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Started Insanity in early September.  Just finished yesterday.  Here's how it turned out:

Didn't really follow a strict diet but ate oatmeal with peanut butter just about everyday.  I practiced portion control and avoided fried foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks.  Always worked out in the morning.

The workout itself is not easy to start but over time, you will get better.  I know that sounds cliche but its the truth.  My pushup game was on par with most females before I started this.  Now I can crank you out at least 35.

The best advice I can give someone would be the advice I should have followed months ago when I said I was going to do this:  Just start!  It all becomes habit like brushing your teeth or going to the barber shop.  And once you start, it's almost like you NEED to finish.  Especially when you get 2, 4, 7 weeks in.  Kill the excuses.
Congrats.  Solid work!!
Started Insanity in early September.  Just finished yesterday.  Here's how it turned out:

Didn't really follow a strict diet but ate oatmeal with peanut butter just about everyday.  I practiced portion control and avoided fried foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks.  Always worked out in the morning.

The workout itself is not easy to start but over time, you will get better.  I know that sounds cliche but its the truth.  My pushup game was on par with most females before I started this.  Now I can crank you out at least 35.

The best advice I can give someone would be the advice I should have followed months ago when I said I was going to do this:  Just start!  It all becomes habit like brushing your teeth or going to the barber shop.  And once you start, it's almost like you NEED to finish.  Especially when you get 2, 4, 7 weeks in.  Kill the excuses.
Good stuff my dude. As long as the hard work and dedication is there, the results will be there. Keep grinding and remember you got us for support!
Whats the best way to put on weight? I'm 5'7 130. Only fat I got is in my stomach. I'm trying to put on weight and get cut up like in the glorious high school days. Trying to gain like 15 pounds the right way. Lost 30 pounds in a year mainly from taking fast food and soda out of my diet and mild exercise. Want to get my arms and abs going again. Been going to the gym daily the last 3 weeks just trying to get my body used to the routine before I really go hard.
If you don't have a routine already, do Starting Strength 5x5. Builds muscle quick, gets you strong quick, and lays a foundation  for later down the road

To put on weight...chicken, wheat pasta, brown rice, and peanut butter are your best friends

Here are foods I typically eat for each meal

Breakfast - steel cut oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter toast, protein/granola bar

Snack - nuts, trail mix, nature valley bar, piece of fruit

lunch/dinner - a protein (chicken, fish, steak, etc..) + a carb (rice, pasta) and frozen veggies(brocolli, corn, etc)

The key is not just to eat large meals, but to eat often. Eat 5-6 meals a day. 3 large, 2 snacks
Are digital scales accurate when it comes to BF% measurements? The trainers at my gym have them but they never bring em in even though I repeatedly ask them to 
I would say they aren't bro, neither are the calipers you might see at your gym. The best and most accurate way is total body immersion under water, i've never seen it done or even know where to go to get one done but you can find one around your area.
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If you don't have a routine already, do Starting Strength 5x5. Builds muscle quick, gets you strong quick, and lays a foundation  for later down the road

To put on weight...chicken, wheat pasta, brown rice, and peanut butter are your best friends

Here are foods I typically eat for each meal

Breakfast - steel cut oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter toast, protein/granola bar

Snack - nuts, trail mix, nature valley bar, piece of fruit

lunch/dinner - a protein (chicken, fish, steak, etc..) + a carb (rice, pasta) and frozen veggies(brocolli, corn, etc)

The key is not just to eat large meals, but to eat often. Eat 5-6 meals a day. 3 large, 2 snacks
Its actually best to eat a LARGE breakfast, medium lunch and dinner and two reasonable snacks.
Are digital scales accurate when it comes to BF% measurements? The trainers at my gym have them but they never bring em in even though I repeatedly ask them to :smh:
I would say they aren't bro, neither are the calipers you might see at your gym. The best and most accurate way is total body immersion under water, i've never seen it done or even know where to go to get one done but you can find one around your area.

Bodpod is supposed to be good as well, search on google you might find a place that has it.
Manual scales are more accurate than digital scales in my opinion.

Also, did you weigh yourself with the same circumstances? Different times of day, whether you ate or drank, and more can affect what the scale says.

That's why I weigh myself Sunday mornings when I first wake up, you need a controlled time.

MyFitnessPal is usually wrong when it comes to losing/gaining weight. It says my maintenance is 2000 but I lost weight whenever I eat under 2300 consistently. There was an excel macro on that had 5 formulas that would give your BMR and you could just get the mean average.


Cheated twice this week. 4 slices of pizza on Tuesday and other junk on Friday. Gained 1.4 lbs since last week but I'm still only ~168.

Tried to go ham in the gym today but I couldn't Military Press 90 lbs when I've been doing that consistently for weeks now. Made up for it with shrugs and other shoulder exercises though.

Manual scales are more accurate than digital scales in my opinion.

Also, did you weigh yourself with the same circumstances? Different times of day, whether you ate or drank, and more can affect what the scale says.

That's why I weigh myself Sunday mornings when I first wake up, you need a controlled time.

