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I hate seeing the lifting fails. Painful for me to watch. Especially the bench and squat ones
:lol: those are terrible. I don't understand what they are doing. Why not just hop on the dip assist machine with real form if you need...? That's how I worked my dips up.

The lifting fails are funniest to me when you see a girl that weights 100 pounds screaming to snatch 80 then drops the bar on her neck. I never want to see someone drop 300 pounds on their chest. That's not funny, that's scary.
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Yeah, I did the same thing. I think I started with 75-90lbs assistance and I can now do 11 of them unassisted on my first set. In all honesty, the ROM is probably questionable but there's essentially no kipping.

I guess if someone is training for a timed workout, getting through everything as fast as possible is the key, right? I'm sure that anyone in this thread can run through 10 kipping dips twice as fast as they can do 10 strict ones.
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Yeah but I do everything slow and controlled. I'm not trying to race I'm trying to get swole.

Is that the point of crossfit? You vs the clock? If so that explains a lot.
Just because people kip, doesn't mean the same people can't do the same exercises strict. It's just a crossfit staple. That's all, lol. Some of these people will do 100 kipping pullups for time one day and the next time they do pulups they'll be doing them, strict, weighted, with 50-100 pounds on their belt.

Of course, it's a different thing when someone who is new to exercise tries to kip. I'd rather you build your strength base first and then start kipping.
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Nothing against crossfit and I would love to try it sometime but kipping pullups is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.
Currently doing a carb depletion cycle. Went on < 20g carbs first 7 days. Starting week 3 tomorrow. My body is responding well. Just doing bro splits as far as training goes and the occasional cardio session (30-40 min).
:lol: I wanna be between power lifter and body builder. Never want my bf as low as it was before I started working out and actually eating.
Well guys I'm back from my cruise. Although I did work out 5 days I totally went over bored with the diet. I ate like I had never seen food before and didn't drink my one gallon of water each day. I did manage to just drink all zero calorie drinks. But it didn't seem to help. You better believe I'm back to my strict diet and 1 gallon of h20.

I don't think it's all fat. I think I'm holding on to a lot of water due to the amount of sodium I took in all week. Time to get back to work wish me luck.
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