The "beast" in the book of revelations is Catholicism

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

you sound like a hater.

havent you guys walked inside the home of (some) hispanic fams and see all those candles and saints lite up

and especially if you live in NYC
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.

Islam is the exact same as christianity. why do people fail to realize this?
why are some parts different? language. but its clearly the same ole story.

WOW......Ignorance, sheer ignorance.
yea, Ok
. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, all follow thesame god.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.

Islam is the exact same as christianity. why do people fail to realize this?
why are some parts different? language. but its clearly the same ole story.

WOW......Ignorance, sheer ignorance.
yea, Ok
. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, all follow the same god.

....... Yankees and Lakers both play for the title your point?......People are quick to say Religions are all the same, when rarely do they evenknow 1 well enough to make such claims, let alone two. I won't call you out via internet, but i'm 100 percent certain you haven't read 2 religioustexts, I doubt 1.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Not religious so don't really care about "anti christ" or "the beast" (or whatever it is) this or that although to believers it should be apparent that The Vatican at least merits a look because it fits the description so well.

Anyway, the Vatican has been the single longest running corporation to date.
Power and money. That is all that the Vatican strives for.

Chapter 1​
The Vatican Billions[/h1]​
[size=-1]by Avro Manhattan - Chick Publications[/size]​
Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21
[h4]The Historical Genesis of the Vatican's Accumulation of Wealth[/h4]​
Historical genesis of the Vatican's accumulation of wealth - The splitting of Christianity accelerated by its policy of temporal riches - Christianity expropriates all rival religions - How the Apostolic tradition of poverty was abandoned.

Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich, the wealthiest institution on earth.

How come, that such an institution, ruling in the name of this same itinerant preacher, whose want was such that he had not even a pillow upon which to rest his head, is now so top-heavy with riches that she can rival - indeed, that she can put to shame - the combined might of the most redoubtable financial trusts, of the most potent industrial super-giants, and of the most prosperous global corporation of the world?

It is a question that has echoed along the somber corridors of history during almost 2,000 years; a question that has puzzled, bewildered and angered in turn untold multitudes from the first centuries to our days.

The startling contradiction of the tremendous riches of the Roman Catholic Church with the direct teaching of Christ concerning their unambiguous rejection, is too glaring to be by-passed, tolerated or ignored by even the most indifferent of believers. In the past, indeed, some of the most virulent fulminations against such mammonic accumulation came from individuals whose zeal and religious fervor were second to none.Their denunciations of the wealth, pomp, luxury and worldly habits of abbots, bishops, cardinals and popes can still be heard thundering with unabated clamor at the opening of almost any page of the chequered annals of western history.

But, while it was to their credit that such men had the honesty to denounce the very church to which they had dedicated their lives, it is also to the latter's discredit that she took no heed of the voices of anguish and anger of those of her sons who had taken the teaching of the Gospel to the letter and therefore were eager that the Roman Catholic system, which claimed to be the true bride of Christ, be as poor as one she called master. When she did not silence them, she ignored them or, at the most, considered them utterances of religious innocents, to be tolerated as long as her revenue was not made to suffer.

Whenever that happened the Vatican did not hesitate to resort of the most prompt and drastic coercion to silence anyone capable of setting in motion forces, within or outside her, likely to divest her of her wealth.

The employment of suppressive measures went from the purely spiritual to physical ones; the ecclesiastical and lay machineries were used according to the degree and seriousness of the threat, and this to such an extent that in due course they became so integrated as to operate at all levels, wherever the two partners deemed themselves imperiled.

Amazon product ASIN 0937958166

Alot of fortune 500 companies should model the Vatican's tactics. How they operate, do business. Top notch
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by M16


Islam is the only truth.

Islam is the exact same as christianity. why do people fail to realize this?
why are some parts different? language. but its clearly the same ole story.

WOW......Ignorance, sheer ignorance.
yea, Ok
. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, all follow the same god.

....... Yankees and Lakers both play for the title your point?......People are quick to say Religions are all the same, when rarely do they even know 1 well enough to make such claims, let alone two. I won't call you out via internet, but i'm 100 percent certain you haven't read 2 religious texts, I doubt 1.
Co-sign x1000
Dudes go to church and read 10 pages of the bible now they know and can judge religion.
Not to mention Christianity is only one out of a million.
Dudes cant even be a good atheist.
I've come across some articles that say the Catholic church is the beast. I, myself am starting to believe it. I'm catholic btw.
I wanted to bring something up. At the church I go to, I see the all seeing eye in a pyramid on the booth where they speak the Gospel. I was like, "whatthe. . . is that what I think it is?"

