Teixeira to Yankees...

There are a bunch of salty Yankee haters in this thread.
Get over it. Stop blaming the Yankees and blame MLB for no salary cap. Everyone else in here would do the same if they owned the Yankees.
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

There are a bunch of salty Yankee haters in this thread.
Get over it. Stop blaming the Yankees and blame MLB for no salary cap. Everyone else in here would do the same if they owned the Yankees.
Worst rationale ever.
Stop blaming the Yankees and blame MLB for no salary cap. Everyone else in here would do the same if they owned the Yankees.
Wow, awesome I didn't see anyone blame the Yankees for no salary cap (why WOULD it be their fault?). And I think most have already answeredthe "you would do the same thing" rhetoric. If you can't see the flaws, you just aren't looking at the big picture. Even though you likethe Yankees, how can you not see the broken system?
Originally Posted by mjd77

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Whats the problem with that .If your team could do it they would.
See, this is where my issue occurs. I have people tell me that "it is the Pirates choice not to spend the money", and that ownership can do what they want with the money. However, it isn't a fair playing field, it isn't like MLB takes a "free market" approach. The Pirates couldn't move to NY or Chicago and go to a larger market if they "felt like it". It would have to be approved by owners, go through legal issues, etc. It is a conflict of interest, MLB allows larger market teams to exploit their large fanbase/city and revenue, however smaller teams have no way of getting to a larger market or customer base. Teams like KC, Pittsburgh, Tampa, Minnesota, etc. are locked in to where they are. There is no way for them to get out of it, and even if they put the money back into the team and spent as much as they could, they could never match revenues of Boston, Chicago, NY, etc. I do NOT have issues with teams exploiting the system like they do, I understand. My issue is with a league that year in and year out allows it to be anti-competitive for so many teams. Sure some strike lightning every once in a while, but it is the "same characters" battling for playoffs year in and year out.
Like I said before, I really believe a salary cap is coming. I just have the feeling owners will finally say enough is enough. As soon as the current CBA expires, the owners need to dig in...and start scouting replacement players, which is fine by me. The system needs to be changed so every club has the same opportunity to compete. Also, don't forget, the fan has ultimate control here. How. If enough people stop going to games and buying merchandise, it can have an effect.

Other owners will say the Yankees are bad, but turn right around and stretch their hands out when it comes time to divide the 50-60 MILLION the Yankees alonegive those owners in shared revenue. And a salary cap won't make it any easier for small market teams to compete, ever notice the somewhat alarming trendof how major cities always manage to win? Count how many different champions there have been in the NBA the past 25 years. How many Sacramento, Milwaukee,Cleveland references do you see in there?
If you have a salary cap in baseball, it'll make it harder for small market teams to compete, imagine what would happen in 4-5 years when all the Raysplayers hit free agency?
But the NBA is not a full salary cap league, is it? I was thinking more NFL type cap, a strict cap
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by mjd77

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Whats the problem with that .If your team could do it they would.
See, this is where my issue occurs. I have people tell me that "it is the Pirates choice not to spend the money", and that ownership can do what they want with the money. However, it isn't a fair playing field, it isn't like MLB takes a "free market" approach. The Pirates couldn't move to NY or Chicago and go to a larger market if they "felt like it". It would have to be approved by owners, go through legal issues, etc. It is a conflict of interest, MLB allows larger market teams to exploit their large fanbase/city and revenue, however smaller teams have no way of getting to a larger market or customer base. Teams like KC, Pittsburgh, Tampa, Minnesota, etc. are locked in to where they are. There is no way for them to get out of it, and even if they put the money back into the team and spent as much as they could, they could never match revenues of Boston, Chicago, NY, etc. I do NOT have issues with teams exploiting the system like they do, I understand. My issue is with a league that year in and year out allows it to be anti-competitive for so many teams. Sure some strike lightning every once in a while, but it is the "same characters" battling for playoffs year in and year out.
Like I said before, I really believe a salary cap is coming. I just have the feeling owners will finally say enough is enough. As soon as the current CBA expires, the owners need to dig in...and start scouting replacement players, which is fine by me. The system needs to be changed so every club has the same opportunity to compete. Also, don't forget, the fan has ultimate control here. How. If enough people stop going to games and buying merchandise, it can have an effect.

