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hey guys ive had a huge weight gain(im about 250-270 pounds), is that the point in which ill damage shoes when i wear them?

nah you should be good. The most I weighed was like about 270 my shoes didn't break, no air bubbles popped.
is it close though? i dont wanna risk it and i didnt exactly measure my weight properly, i could be 280, but definately not over 300. and i didnt mean break in one wear, i meant like ruin the condition and make them look bad
The only time I noticed something like that is like with my homie who's 240 5'6 with HUGE cankles and all his high or mid top kicks are kind of stretched out where the ankle is. Other than that the shoes are gonna look used eventually. My Samoan homies are all in the 300lb range and their kicks don't looked ruined because of their weight...
Also my brothers on the Yohimbine/other supps/fat burners, they are a waste of money.
Also Yohimbine is pretty dangerous, a lot of side effects especially if you are on medications/take other supplements
The only thing that's going to boost your fat loss is your deficit, if you wanna ramp up your weight loss, try fasting 1 or 2 24 hour periods a week.
Lol I just copped some red velvet protean and some Hemavol to stack with my body octane if its as good as everyone says I might not go back to stims. Well I might still just so make body doesn't get use to anything.
Lol I just copped some red velvet protean and some Hemavol to stack with my body octane if its as good as everyone says I might not go back to stims. Well I might still just so make body doesn't get use to anything.

Just finished my first bottle of hemavol. The pumps were definitely there and I felt jacked as hell after each workout. Probably order another tub soon.
I have a few questions...... First, whats the best diet to lost fat? I know working out is a necessary too, Im looking for a good diet though. Looking to drop 100-150lbs in 6-8 months. Is that possible? I know anything is, but i mean is it actually Do-able? As of now ive slowed down to almost no working out and the eating right isnt there yet either. So im basically starting from scratch again. Going to cop a Mountain bike come Tuesday, take my dog for bike rides and walks. Then cop a membership and get a trainer. Just looking for some advice in the eating right/diet department. ANy supplements/vitamins to help the weight loss?
takes 1.5 to 2 scoops of hemavol for me to feel the pump without even pushing hard on high reps. lemon drop tastes awesome and it stacks good with stims (after your stim break). red velvet protean tastes pretty damn good too - blazed trough my 2# tub quick.
How many overhand pullups can you do?
What is ideal to know if you are in good shape?
I weigh 210 and can do 4...shooting for 12
Everytime I try to have a rest day from the gym, I always end up going to play some pick up games of basketball, would you guys count that as a rest day even if I lightly played one or two pick up games?
Everytime I try to have a rest day from the gym, I always end up going to play some pick up games of basketball, would you guys count that as a rest day even if I lightly played one or two pick up games?

Yeah, I'd still count it as a rest day.
Bloodsport and yea, Bolo was a beast back in the day
Bolo the god

Dude was in his 40's in bloodsport and brolic as ****.
Still in great shape entering his 70's gotta salute that man 
Spotted Bolo working out at 24hr Fitness. His daughter works there.
Can anybody tell me the benefits of taking Amino complex (amino acid)?

After a year of working out...I was 196 and now I am 176; 6'0

I need to cut more...any advice


I have a few questions...... First, whats the best diet to lost fat? I know working out is a necessary too, Im looking for a good diet though. Looking to drop 100-150lbs in 6-8 months. Is that possible? I know anything is, but i mean is it actually Do-able? As of now ive slowed down to almost no working out and the eating right isnt there yet either. So im basically starting from scratch again. Going to cop a Mountain bike come Tuesday, take my dog for bike rides and walks. Then cop a membership and get a trainer. Just looking for some advice in the eating right/diet department. ANy supplements/vitamins to help the weight loss?
Good luck bro on your weight loss journey. I'm trying to lose a 100lbs also. On 10/1 I weighed 332lbs on 11/1 I weighed 319lbs. So I lost 13lbs in a month I got 87 more lbs to go. I'm trying to lose 10lbs or more a month. With the diet I eat low fat meals and drink nothing but water. For exercise I just walk for now. I also do IF and 24hr fasting.
Alright guys today was my monthly weigh in. The last time I got weighed was on October 1st and I weighed 332lbs. I just came back from the school's fitness center and I'm in disbelief. I got on the scale and the guy weighed me and it came out to 305lbs :wow: I  was in so much shock that I had ask the guy 5x was it right, I even had him weigh me again. I asked the guy was it normal to lose that much weight in a month and he said yeah. I feel like I just saw an alien and I can't believe my eyes. To be honest I expected to only have lost 10lbs and not 27lbs. For a whole month all I did was a lot of walking, IF, and 24hr fast. My diet was low calorie and low fat all I really ate was salad and salad wraps with veggies (no shredded cheese or salad dressing), boiled chicken breast, yogurt, graham crackers, bagels and granola and I only drink water. This ish crazy 27lbs in 1 month I can't/don't believe it :smh:

:frown: Well guys I went to Fitness Premiere today to sign up for my free 2 week pass. While I was there I decided to get on their digital scale because I still had doubts that I lost 27lbs in 1 month. So I got on the scale and it read 319lbs so I really lost 13lbs in 1 month and not 27lbs. I guess the scale at the fitness center was way off :smh: FYI the scale at the fitness center was a balance scale

Manual scales are more accurate than digital scales in my opinion.

