. Why, because only Jesus (God) had the power to forgive man for his sins. In this sense, the Catholic Church's appointment of saints is illegitimate because the Church isnot Jesus (God) and the pope does not have the "power" to forgive any man of his sins. Afterall, the pope is a man himself.

Point is, all these saints appointed by the church are also men/women...not Jesus or God. So when you "worship" these individuals, you're notworshiping some aspect of God. In fact, that couldn't be more far from the truth. The only aspects of God to be worshiped are, the Father (God=Father), theSon (Jesus= God), and the Holy Spirit. No where in that trilogy, is there a mention of "saints"--because at the end of the day, saints appointed bythe Catholic church are still men and "man" =/= Jesus (God).

This is the heart of the problem--the fact that the Catholic church has manipulated members into believing that Saints are "aspects" of God. Withthis veil of trickery, it's no wonder why Catholics cannot see that they are worshiping something and someone besides God. They think they are worshipingGod, but are rather worshiping "man" and praying to idol figurines of "man"...

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.
God is too big for one religion. We have finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite. Organized religion as a whole is pointless. The problem with it is all of you think you have the one and only truth, and its killing humanity.
at this. I'm not Catholic but I am a Christian. I say let M16 think Islam is the only truth. I can have my truth and he can have his but at the end of the day we both believe in one God and that's all that matters.

Your signature does interest me though:
I am Shiva, The God of Death

Thats a feel good story. But somebody is wrong. Maybe even both.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by dunkaruu

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[size=+2]Those who would defend Roman Catholicism persistently press the illogical and invalid assertion that the Roman cult neither teaches nor in fact practices worship of Mary. They argue that, as concerns Mary and the other ghosts in the RCC pantheon, worship does not mean worship and venerate does not mean worship and render homage does not mean worship and pray to does not mean worship and sacrifice to does not mean worship. Words can be used to convey many meanings, a fact the Magisterium has consistently used to its own purpose.[/size]

[size=+2]Regardless of what those who speak in Rome's cause may claim or of how they redefine word meanings, the Roman Catholic hierarchy indeed do foster mariolatry, worship of things and the spirits of the dead. When the Ladies' Sodality meets every night in the chapel to toll their beads and pray the Rosary, they are rendering worship to Mary. When a little old man struggles up to a statue of Mary and, falling to his knees before it, places coins in a box, lights a candle and offers prayers to her, that is worship. When a Blackrobed Benedictine oblate prays to St. Maurus and calls upon him to heal a dying child, he is not only praying to a spirit for a miracle but actually is rendering a low-level of worship. When the Catholic faithful genuflect or cross themselves when passing in front of the tabernacle where a consecrated host is kept, they might claim they are rendering honors to Christ, but the fact is they are paying homage to a cracker.[/size]

[size=+2]As one Christian theologian wrote:[/size]

[size=+2]"The same worship is rendered to Mary as to Christ. Churches are built to her honour; her shrines are crowded with devotees; enriched with their gifts; and adorned with their votive offerings. To her prayers are addressed as to a divine being, and blessing are asked as from one who has power to bestow them. Her votaries are taught to pray, 'Spare us, good Lady,' and 'From all evil, good Lady, deliver us.' Five annual festivals celebrate her greatness, and keep alive the devotion of her worshippers. In Roman Catholic countries the dawn is ushered in with hymns to her honour; her praises are again chanted at noon, and the day is closed with an Ave Maria sung to the Lady of Heaven." (James A. Wylie, The Papacy, London (1852) p. 370)[/size]

I ask you : what is God ?

Didn't God create everything in the heavens and on earth ?

How can one truly ever not worship God if he exists in all of us as we were created in his image ?

Are not all these saints that are worshiped differnt aspects of the same God ? ie Mary : the nurturing, feminin ?

Ummmm...heck nooooo...

First of all, understand that the only "people" worthy of being called saints, if you insist on using that term, are Jesus' "immediate" disciples (plus or minus Judas). I say this because only Jesus (God) had the "power" to commission and elevate a man to saint-hood. Why, because only Jesus (God) had the power to forgive man for his sins. In this sense, the Catholic Church's appointment of saints is illegitimate because the Church is not Jesus (God) and the pope does not have the "power" to forgive any man of his sins. Afterall, the pope is a man himself.

Point is, all these saints appointed by the church are also men/women...not Jesus or God. So when you "worship" these individuals, you're not worshiping some aspect of God. In fact, that couldn't be more far from the truth. The only aspects of God to be worshiped are, the Father (God=Father), the Son (Jesus= God), and the Holy Spirit. No where in that trilogy, is there a mention of "saints"--because at the end of the day, saints appointed by the Catholic church are still men and "man" =/= Jesus (God).