Other owners will say the Yankees are bad, but turn right around and stretch their hands out when it comes time to divide the 50-60 MILLION the Yankees alone give those owners in shared revenue. And a salary cap won't make it any easier for small market teams to compete, ever notice the somewhat alarming trend of how major cities always manage to win? Count how many different champions there have been in the NBA the past 25 years. How many Sacramento, Milwaukee, Cleveland references do you see in there?
If you have a salary cap in baseball, it'll make it harder for small market teams to compete, imagine what would happen in 4-5 years when all the Rays players hit free agency?
Are you really making an argument that a salary cap would make it even HARDER for small market teams compete?

In the NBA small market teams have been very competitive, much more so than their MLB counterparts. San Antonio has built a dynasty. Cleveland was in thefinals two years ago. Sacramento was a serious contender and probably would have won if not for a bunch of great Laker teams. Portland and Indiana both madeserious runs at the title. Even if their efforts did not result in a title, there has been at least one small market contender every year, that's more thancan be said about the MLB.

And for some reason if you are still not satisfied with the NBA's soft cap system, institute a hard cap like the NFL, which has allowed parity throughoutthe league, resulting in champions from a bunch of small market cities.

Like people have said before in this thread, the Yankees are only using the system to their benefit, it's not the franchise's fault, it's theleague's fault.
The yanks dumped alot of hefty contracts so i was expecting this but i like when a team beats them and the payroll is 80 million less than theres itsgreat....but they are stacked this season will be tuff..
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

There are a bunch of salty Yankee haters in this thread.
Get over it. Stop blaming the Yankees and blame MLB for no salary cap. Everyone else in here would do the same if they owned the Yankees.
actually NO i wouldnt! I wouldnt sign AJ burnett to a 5 year 85 million dollar deal, that +!** is a joke! there is no way in hell i would signtiexiera to an 8 year 180 mill deal. Im sorry but that guy does not deserve to make 22+ mill a year. hes a 15-17 mill a year guy IMO.

Now im just waiting to hear that Manny signs with the Yankees, 3 years 150 million! thatll be the icing on the cake.

My reaction at work. We definitely have to make it out to a game next year.
Well I'm so happy we got him even though Manny would've been just straight gangsta to have.

BUT oh my god I read through 4 pages & I had enough with the hate. Talking about over spending..

170 Mil is the lowest I've been hearing for Tex. Everyone was talking 180 to even 195 mil.
SMH Yankee haters are everywhere & if we don't win. SO WHAT

We still got all your favorite players rocking them pinstripes. Go ahead and like bums we got stars bayybayy..
Now if we do win with all this which is very likely we will. Then all the haters on this board can suck a **** with aids on the tip.

If Nationals signed him 8 for 170 then everyone & they're mothers would post that damn smoking smiley. Since the Yankees sign him oh its problems.
I'm shocked ESPN hasn't held a special on how the Yankees over spend & the Red Sox deserve a player like Tex.
Well I'm so happy we got him even though Manny would've been just straight gangsta to have.

BUT oh my god I read through 4 pages & I had enough with the hate. Talking about over spending..

170 Mil is the lowest I've been hearing for Tex. Everyone was talking 180 to even 195 mil.
SMH Yankee haters are everywhere & if we don't win. SO WHAT

We still got all your favorite players rocking them pinstripes. Go ahead and like bums we got stars bayybayy..
Now if we do win with all this which is very likely we will. Then all the haters on this board can suck a **** with aids on the tip.

