Stephon Clark, 22 Year Old Black Male Shot and Killed by Police in his Backyard Sunday

y'all talking apples and oranges...
civilian defending personal property...
law enforcement killing unarmed (potential) suspects...
For real Apples and Oranges.
Defending my property is not the same as Officers going around pumping 20 rounds off at suspects.
And keyword is suspect, suspected robbery.
20 shots is cool with you @thenewjs23 from an officer?
Savage for real if so...
This is why you have insurance. So that you can be taken care in a situation like this. Of course if it's vandalism or crime, a police report needs to be made but that's it. You did not save the day buy shooting the guy breaking car windows and damaging property. That's a very cowardly move.
I guess I'm different. I'm not snatching someone's life over a car window. :lol:

No thanks. Don't want that on my conscience. They're not trying to kill me. They're trying to scoop quarters from my ashtray to buy some dope.

Dope fiends don't worry about their own life, why would I? I'm not going to lose sleep.

Some of you are psychopaths, have nothing to lose in life, or have listened to too many G Unit albums in your lifetime.

Killing someone for breaking car windows...what the @#$@$? ??? Either fight that person off or take the L.

People trying to steal @#$@ was commonplace in college, and I've definitely ended up in a lot of fights/confrontations for that, but never once did I feel like the person needed to straight up die for trying to steal my 2007 iPod Nano.

I think you got that backwards... If you have something to lose in life, you shouldn't be committing crimes. People who got nothing to lose listen to G-Unit and think they should get rich or die trying. I'm too old to be throwing hands with some idiot. I don't know if they are carrying either...

Officers should be upheld to higher standards. They should have been practicing enough to hit him with a 1-2 to the lower extremities before unloading clips. However, if we are strictly talking about sympathy for the victim fueling protests against these officers... I'm out. And if I'm out.... Most of white america is gonna feel the same. They will not do time or be fired.
Officers should be upheld to higher standards. They should have been practicing enough to hit him with a 1-2 to the lower extremities before unloading clips.

No shots should be fired unless the "suspect" clearly has a weapon, is not in compliance to disarm said weapon, and is theatening himself or others with the weapon. There is NO reason to shoot someone because he fits the description of someone who broke a car window. That is asinine to believe otherwise.

Why are other developed countries able to apprehend suspects without firing a single shot?
Dope fiends don't worry about their own life, why would I? I'm not going to lose sleep.

I think you got that backwards... If you have something to lose in life, you shouldn't be committing crimes. People who got nothing to lose listen to G-Unit and think they should get rich or die trying. I'm too old to be throwing hands with some idiot. I don't know if they are carrying either...

Officers should be upheld to higher standards. They should have been practicing enough to hit him with a 1-2 to the lower extremities before unloading clips. However, if we are strictly talking about sympathy for the victim fueling protests against these officers... I'm out. And if I'm out.... Most of white america is gonna feel the same. They will not do time or be fired.

You don't have to throw hands with "some idiot" breaking windows. He's breaking windows, not assaulting you.

You sound like you just want an excuse to shoot someone.

We're talking about breaking car windows here....not someone invading your child's room.
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Dope fiends don't worry about their own life, why would I? I'm not going to lose sleep.

I think you got that backwards... If you have something to lose in life, you shouldn't be committing crimes. People who got nothing to lose listen to G-Unit and think they should get rich or die trying. I'm too old to be throwing hands with some idiot.

You're also too old to be catching bodies over personal property. You ain't do **** but go to the store and cop :lol:

When another thread pops up about some white man killing some black kid over personal property I really hope I see you in there defending him.
No shots should be fired unless the "suspect" clearly has a weapon, is not in compliance to disarm said weapon, and is theatening himself or others with the weapon. There is NO reason to shoot someone because he fits the description of someone who broke a car window. That is asinine to believe otherwise.

Why are other developed countries able to apprehend suspects without firing a single shot?