I went to Mexico 2 weeks ago to visit family. We go to church and when I look up front, I see a big Jesus on the cross. And rite above him is the all seeingeye in a pyramid in a star. I was tripping. Seriously, anybody who is catholic here, What does that eye mean? or Does it mean what I think it means.
Hmmm, I took a class on Revelations and Catholicism being the beast is far from what I learned.

Actually, I thought the church of Thyatira was in reference to the Catholic Church.
Originally Posted by Beermann2

I've come across some articles that say the Catholic church is the beast. I, myself am starting to believe it. I'm catholic btw.
I wanted to bring something up. At the church I go to, I see the all seeing eye in a pyramid on the booth where they speak the Gospel. I was like, "what the. . . is that what I think it is?"

I went to Mexico 2 weeks ago to visit family. We go to church and when I look up front, I see a big Jesus on the cross. And rite above him is the all seeing eye in a pyramid in a star. I was tripping. Seriously, anybody who is catholic here, What does that eye mean? or Does it mean what I think it means.
The fore fathers of america created the logo. It is suppose to be the all seeing eye of god.
It is also a well known free-masonry symbol.
When I see the eye, I see the eye of Thoth.

I've read that the next pope will be the anti-christ.
"These great beasts, which are four, are four kingdoms which shall arise out of the earth."

Daniel 7:23 "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the wholeearth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."

why did i think united states right after reading this...

the fourth * last kingdom to come into complete power hence US being the biggest world power* that is diverse from all kingdoms, hence US being diverse..everyone from everywhere... i dont know why but that was the first thing i thought of.

seeing that we are an evil country, and we do burn resources and conquer.. i think it fits us well.

good post OP..

religion does nothing but divide- GZA

every war on earth was over 2 things.. money or religion.

Taoism and Buddhism the truth

but i am pretty sure the anchient egyptions and greeks knew what up, my dude zues and horace

( horace is where the eye originally came from)

part of my family is greek orthodox..
Good reads...but it just affirms to me that religion continues to serve no purpose than being really elaborate stories in which people define themselves.

Good for you though.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by dunkaruu

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[size=+2]Those who would defend Roman Catholicism persistently press the illogical and invalid assertion that the Roman cult neither teaches nor in fact practices worship of Mary. They argue that, as concerns Mary and the other ghosts in the RCC pantheon, worship does not mean worship and venerate does not mean worship and render homage does not mean worship and pray to does not mean worship and sacrifice to does not mean worship. Words can be used to convey many meanings, a fact the Magisterium has consistently used to its own purpose.[/size]

[size=+2]Regardless of what those who speak in Rome's cause may claim or of how they redefine word meanings, the Roman Catholic hierarchy indeed do foster mariolatry, worship of things and the spirits of the dead. When the Ladies' Sodality meets every night in the chapel to toll their beads and pray the Rosary, they are rendering worship to Mary. When a little old man struggles up to a statue of Mary and, falling to his knees before it, places coins in a box, lights a candle and offers prayers to her, that is worship. When a Blackrobed Benedictine oblate prays to St. Maurus and calls upon him to heal a dying child, he is not only praying to a spirit for a miracle but actually is rendering a low-level of worship. When the Catholic faithful genuflect or cross themselves when passing in front of the tabernacle where a consecrated host is kept, they might claim they are rendering honors to Christ, but the fact is they are paying homage to a cracker.[/size]

[size=+2]As one Christian theologian wrote:[/size]

[size=+2]"The same worship is rendered to Mary as to Christ. Churches are built to her honour; her shrines are crowded with devotees; enriched with their gifts; and adorned with their votive offerings. To her prayers are addressed as to a divine being, and blessing are asked as from one who has power to bestow them. Her votaries are taught to pray, 'Spare us, good Lady,' and 'From all evil, good Lady, deliver us.' Five annual festivals celebrate her greatness, and keep alive the devotion of her worshippers. In Roman Catholic countries the dawn is ushered in with hymns to her honour; her praises are again chanted at noon, and the day is closed with an Ave Maria sung to the Lady of Heaven." (James A. Wylie, The Papacy, London (1852) p. 370)[/size]

I ask you : what is God ?

