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gods pls, help me not take my moobs to 2013. what do i do

moobs and love handles are the last to leave.

nah, lower belly fat is def the last to leave. almost damn impossible for some people.

To lose that, you literally have to go on a no carb diet for a good 2 weeks. Thats what I did after doing research on the Misc.

i doubt 2 weeks will get rid of it, seems rather quick IMO not everyone's body works the same, remember that.
gods pls, help me not take my moobs to 2013. what do i do

moobs and love handles are the last to leave.

nah, lower belly fat is def the last to leave. almost damn impossible for some people.

To lose that, you literally have to go on a no carb diet for a good 2 weeks. Thats what I did after doing research on the Misc.

i doubt 2 weeks will get rid of it, seems rather quick IMO not everyone's body works the same, remember that.

Well I'm talking about once all you have left is that belly fat.

Diet, water, cardio and patience will do the trick in no time.
Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.
6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.
6' 186...dunk on the regular

how old are you?
Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.
6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.

Heavy squats and plyo will definitely get you there
Just finished my first try at Insanity. very intense, Im pretty tired and almost threw up. did the fit test and first 2 workouts. After i took a 2 mile walk to cool down. Chest/Lungs are burning.... i really need to layoff the rellos. Cant wait to wake up and try Insanity again.
To lose that, you literally have to go on a no carb diet for a good 2 weeks. Thats what I did after doing research on the Misc.
You talkin like ZERO carbs everyday or just not over say 50 grams, cause none would be hard as hell to do. Carbs give you energy which would help with lifting and cardio, what could you replace them with for energy? 
You talkin like ZERO carbs everyday or just not over say 50 grams, cause none would be hard as hell to do. Carbs give you energy which would help with lifting and cardio, what could you replace them with for energy? 
Probably BCAAs, caffeine, and a TON of water
my stomach is pretty flat though, not define, but flat. love handles disappeared for the most part when i cut down my sodium intake. but these man ****, i just cant shake. i dont really workout out, not sure if i should just do certain chest workouts to help problem.

6'1 190ish
As for protein supplements, I go with ON. It's not an amazing taste but the profile is amazing. On top of that, it's easy to get a pound for around $8 which I haven't seen other proteins go for. I could be wrong though since I only just started checking out
Pound for $8 of ON? Where they do that at? :nerd:

I've been using Walmart brand for $15 for 2 pounds. Cheapest I could find, gets the job done. 

eBay is your best friend. I find 5 lb tubs for 45-47 all the time but I'm not trying to stock up crazy on protein since they always get posted.

Im in the process of bulking. But i think i need a new leg routine. I feel like theres something better. Can you guys recommend me some stuff?

On leg days i do

Leg press
Quad curls
Hamstring curls
Standing calf raises

Deadlifts. Learn em, love em.

Im in the process of bulking. But i think i need a new leg routine. I feel like theres something better. Can you guys recommend me some stuff?

On leg days i do

Leg press


Quad curls

Hamstring curls

Standing calf raises
Stop doing curls it's horrible for you knees :D


As for protein supplements, I go with ON. It's not an amazing taste but the profile is amazing. On top of that, it's easy to get a pound for around $8 which I haven't seen other proteins go for. I could be wrong though since I only just started checking out

And whats this about 8 DOLLARS FOR A LB OF ON?!?!?


Finally Reached 100 Pounds Lost :smokin :nthat:

Congrats, homie.
Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.

6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.

Do you do box jumps as well? I think it's a great exercise to help develop a higher vertical and more explosiveness.
65 on the stationary bike, Level 12. Felt awesome, although it made me feel too sluggish and withdrawn for any lifting. Will get back on it tomorrow after taking the weekend away from the weights.

Next Sunday marks one year... time sure does fly.
Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.

6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.

Do you do box jumps as well? I think it's a great exercise to help develop a higher vertical and more explosiveness.

Yeah, Im at a 42 inch box jump.

Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.
6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.

Heavy squats and plyo will definitely get you there

I can almost squat 2x my body weight so thats not the issue.

Time to rely focus on my hang/power cleans, calf strength and core strength. I can finally grab rim. I accomplished one of my goals a few weeks ago by hitting a ball over a fence and now its time to focus on dunking a ball.

6 feet, 190ish and white. Bad combination for dunking.
6' 186...dunk on the regular:\

how old are you?

I can cosign box (depth) jumps too. Back when I used to be able to dunk off a pure vert, which seems SO long ago right now that was my favorite one. You not only get higher but you get those quick hops too, those Shawn Marion/Amare I jump twice before you jump once type of hops which come in handy, I just weighed in a 298.8 which is easily the fattest ever. Unacceptable, so I got to stop talking about it and be about it. I'm not just going to do before and after photos though, bout to shoot some vlog type video too so if (when) I make it Im'ma get some type of endorsement of deal out of it. If (when) I'm done, I'll post it. If not, they'll never see the light of day. Bout to cop these Hyperdunk + from Finishline for $159 (seems like a price mistake by the way, they're like damn near $300 everywhere else and yes I'm sure these are the + ones) since vertical and speeed are part of my goal and I'll want to effectively track that. It's going to hurt my feeling working out in these though given how expensive they are and the fact I'm going to be creasing them.
I can cosign box (depth) jumps too. Back when I used to be able to dunk off a pure vert, which seems SO long ago right now that was my favorite one. You not only get higher but you get those quick hops too, those Shawn Marion/Amare I jump twice before you jump once type of hops which come in handy, I just weighed in a 298.8 which is easily the fattest ever. Unacceptable, so I got to stop talking about it and be about it. I'm not just going to do before and after photos though, bout to shoot some vlog type video too so if (when) I make it Im'ma get some type of endorsement of deal out of it. If (when) I'm done, I'll post it. If not, they'll never see the light of day. Bout to cop these Hyperdunk + from Finishline for $159 (seems like a price mistake by the way, they're like damn near $300 everywhere else and yes I'm sure these are the + ones) since vertical and speeed are part of my goal and I'll want to effectively track that. It's going to hurt my feeling working out in these though given how expensive they are and the fact I'm going to be creasing them.

Weight training in b ball shoes isn't the move. Cop something flat without an air sole like chucks.
Yeah, Im at a 42 inch box jump.
I can almost squat 2x my body weight so thats not the issue.

Have you done any plyo to develop your fast twitch muscles? That's really all that's left since you have the power if you can squat that much.
@durden, I saw some pretty good gains (2 inches) on my vert from specifically training my hip flexors (stupid auto correct) 2 or 3 times a week. Core is also big in your jumping abilities but I bet you knew that already
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@durden, I saw some pretty good gains (2 inches) on my vert from specifically training my hip flavors 2 or 3 times a week. Core is also big in your jumping abilities but I bet you knew that already

Yeah, Im not as dedicated to core exercises as I probably should be. I think its a calf and core issue. Theres a weak link in my kinetic chain thats limitng my force transfer and im pretty sure its my calves.

Yeah, Im at a 42 inch box jump.
I can almost squat 2x my body weight so thats not the issue.

Have you done any plyo to develop your fast twitch muscles? That's really all that's left since you have the power if you can squat that much.

Oh yeah. I do Box jumps, depth jumps, 1 legged box jumps, depth jump to box jumps, power cleans, hang power cleans, etc.
5 10
bench about 250

trying to get to my goal of 2 chin ups can i bench that much but can lift my body wieght
5 10
bench about 250
trying to get to my goal of 2 chin ups can i bench that much but can lift my body wieght
Well bro you are using different muscle groups is those 2 different exercises. One wont correlate with the other because of that, and to keep it hot 320 is a lot of weight to be doing chin ups, esp for reps. 

Maybe you meant to say 220? 320 at your height is extremely overweight.
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