Also, did you weigh yourself with the same circumstances? Different times of day, whether you ate or drank, and more can affect what the scale says.

That's why I weigh myself Sunday mornings when I first wake up, you need a controlled time.

I've been losing 1lb a week, but I have MyfitnessPal set up for 2lbs a week, and I do cardio everyday to create larger deficits than the one the create for me. I`m not even eating wile stuff that are hard to count calories for.

MyFitnessPal is usually wrong when it comes to losing/gaining weight. It says my maintenance is 2000 but I lost weight whenever I eat under 2300 consistently. There was an excel macro on that had 5 formulas that would give your BMR and you could just get the mean average.


Cheated twice this week. 4 slices of pizza on Tuesday and other junk on Friday. Gained 1.4 lbs since last week but I'm still only ~168.

Tried to go ham in the gym today but I couldn't Military Press 90 lbs when I've been doing that consistently for weeks now. Made up for it with shrugs and other shoulder exercises though.
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I have a few questions...... First, whats the best diet to lost fat? I know working out is a necessary too, Im looking for a good diet though. Looking to drop 100-150lbs in 6-8 months. Is that possible? I know anything is, but i mean is it actually Do-able? As of now ive slowed down to almost no working out and the eating right isnt there yet either. So im basically starting from scratch again. Going to cop a Mountain bike come Tuesday, take my dog for bike rides and walks. Then cop a membership and get a trainer. Just looking for some advice in the eating right/diet department. ANy supplements/vitamins to help the weight loss?

I'd take a multi/fish oil but as long as you eat right and work out, you don't need any supplements to lose weight. Losing weight in the simplest formula is calories in vs calories out. As long as you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

As for a trainer...information about working out is all over the Internet. Do some reading on Starting Strength.

Everytime I try to have a rest day from the gym, I always end up going to play some pick up games of basketball, would you guys count that as a rest day even if I lightly played one or two pick up games?

I wouldn't count it as a rest day personally. It's pretty much cardio...
takes 1.5 to 2 scoops of hemavol for me to feel the pump without even pushing hard on high reps. lemon drop tastes awesome and it stacks good with stims (after your stim break). red velvet protean tastes pretty damn good too - blazed trough my 2# tub quick.

Should I do 1 scoop body octane and 1 scoop Hemavol ?
Are digital scales accurate when it comes to BF% measurements? The trainers at my gym have them but they never bring em in even though I repeatedly ask them to 
Manual scales are more accurate than digital scales in my opinion.
Also, did you weigh yourself with the same circumstances? Different times of day, whether you ate or drank, and more can affect what the scale says.
That's why I weigh myself Sunday mornings when I first wake up, you need a controlled time.
MyFitnessPal is usually wrong when it comes to losing/gaining weight. It says my maintenance is 2000 but I lost weight whenever I eat under 2300 consistently. There was an excel macro on that had 5 formulas that would give your BMR and you could just get the mean average.
Cheated twice this week. 4 slices of pizza on Tuesday and other junk on Friday. Gained 1.4 lbs since last week but I'm still only ~168.
Tried to go ham in the gym today but I couldn't Military Press 90 lbs when I've been doing that consistently for weeks now. Made up for it with shrugs and other shoulder exercises though.
Manual scales are more accurate than digital scales in my opinion.
Also, did you weigh yourself with the same circumstances? Different times of day, whether you ate or drank, and more can affect what the scale says.
That's why I weigh myself Sunday mornings when I first wake up, you need a controlled time.
On Nov 1st I got weighed with a manual/balance scale and it read 305lbs on Nov 3rd I got weighed on a digital scale and it read 319lbs. One of them scales was way off
To be honest I don't know what to believe I guess I'll go to another gym tomorrow and weigh myself again
Throw a 100lbs dumbell on the scale to see if it's within a good range. Maybe that will give you a better indication of which scale gives you a better number.
Started Insanity in early September.  Just finished yesterday.  Here's how it turned out:

Didn't really follow a strict diet but ate oatmeal with peanut butter just about everyday.  I practiced portion control and avoided fried foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks.  Always worked out in the morning.

The workout itself is not easy to start but over time, you will get better.  I know that sounds cliche but its the truth.  My pushup game was on par with most females before I started this.  Now I can crank you out at least 35.

The best advice I can give someone would be the advice I should have followed months ago when I said I was going to do this:  Just start!  It all becomes habit like brushing your teeth or going to the barber shop.  And once you start, it's almost like you NEED to finish.  Especially when you get 2, 4, 7 weeks in.  Kill the excuses.
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