Fair contention here. Not only that, in the video the officer was telling the back up that arrived to go get non lethals. WHY would someone have to go get a non lethal tazer, bean bag, etc? They definitely should have those methods available before lethal force. Just shows the attitude.

You don't have to throw hands with "some idiot" breaking windows. He's breaking windows, not assaulting you.

You sound like you just want an excuse to shoot someone.

We're talking about breaking car windows here....not someone invading your child's room.

the helicopter operator was hyping up those officers and told them that the dude broke someones glass back door while running. So if that's the case you now think your pursuing a hotter target. He was wrong for that.

But I'm not looking for an excuse. If I catch someone breaking into my stuff and they run... I call the cops like the first guy did. I'm not chasing anyone down or pulling a Zimmerman. But if something bad happens to you after that, I'm not gonna go cry about justice for you. If you are bold faced enough to break in my house or car and not run away.... all bets are off for you. I'm sorry. There are consequences to poor life choices and they may not always be what you feel is balanced and just. People act like they want to have rights after infringing on other people rights. Police are not robots. There will be inexperienced cops why would you not comply? There are plenty of examples of cops who shot people who were complying. We have to use those examples to base our protests on. We cant get hung up on split second decisions when people refuse to comply. If you get busted take your lumps. If you run, no one can ensure your rights are not infringed.
the helicopter operator was hyping up those officers and told them that the dude broke someones glass back door while running. So if that's the case you now think your pursuing a hotter target. He was wrong for that.
Gassed the Officers all the way up.
The issue is that 20 deliberate shots at you from law enforcement is an extreme consequence for being suspected of breaking into windows. The justification for that is what people are trying to address and that action shouldn't be a candidate for "if something bad happens".

If you rear-end someone's car because focus was taken away from the road (for whatever reason: texting, drinking, changing the A/C), "if something bad happens", it should be capped at your insurance premium going up and negative marks placed on your driving record for deliberate actions. The other driver pulling a gun from his glove box sending 10 shots through your windshield isn't justifiable.
The issue is that 20 deliberate shots at you from law enforcement is an extreme consequence for being suspected of breaking into windows. The justification for that is what people are trying to address and that action shouldn't be a candidate for "if something bad happens".

If you rear-end someone's car because focus was taken away from the road (for whatever reason: texting, drinking, changing the A/C), "if something bad happens", it should be capped at your insurance premium going up and negative marks placed on your driving record for deliberate actions. The other driver pulling a gun from his glove box sending 10 shots through your windshield isn't justifiable.

This is assuming after you rear end someone... you don't drive off and lead squad cars on a high speed chase putting them and others in danger....
Then you pull over around a corner (instead of on the side of the road) ready to give up... and get mad because... "it was only a fender bender" why am i being shot at.

when you switch back and forth between compliance and non compliance the officer gets put on edge. putting them on edge... elevating heart rate. physical exertion.. all of these things tell the human brain to go from using the Frontal Cortex which processes consequences and critical thinking.. to the hypothalamus which is fight or flight. Do I expect petty criminals to understand neurobiology.. No. But I do. You can't argue about being rational after you force people into that state. Y'all never been around dogs where the owner was like oh he's cool just don't run away or get him excited? Cops aint no better. Literal watch dogs. They approach. They growl. They attack. Then they run to the Sarge to get a belly rub.
This is assuming after you rear end someone... you don't drive off and lead squad cars on a high speed chase putting them and others in danger....when you switch back and forth between compliance and non compliance the officer gets put on edge. putting them on edge... elevating heart rate. physical exertion.. all of these things tell the human brain to go from using the Frontal Cortex which processes consequences and critical thinking.. to the hypothalamus which is fight or flight. Do I expect petty criminals to understand neurobiology.. No. But I do. You can't argue about being rational after you force people into that state. Y'all never been around dogs where the owner was like oh he's cool just don't run away or get him excited? Cops aint no better. Literal watch dogs. They approach. They growl. They attack. Then they run to the Sarge to get a belly rub.