On Nov 1st I got weighed with a manual/balance scale and it read 305lbs on Nov 3rd I got weighed on a digital scale and it read 319lbs. One of them scales was way off :smh: To be honest I don't know what to believe I guess I'll go to another gym tomorrow and weigh myself again :stoneface:

I'd believe the manual/balance scale since you're using sliders to figure out exactly how much you weight. Digital scales aren't all the same. I weighed myself over my girl's house and I was 168.3. I went home to get my gym stuff and weighed myself again and I was 167.6. Mind you, I didn't eat, drink, or pee/poop between the weigh ins. Just get used to using 1 scale to weight yourself so it's the same circumstance every time.

If you do want to use a digital scale, buy one and only use that one so you can see the progress clearly.


Ate close to 4.5k calories today :x I always eat a lot on Sundays but it's scary to know the exact numbers.
I'd believe the manual/balance scale since you're using sliders to figure out exactly how much you weight. Digital scales aren't all the same. I weighed myself over my girl's house and I was 168.3. I went home to get my gym stuff and weighed myself again and I was 167.6. Mind you, I didn't eat, drink, or pee/poop between the weigh ins. Just get used to using 1 scale to weight yourself so it's the same circumstance every time.
If you do want to use a digital scale, buy one and only use that one so you can see the progress clearly.
Ate close to 4.5k calories today
I always eat a lot on Sundays but it's scary to know the exact numbers.
Yeah even when i take the digital scale from carpet to hard floor, it fluctuates a pound 

Damn 4,500? I wish I could eat that 
 I was at a cool 1700-1800 today.
I'd believe the manual/balance scale since you're using sliders to figure out exactly how much you weight. Digital scales aren't all the same. I weighed myself over my girl's house and I was 168.3. I went home to get my gym stuff and weighed myself again and I was 167.6. Mind you, I didn't eat, drink, or pee/poop between the weigh ins. Just get used to using 1 scale to weight yourself so it's the same circumstance every time.

If you do want to use a digital scale, buy one and only use that one so you can see the progress clearly.


Ate close to 4.5k calories today :x I always eat a lot on Sundays but it's scary to know the exact numbers.
Yeah even when i take the digital scale from carpet to hard floor, it fluctuates a pound :stoneface:

Damn 4,500? I wish I could eat that :lol:  I was at a cool 1700-1800 today.

Should always be hard floors. It's more stable than carpet.

Yeah, 4.5k is :x. I went ham in the gym though so I'm sure that's only around 3k-3.5k net calories. I always overeat on Sundays but only gain weight if I overeat on weekdays.
Yeah I figured hard floors were more accurate.

I just started my new split today, it was tough but my body needs a change.

Whats your maintenance? You gotta be bulking with that many cals or it was a cheat day 
Should I do 1 scoop body octane and 1 scoop Hemavol ?
that will put you at 6 grams of cit mal which is good for pump and endurance. plus the 500mg of agmatine should help the pump too. try one scoop of each and see how it goes. two scoops of hemavol starts to get expensive.
About to run out of myofusion, anybody got any good suggestions on other whey proteins, taste really doesn't matter since I make smoothies
About to run out of myofusion, anybody got any good suggestions on other whey proteins, taste really doesn't matter since I make smoothies
I stick with my walmart brand. $15 bucks for a month supply (scoop a day) and gets the job done *shrugs* I get the chocolate peanut butter flavor
You guys need to stop weighing yourself. Its such an arbitrary number.

not sure i can agree with this. i think it's a good motivator for those who might not see the results in front of a mirror.

for those worried about scale accuracy, don't. as long as it's precise (gives you consistent results) then that's all you really need. keep your scale on a flat, hard, level surface (preferably the same spot every time you weight yourself). weigh yourself and use that as a baseline from there on.
You guys need to stop weighing yourself. Its such an arbitrary number.

not sure i can agree with this. i think it's a good motivator for those who might not see the results in front of a mirror.

for those worried about scale accuracy, don't. as long as it's precise (gives you consistent results) then that's all you really need. keep your scale on a flat, hard, level surface (preferably the same spot every time you weight yourself). weigh yourself and use that as a baseline from there on.

But how is it a motivator if it doesnt provide any reliable information, fluctuates daily, and differs with every scale?

You just said that the number on the scale doesnt matter, so why bother? If you cant tell that theres some amount of benefit/result from exercising, a scale isnt going to tell you anything either.
Although it wasn't related to fitness, you guys should listen to Chuck Pagono (Colts coach) speech he gave to his players after today's game. Had me hit the gym with a vengeance

What's a good way to work on your endurance?

Trying to shave time off of my two mile run. My average for the first mile is 7mins 15 seconds, but the second leg takes me about 8-9min. So I'm looking at 16 minutes or so.

When I hit the second mile, I take two breaks because I'm pretty winded. These breaks add like an extra minute and a half to my time. How do I conserve energy so that I can eliminate the need for a break? My route has hills if that matters.
Have you looked into sprinting? the threshold should carry over to your more aerobic workout routine.

Had a show about a week and a half ago, and have only been at the gym once since. I feel like my motivation has been a little shot recently.
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