STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Cant front, its hard. Some workouts i cant fully do but give it my all, or do a variant of the workout. My late night eating habits is what i need to control, my calories intake. Ive cut fried food out completely, i dont eat pork, and Im slowly weeding beef out too. Just chicken/fish.... grilled/bake. Even slowing my kush smoking down, Lungs cant take this workout. It also affects how i eat, I swear i could starve myself (I know thats not good) i i didnt smoke. My appetite is a shadow if I havent smoked.

Between reading the various stories and the numerous words of encouragement. I for sure thank NT once again for gettin me back on track, I think "what if" I wouldve stayed working out back in July/August when I  came across this thread. I just know Rome wasnt built in a day and I myself cant expect crazy results right away. I know this a long road, but dedication and commitment is key. I wont forget who has helped me through this journey.

Quick question, for those who have done Insanity. How many Discs do you do a day? With me being so overweight, I manage to do a full 45 min workout on top of a 1-3 mile walk/jog. Im shooting for 2 discs. First day i did fit test and some of first disc. That in itself was intense.
Keep grinding man. The first 2 weeks are always the hardest. Then once you start getting a rhythm going, it's addicting. Especially once you start seeing physical results, that's what keeps you in the gym. You want more and more. 

You always get support here fam. Feel free to post any questions you got
Cardio before is fine. I do cardio before lifting everytime and it helps get the blood circulating. Nothing too crazy but intense enough to break a sweat and get the heart pumping. Not everyone does it, but if you want to you can. Usually do 5-10min low intensity on the stairmaster. Doesn't take many warm up sets to get going afterwards. Do not do any intense cardio or you will begin to deplete your glycogen.
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I do a mile on the elliptical before I work out and a mile after I work out. Doesn't seem to affect me during my work out so I just stick with it.
Yeah I was looking at Kris Gethin workout on and he does 20 mins before and after.
I do a mile on the elliptical before I work out and a mile after I work out. Doesn't seem to affect me during my work out so I just stick with it.

This and the guy above- a quick warmup to get loose and get the blood flowing is fine. But a full blown cardio session is much better for after weight training (from experience and info)

yes, doing a tiny bit just to get blood flowing is nothing since you arent having a full cardio workout. ive done a 5 minute jog or bike ride to get blood flowing and heart racing before lifting.

if you doing 30-40 minute cardio session before working out well, good for you but your wasting a lot of energy for your workout
just finished day 2 of Insanity. I REFUSE TO QUIT THIS TIME. Ive quit too many times in my life when it comes to fitness


Stay with it! You're already in pain, get a reward from it. Don't quit now bro! Fitness quickly becomes a habit once you buy into it
Did another hour this morning on the bike before work this morning, thinking of going back afterward for Somme mnore and get some lifting in
when yall go heavy say for chest... do you still go heavy weight low reps for flys or cable flys?
Hey ..New to NT, Does any have any tips for women and working out? I'm 5'8 165 pounds. I go to the gym twice a week..really should go more often. I don't want to lose weight just tone up and get more muscle. Should I be doing cardio/treadmill?
Personally I always go heavy aslong as I can maintain solid form and hit my rep range(6-12). Once form starts breaking down your going too heavy and once im hitting the top end of my rep range with ease and/or surpassing it its time to go up.
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Anybody in here try Kris Gethin's DTP 4-week workout? I'm starting week 2 today and I certainly feel a difference.
eh, i'm happy with LA Fitness- no reason to go anywhere else

how is la fitness? i need to find a gym once i cant life at my apartments anymore because there aint a ton of weights.

and to dude doing insanity, if youre obese i dont reccomend it. it can mess your legs up.
eh, i'm happy with LA Fitness- no reason to go anywhere else
how is la fitness? i need to find a gym once i cant life at my apartments anymore because there aint a ton of weights.

and to dude doing insanity, if youre obese i dont reccomend it. it can mess your legs up.
They're cool, a little pricey but they have everything you could ever want and have locations everywhere
They're cool, a little pricey but they have everything you could ever want and have locations everywhere

i know it can very by location but are they large enough where during peak hours you dont have to wait forever for weights? I know the facilities are huge but I hear its a ton of running equipments and such
the last couple weeks every time i try doing one arm dumbbell rows i get this piercing, pinching pain in my forearm. it's only in my right arm and it hurts so i stop immediately. i thought it might be because im using too much weight but i tried with just 25's and the same thing happens. this has never happened to me before. anyone know what could be going on?
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