Didn't God create everything in the heavens and on earth ?

How can one truly ever not worship God if he exists in all of us as we were created in his image ?

Are not all these saints that are worshiped differnt aspects of the same God ? ie Mary : the nurturing, feminin ?

Ummmm...heck nooooo...

First of all, understand that the only "people" worthy of being called saints, if you insist on using that term, are Jesus' "immediate" disciples (plus or minus Judas). I say this because only Jesus (God) had the "power" to commission and elevate a man to saint-hood. Why, because only Jesus (God) had the power to forgive man for his sins. In this sense, the Catholic Church's appointment of saints is illegitimate because the Church is not Jesus (God) and the pope does not have the "power" to forgive any man of his sins. Afterall, the pope is a man himself.

Point is, all these saints appointed by the church are also men/women...not Jesus or God. So when you "worship" these individuals, you're not worshiping some aspect of God. In fact, that couldn't be more far from the truth. The only aspects of God to be worshiped are, the Father (God=Father), the Son (Jesus= God), and the Holy Spirit. No where in that trilogy, is there a mention of "saints"--because at the end of the day, saints appointed by the Catholic church are still men and "man" =/= Jesus (God).

This is the heart of the problem--the fact that the Catholic church has manipulated members into believing that Saints are "aspects" of God. With this veil of trickery, it's no wonder why Catholics cannot see that they are worshiping something and someone besides God. They think they are worshiping God, but are rather worshiping "man" and praying to idol figurines of "man"...


so all Catholics don't actually worship God, they get tricked into worshipping idols? i'm Catholic and i'll say this to hopefully clear up anymisconceptions or misunderstandings... i pray to God (as much as i can) and ask for his forgiveness every Sunday. no where in the Bible is there any mention ofa "pope". the whole idea of a pope is man's interpretation of the Bible when Jesus was telling Peter to be the "rock"of his church, aka, foundation. that's why Catholics consider Peter to be the first pope. people will have a problem with that because basically you gotmillions of Catholics following a religion that is in the hands of a human being. naturally, when you have a human in charge, you gonna have a flawed system.if you look at history, you'll find popes and priests that did all sorts of wrong things aka crusades, taking indulgences, child molestation, etc. but onefact has remained. the doctrine of Christianity has never been altered by any pope or priest. we worship God and Jesus Christ is our Savior. whenever you are apart of ANY establishment, you have to question the authority when you have humans involved. that's why i value everyone's opinions because it allowsyou to see things from a different perspective. i'm no sheep. but i chose to be Catholic after doing my own research and following my heart (i was raisedBuddhist). it's sad that we don't read the Bible ourselves and follow it as a teaching tool. that's why we seem to gravitate towards churches,popes, preachers, teachers etc...we all need guidance on this you can see why Catholicism has lasted so long because there was a person assigned tospread the Word. im probably not making any sense, just wanted to explain the whole "pope" concept and how it is not a perfect system. as far asworshiping the pope or saying we are being tricked to worship saints, come to church with me. you'll see EVERYTHING is centered around Jesus. i don'tsee any harm in honoring humans on this earth who tried to live a righteous life by spreading the Word and helping others in need. just think of yourparents...would you place them above God? some would. i don't. i honor my parents though. bottom line, we believe in one God and announce this through theApostle's Creed (if you study the creed, you'll see humans have changed this numerous times, but it has always remained the same that we believe in oneGod).
i respect everyone's opinions and religions, i just hope it gives you peace.
Religions are just a set of rules people decide to follow to give them some sort of checklist to reach heaven or other forms of end factors after death. Whyelse do people change religions from time to time. Because they want to follow another set of rules or feel like they need more rules. I believe in God not ina religion.
KRS ONE took it a little further in Poisonous Products:

The poisonous products pimped out to poor people
Penetrates pieces of their thinking equal
It comes in peaceful thru the "TELL-LIE-VISION"
Distorts your vision
Now the lies got you wishin' thru transmission
You wanna be a better Christian
You wake up sunday mornin' to watch "TELL-LIE-VISION"
Mission - Christians be sayin "Accept Jesus in your life"
Christianity was founded 400 years after Christ
What are you accepting in your life?
Christianity or the teachings of Christ?
Make up your mind, they're not the same thing

http://<dl style="box-sizing:border...nous Products Lyrics</a></h1> here.</dd></dl>
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