Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I did Prez T's ab workout today and loved it!

I need a new ab workout..
watch this video everyday after you wake up and you'll become a gym freak. dont blame me for not warning you
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?
I don't think about anything. I just vibe with the song and if applicable..I look at the mirror to make sure my form is good. When I'm running at a fast pace, like 10.0 AKA the highest on the treadmill, I do pretend like I'm about to score the winning touch down or I'm about to win the 100 meter race or something though.
It works every time.

3) ur like the white Sherman Klump... did u reconfigure ur DNA?

Asian? Fo real?
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?
I don't think about anything. I just vibe with the song and if applicable..I look at the mirror to make sure my form is good. When I'm running at a fast pace, like 10.0 AKA the highest on the treadmill, I do pretend like I'm about to score the winning touch down or I'm about to win the 100 meter race or something though.
It works every time.

3) ur like the white Sherman Klump... did u reconfigure ur DNA?
Asian? Fo real?

Yeah, I'm Thai. That's why I took Muay Thai, to rep the country.
And failed.
Did my first legit workout of the summer (sad I know) I been slackin since track. Felt amazing, did chest.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?

Maintaining proper form
Think about the contraction you want to get from your muscles. Once you're used to exercises and know more about what exercises work eachpart, you're going to want to focus on maintaining your form and "forcing" the contraction of certain muscles.

Additionally... I can't even begin to tell you how many clients forget to even breathe while working out. I'm constantly having to remind people toexhale on the pressing movement during an exercise. Also, you want to focus on having your core as tight as possible, when doing ANY exercise, even whenyou're laying down to bench.
yeah you guys need to realize the importance of maintaining proper form... you can do 80 reps but if you arent doing them correctly then you might as well notdo them at all.
Something I'd like to throw in as well... remember those of you looking to lose weight in the midsection. There's no way of targeting a specific areato lose fat the body does it on it's own. So more than likely the midsection is always the last to go. Just stay in there and work hard, don't let itaffect your motivation. Just keep in the back of your mind as a note.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?
I don't think about anything. I just vibe with the song and if applicable..I look at the mirror to make sure my form is good. When I'm running at a fast pace, like 10.0 AKA the highest on the treadmill, I do pretend like I'm about to score the winning touch down or I'm about to win the 100 meter race or something though.
It works every time.

3) ur like the white Sherman Klump... did u reconfigure ur DNA?
Asian? Fo real?
Yeah, I'm Thai. That's why I took Muay Thai, to rep the country.
And failed.

Remember you mentioning this several times, lol what do you mean you failed?
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?

Maintaining proper form
Think about the contraction you want to get from your muscles. Once you're used to exercises and know more about what exercises work each part, you're going to want to focus on maintaining your form and "forcing" the contraction of certain muscles.

Additionally... I can't even begin to tell you how many clients forget to even breathe while working out. I'm constantly having to remind people to exhale on the pressing movement during an exercise. Also, you want to focus on having your core as tight as possible, when doing ANY exercise, even when you're laying down to bench.

You a trainer?
read all 41 pages....

that last vid was intense, definitely some motivation in there

about to hit the gym, i ate about 40 minutes ago, got the hiccups and have been drinking water to get them to stop

i'm full again...fml i just wanna hit the gym
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

I'm just curious, what thoughts run through your mind while you're lifting weights. Do you think about something that gets your mad and take your frustration on the weights?
I don't think about anything. I just vibe with the song and if applicable..I look at the mirror to make sure my form is good. When I'm running at a fast pace, like 10.0 AKA the highest on the treadmill, I do pretend like I'm about to score the winning touch down or I'm about to win the 100 meter race or something though.
It works every time.

3) ur like the white Sherman Klump... did u reconfigure ur DNA?
Asian? Fo real?
Yeah, I'm Thai. That's why I took Muay Thai, to rep the country.
And failed.

Remember you mentioning this several times, lol what do you mean you failed?

It was a joke. I had plan to stick to it so I would really become good at it, to the point where I can start kicking trees and my shins won'thurt like they do in the homeland. But ever since my foot/shin injury, I haven't gone back since.
I'll probably rejoin when my braces comesoff. By then I should be in my desired shape so I can workout without my top, haha.
Any good exercises recommended for isolating Bi's/Tri's?

Put together a lil demonstration here, for Bicep try this:


1) Grab onto Point A, and do 7 reps of curls, from rest to midsection (bottom half of a regular curl)
2) Without rest, put the bar down and grab onto point B, now do 7 reps starting from the midsection towards neck (upper half of a regular curl)
3) Without rest, put the bar down and grab onto point C, now do 7 reps starting from rest to neck (full regular curl)

Do 3 sets.

This ensures every muscle of the Bicep group gets put to work at optimal level. Dont try to pick up the heaviest weight you can do tho. It should be enough foryou to feel completely numb by the end of the third set.


Another exercise you can do for great biceps:

Red Arrow = where your arm and elbow should be opposed to the picture. So basically, position yourself as if you are about to do regular curls with a barbell,but instead pull it back so that the bar touches your starting point, say, your belly button

Then follow the Green Arrow, which directs the bar to basically glide up towards your chest. With the elbow tucked back i tink you can only go as high as yourchest.

I think this works better than a regular curl because it locks your elbow joints into place, therefore all the work is forced and concentrated on the biceps.Also prevents you from rocking back and worth which would not yield best result since rocking creates momentum, rather than working out your muscles, you arejust strengthening your joints.

And for Triceps i do this:


Benching fries my Triceps too. Or anything that involves working out my back. I think back and tricep goes hand in hand. I could be wrong tho.

Punching with a light dumbell helps too

This kills tho:



Try doing it without your thumbs, you'll definitely feel your arms getting put to work extra hard. Great Forearm/shoulder exercise
21s aren't bad but i'm doubtful about how much mass they gotta go light in order to be able to bust out 21 reps of anything

for bi's i think straight bar curls and weighted chinups have worked the best for me, i also throw in some ez-bar or cable curls

for tri's i hit, in order of most to least effective:

close grip bench
weighted dips
tri pulldowns
Okay guys, time to hit the Boba place hard.
. I was just about to goto the gym and my homegirl calls me to go hang out. I gotta get a bodyspace? bodybook? That thing that helps you track progress. Oh yeah, while I'm gone,anybody have a good workout to get wider? So far the only thing I'm doing is the lat-pulls on the circuit. Appreciate it guys.
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