This is the heart of the problem--the fact that the Catholic church has manipulated members into believing that Saints are "aspects" of God. With this veil of trickery, it's no wonder why Catholics cannot see that they are worshiping something and someone besides God. They think they are worshiping God, but are rather worshiping "man" and praying to idol figurines of "man"...


Do you have pictures of loved ones in your house ? Do you look up to athletes or musicians for inspiration or idols ? Do you ever pray that the energy of aloved one that has passed sorrounds you, keep you safe, even if you first pray to God ?
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.
God is too big for one religion. We have finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite. Organized religion as a whole is pointless. The problem with it is all of you think you have the one and only truth, and its killing humanity.
at this. I'm not Catholic but I am a Christian. I say let M16 think Islam is the only truth. I can have my truth and he can have his but at the end of the day we both believe in one God and that's all that matters.

Your signature does interest me though:
Organized religion separates people, and is almost always the cause for wars. It has to die for mankind to live. It makes people crazy.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.
God is too big for one religion. We have finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite. Organized religion as a whole is pointless. The problem with it is all of you think you have the one and only truth, and its killing humanity.
at this. I'm not Catholic but I am a Christian. I say let M16 think Islam is the only truth. I can have my truth and he can have his but at the end of the day we both believe in one God and that's all that matters.

Your signature does interest me though:
I am Shiva, The God of Death
Thats a feel good story. But somebody is wrong. Maybe even both.

Faith is a beautiful thing and not everybody can truly surrender themselves to one God.
This is why I despise a lot with religion. Everyone feels self righteous as to which one is the most "pure, true, and all benefiting" for theirpeople when no one really knows what or who is out there and what made this universe.

If I say something like oh God created, atheists will come out and say I'm wrong. If I say the world was developed through the big bang and evolution,everyone Christian (including Catholics are under the denomination) will come out crying foul telling me I burn in hell. SMH at this and every religion andthread related for being like this.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.
God is too big for one religion. We have finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite. Organized religion as a whole is pointless. The problem with it is all of you think you have the one and only truth, and its killing humanity.
at this. I'm not Catholic but I am a Christian. I say let M16 think Islam is the only truth. I can have my truth and he can have his but at the end of the day we both believe in one God and that's all that matters.

Your signature does interest me though:
I am Shiva, The God of Death
Thats a feel good story. But somebody is wrong. Maybe even both.
Faith is a beautiful thing and not everybody can truly surrender themselves to one God.

O'course you can follow what ever you like. But again someone will be wrong.
We can sit here hold hands with our different beliefs but at the end of the day.
If Johnny beliefs is true and Suize belived in something completely different. Suzie is wrong.
So yeah I love the concept of accepting someone as different.
But we cant block out the fact someone will be on the wrong end of the stick.
O'course you can follow what ever you like. But again someone will be wrong.
We can sit here hold hands with our different beliefs but at the end of the day.
If Johnny beliefs is true and Suize belived in something completely different. Suzie is wrong.
So yeah I love the concept of accepting someone as different.
But we cant block out the fact someone will be on the wrong end of the stick.
Islam would say that Suzie is indeed right if she does practice Christianity or Judaism. So if Johnny believes in Islam , he shouldn't mind her beliefs at all

Christianity might not feel the same way, but like someone stated earlier its basically the same ol' story with minor twist.
Catholicism more than any other denomination elevates humans to worshipped status, ie mary/pope.
Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

they worship mary, the pope, the holy ghost, saints etc.


Yes, its just funny that you don't realize it. Like I said before, worship isn't always on your knees praying. Even the confessing aspect ofCatholicism is a form of worship. You're begging and asking a man for his forgiveness. It's a form of worship.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

they worship mary, the pope, the holy ghost, saints etc.


Yes, its just funny that you don't realize it. Like I said before, worship isn't always on your knees praying. Even the confessing aspect of Catholicism is a form of worship. You're begging and asking a man for his forgiveness. It's a form of worship.
I guess im arguing because I dont do these things such as confession, because I dont strongly believe in confessing sins to a preist. I ratherjust pray to the God/Jesus for forgiveness. plus why does it matter what others do, they arent hurting anyone
Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

they worship mary, the pope, the holy ghost, saints etc.


Yes, its just funny that you don't realize it. Like I said before, worship isn't always on your knees praying. Even the confessing aspect of Catholicism is a form of worship. You're begging and asking a man for his forgiveness. It's a form of worship.
I guess im arguing because I dont do these things such as confession, because I dont strongly believe in confessing sins to a preist. I rather just pray to the God/Jesus for forgiveness. plus why does it matter what others do, they arent hurting anyone

Well when you're claiming that you worship Jesus when in fact you're worshiping numerous other things besides Jesus and contradict the bible in youractions it does matter.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.

Islam is the exact same as christianity. why do people fail to realize this?
why are some parts different? language. but its clearly the same ole story.

WOW......Ignorance, sheer ignorance.
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