Why are other developed countries able to apprehend suspects without firing a single shot?
This is assuming after you rear end someone... you don't drive off and lead squad cars on a high speed chase putting them and others in danger....
Then you pull over around a corner (instead of on the side of the road) ready to give up... and get mad because... "it was only a fender bender" why am i being shot at.
Correct, but if the individual drove 20ft to their grandma's back yard, not putting anyone in danger, and not having any weapons on them, then there's no reason they should be getting shot at.
Correct, but if the individual drove 20ft to their grandma's back yard, not putting anyone in danger, and not having any weapons on them, then there's no reason they should be getting shot at.

I guess to summarize...

1) Do not commit crimes.
2) Do not run if you commit crimes and police catch you.
3) Police need to prioritize the MANDATORY use of non lethal means before utilizing lethal force in any scenario where a gun is not confirmed.
5) If they say they saw a gun and are wrong they should be sentenced for lying and murder. (number 4 has to be a prerequisite for this obviously)
4) Helicopter Operators need to stop thinking they are 5 O' Clock prime time news choppers gassing up how dangerous situations are.
5) These cops will probably not lose their jobs.
6) White people will not think that this shooting should be the start of some major reforms. In fact they will probably be more angry at protests than the cops.
7) Black people still basically viewed as Super Saiyans and categorized as the most threatening life form on the planet.
8) Colin Kaepernick still right.
I don't think a petty crime should result in you being shot though
If school shooters can be taken in alive, why does an unarmed suspect need to be shot to death?
Those cops weren't looking for justice, they were looking to kill.
Dope fiends don't worry about their own life, why would I? I'm not going to lose sleep.

I think you got that backwards... If you have something to lose in life, you shouldn't be committing crimes. People who got nothing to lose listen to G-Unit and think they should get rich or die trying. I'm too old to be throwing hands with some idiot. I don't know if they are carrying either...

Officers should be upheld to higher standards. They should have been practicing enough to hit him with a 1-2 to the lower extremities before unloading clips. However, if we are strictly talking about sympathy for the victim fueling protests against these officers... I'm out. And if I'm out.... Most of white america is gonna feel the same. They will not do time or be fired.
Officers are trained to kill when they shoot not injure. They are not trained to aim at lower extremities.
I guess to summarize...

1) Do not commit crimes.
2) Do not run if you commit crimes and police catch you.
3) Police need to prioritize the MANDATORY use of non lethal means before utilizing lethal force in any scenario where a gun is not confirmed.
5) If they say they saw a gun and are wrong they should be sentenced for lying and murder. (number 4 has to be a prerequisite for this obviously)
4) Helicopter Operators need to stop thinking they are 5 O' Clock prime time news choppers gassing up how dangerous situations are.
5) These cops will probably not lose their jobs.
6) White people will not think that this shooting should be the start of some major reforms. In fact they will probably be more angry at protests than the cops.
7) Black people still basically viewed as Super Saiyans and categorized as the most threatening life form on the planet.
8) Colin Kaepernick still right.

Stephan Clark did not commit a crime.
Mike Brown did not commit a crime
Tamir Rice did not commit a crime
Eric Garner did not commit a crime
Philando Castille did not commit a crime
Walter Scott commited the crime of having a broken tail light.

Therefore 1-10 is irrelevant.
This **** is so infuriating. And it never gets easier. Losing a loved one to police first hand and seeing brothas get gunned down in cold blood on a daily basis....Like I can’t shed anymore tears I’m just getting more angrier every time. We’re really in hell right now. It’s no coincidence we got a ***** *** mlk day created by whites and not a Malcolm X day. He was speaking truth to power. If one more person tells me some kumbaya **** about forgiveness I’m gonna spaz. We’re being preyed on and we’re supposed to hold “non violent protests” and befriend our enemies who want us dead. Naw **** these ************* man how many more they gonna take from us before something is done?
All these rappers focusing and using their hate and anger for Tekashi69 should use that and channel it through these cops so now they the ones who have to watch they backs.
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