If Nationals signed him 8 for 170 then everyone & they're mothers would post that damn smoking smiley. Since the Yankees sign him oh its problems.
I'm shocked ESPN hasn't held a special on how the Yankees over spend & the Red Sox deserve a player like Tex.
As a 28-year-old in his prime, he's established a level of performance that clearly reflects his abilities, and we shouldn't expect him to either improve or decline significantly from these marks. This is what Teixeira is - a .300 hitter with power and walks, and one of the game's best switch hitters.
We see that he racked up 6.46 WPA/LI over the last two seasons, for a 150 game average of about +3 wins compared to a league average hitter. That's impressive. We can dock him one win for the position adjustment, since first baseman hit quite a bit better than the league average as a group, put that still makes him +2 wins compared to an average offensive first baseman.

He's at +3 wins compared to average, and adding in a +2 win adjustment for replacement level, Teixeira comes out as a +5 win first baseman. That's a true all-star. He's not Albert Pujols, but he's clearly in the next tier of players.

If Teixeira is a +5 win player, and we use the $5.5 million per win projection for off-season spending, that gives us a $27.5 million figure for 2009. Again, we'll factor in a 10% discount off of his current value for the safety of a long term deal, and that gives us something like $24.5 million for Teixeira. Teams are more comfortable giving longer deals to hitters than pitchers, so let's pencil him in for a 7 year, $171 million contract.
Teixeira offensive value compared to a freely available average major league first baseman is worth 5 extra projected wins. Thats all star level
In today's market Teixeira is not really over payed.

The better question is how do Angels fans feel now that the A's are about to add Giambi and are improving more and more.
Yankees fans lets just be happy about this and lets hope all our new aquisitions stay healthy...

Yankee haters, keep hatin...not our fault ur fav. team owners arent willin to spend that cash

oh and btw, about that buyin championships talk, tell that to red sox and met fans too

about Texeira, in a way i wish that we coulda gotten Manny and waited till pujols became a free agent and go after him
but the steinreners aint waitin
Yo, where's onewearz at?? I can't wait to see how he reacts to this...

Word, Proshares, we all gotta get together for a game...
Yankee haters, keep hatin...not our fault ur fav. team owners arent willin to spend that cash

oh and btw, about that buyin championships talk, tell that to red sox and met fans too
Again, why just post something like that and not respond to the conversation that was going on. People have been blasting all large market teams,not just the Yanks. And we have already discussed reasons why owners not only aren't willing to spend the cash, but simply CAN'T spend that cash
Yankees fans lets just be happy about this and lets hope all our new aquisitions stay healthy...

Yankee haters, keep hatin...not our fault ur fav. team owners arent willin to spend that cash

oh and btw, about that buyin championships talk, tell that to red sox and met fans too
I've been saying for about a year now that there is no longer the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees, but rather the Bosyork Yankox;they're the same team, approaching the offseason the same way.

But so far this offseason, the Evil Empire has thrown large money at Teix and CC. Where are the Sawx?

And the reason other teams are afraid to spend the money is because other teams don't have guaranteed money circulating the same way the Yankees do.That's why there needs to be a strict cap.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I would think Damon or Matsui will probably be traded at some point.

For what, though? I can't imagine either would have much value at all on the trade market unless the Yankees were paying most of the contract...
they can go offer matsui to the giants for johnathan sanchez (i hope)

MY GOODNESS There's that yankee thought process, they %@%% gold

Matsui for Sanchez, wow....

It just doesn't stop

see if both of yall woulda done some research before postin, there was talks of that trade happenin last year, thats why i said it...

but hey, yall got great young ptichin and eventually yall gonna have to trade some of them away for hitting..
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Yankees fans lets just be happy about this and lets hope all our new aquisitions stay healthy...

Yankee haters, keep hatin...not our fault ur fav. team owners arent willin to spend that cash

oh and btw, about that buyin championships talk, tell that to red sox and met fans too
Do you not +%+$+%% understand that some peoples favorite teams FINANCIALLY CANT SPEND THAT CASH! Its not about teams not willing its about notbeing able to.

Marlins cant
Rays cant
Pirates cant
Royals cant

The Yankees are bullies, but remember every bully gets their +%+$+%% butt kicked eventually!
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