STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

No Frank Ocean, thought I`d put my Cutting pics here since I posted em on Bodybuilding.

First pic I was over 310 (dont know exact weight because I didnt have a scale at the time) That was in July, the other pic is from Sept or Oct and the pic with the Sweat Crotch was on yesterday after the gym I`m currently 290. I`m 6'3 by the way. Plan on cutting to 200 lbs maybe even 180-190 lol looooong way to go.
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Can I request we post protein and other supp deals in here????

I need to re-up on protein powder, generally cop 2 5lb tubs.

I know Zyzz is good w putting up deals.

Anyone welse with the hook up?
Ive only purchased my supps online from BB or M&S. Vitacost also.

My go to whey is Gaspari Myofusion or Dymatize Elite.

Ive seen a bunch of suggestions on BB but I hope to catch a good deal.

Profile is the most important but appreciate the powder not to taste like booty too.

Hope there are BF sales
Ive only purchased my supps online from BB or M&S. Vitacost also.
My go to whey is Gaspari Myofusion or Dymatize Elite.
Ive seen a bunch of suggestions on BB but I hope to catch a good deal.
Profile is the most important but appreciate the powder not to taste like booty too.
Hope there are BF sales

trutein is a good one but I was pissed that they didnt do anything for their customers when their Shamrock Shake protein had peices of rubber in it. But Still I havent seen anyone else with as good as a profile. My biggest thing is Calorie to Protein ratio and their protein is a blend so its good for anytime. 24g of Protein at 120 cal.
I just got some Protean Red Velvet Cake flavor, its decent but dudes on the net were beasting like it was just soooo amazing. I might cop Dyamatize Elite Casein when my ON runs out. ON products taste like cardboard.
What's the best way to put on some weight if you're a vegetarian? I'm 5'6 120lbs got a mini gut that I wanna get rid of and pack on muscle. Was going to the gym during the summer but then got really really busy with school and didn't even have time to eat but now things have slowed down and I have time. When I was going I drank a protein shake everyday before and after I went to the gym and now that I stopped going all that protein is headed straight to my gut. I know what I have to do to get rid of it but being a vegetarian I don't get any protein which is what I need. Any advice besides drinking protein shakes all day?
This is what my usual day consists of...
Breakfast-Oatmeal and a banana
Lunch-Trail mix bar, banana, and...
Dinner-usually it's some sort of vegetable that cooked in an Indian way (I'm Indian btw) and brown rice.

well first off your're not eating enough to gain weight, and if you're not lifting weights why do you want to gain weight?
as for foods with high protein that can help with muscle growth i go with lots of peanut butter, mix raw nuts, beans, leafty greens and whole wheats.
if you consume dairy products then milk, yogurt and eggs are all high in protein and really good to gain weight and muscle.
this comes from a fellow vegetarian with with muscles :D
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So i just got both Insanity and P90x. No more BS, Slowly been buying the healthy food to keep on track and away from all the other garbage i eat.

Which is better?

I saw those amazing results from a NTer so i had to get Insanity. Which will be my first workout and then i thought id do P90X after the 60days of Insanity.
Insanity is like a cardio/fat burner program. just get lean.

P90x is a fat burn plus a little bit of muscle building.

depending on your goals decide which one, cant do wrong with either but be prepared they are both VERY difficult.
I know but reading the description and looking at videos it seems extreme. But i need that. I need to be pushed. Being 3 and some change and wanting to get in the low 2's i have ALOT of work. And i really want to feel/look different by my B-day in April.
I think I pinched a nerve in my upper back last night while doing squats :smh:…it hurt to breathe all night and most of today. This better not keep me out of the gym for too long. I've been getting stronger the last few weeks and got a little to confident trying to squat 375 on my own...hopefully I'll be good to go by Monday

You may want to rest...I was going through something similar and instead of resting, I tried to go through it ... :smh: Still hurts every now and then...
I know but reading the description and looking at videos it seems extreme. But i need that. I need to be pushed. Being 3 and some change and wanting to get in the low 2's i have ALOT of work. And i really want to feel/look different by my B-day in April.

For what you want to do, either one will be effective.

Just remember its a process changing lifestyle habits so dont get discouraged if things dont change right away. Its just about making positive forward progress each week.

Even if you only do 10 minutes of the workout in the first day, its more than you did last week.

Good luck :smokin
Leg day

Hurts so good
Same here....I'm making some good gains.
No Frank Ocean, thought I`d put my Cutting pics here since I posted em on Bodybuilding.

First pic I was over 310 (dont know exact weight because I didnt have a scale at the time) That was in July, the other pic is from Sept or Oct and the pic with the Sweat Crotch was on yesterday after the gym I`m currently 290. I`m 6'3 by the way. Plan on cutting to 200 lbs maybe even 180-190 lol looooong way to go.
Good work.  Get going.
What's everybody's programs looking like?

I do all compound lifts reverse pyramid style with a 3 day split
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For what you want to do, either one will be effective.
Just remember its a process changing lifestyle habits so dont get discouraged if things dont change right away. Its just about making positive forward progress each week.
Even if you only do 10 minutes of the workout in the first day, its more than you did last week.
Good luck
Thanks for the encourgement.

Gearing up to start Monday, Started working out though today. Light 3 mile jog with my dog, Eating healthy all day and trashing all the BS in my fridge. Went to Fresh&Easy and a few other health food stores to stock up. I want EVERYTHING to be ready with no BS excuses. Even been packaging up some granola in plastic bags for the car. No stopping and buying ish when i have groceries and anything "fast" is usually bad for you. Going to cop a scale tomorrow to know my official weight, take some before pics, and keep working for these after pics. Appreciate all the photos and info, very encouraging.
No Frank Ocean, thought I`d put my Cutting pics here since I posted em on Bodybuilding.
First pic I was over 310 (dont know exact weight because I didnt have a scale at the time) That was in July, the other pic is from Sept or Oct and the pic with the Sweat Crotch was on yesterday after the gym I`m currently 290. I`m 6'3 by the way. Plan on cutting to 200 lbs maybe even 180-190 lol looooong way to go.
Keep making them gains bro....This is motivation for me
Yesterday I finally went to Fitness Premier had a 2 week pass since the 3rd but couldn't find time to go smh. This was my 1st professional gym expeirence and it was good. The people was cool and the gym was nice. Doing cardio in a gym is way better than walking. In the gym you can really feel it, heart beating fast, sweating, legs/thighs burning, out of breath and I love it. A matter of fact I'm going their this morning and I'm becoming a member as soon as this pass expires.
As for protein supplements, I go with ON. It's not an amazing taste but the profile is amazing. On top of that, it's easy to get a pound for around $8 which I haven't seen other proteins go for. I could be wrong though since I only just started checking out
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