STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'm not at that level yet, I'm already a cat who sober can knock out 2 large pizzas by my damn self. Maybe if I worked out first then smoked. We'll see, we're all about to go up to the city and spend the night, I'm sure they scooped some more bags. Here's an ab workout by the way, as if you need it. Nomo but dude's physique is perfect, although I don't see how he can't dunk at 6'2 looking like that
I'm not at that level yet, I'm already a cat who sober can knock out 2 large pizzas by my damn self. Maybe if I worked out first then smoked. We'll see, we're all about to go up to the city and spend the night, I'm sure they scooped some more bags. Here's an ab workout by the way, as if you need it. Nomo but dude's physique is perfect, although I don't see how he can't dunk at 6'2 looking like that

like I said... I just want to hear from people who have done this and it WORKS--- I know with these types of vids it's always that "results may vary" etc. This **** looks easy compared to what I be doing :lol:

Man I know a few of ya'll in here got 6 packs :nerd:

I agree , his physique is perfect :pimp: :pimp: My dude taller though and got a bigger stature--man if he went into beastmode like I want him to he'd be a huge problem :lol: :tongue:
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Starting my bulk on Tuesday

Anyone else bout to bulk?

Sucks cuz I cut in April and lost my gut completely after my 1st bulk. Gonna suck getting that gut back. But feel I need to bulk.
Been bulking/maintaing since around March. Gone from 175-200. I want to keep going but its starting to get to me mentally. Dem strength gainz doe 
I was reading about waiting till they get a certain ripeness then put in fridge then I read stuff about not putting in fridge. idk
yeah you gotta wait for them to start turning yellow then put them in tr fridge, if u put it in while its green, it will never ripen and your bananas will taste like chalk.
really? i need them sweet as hell.

ive never ate them when they were green but i dislike them very much yellow.

they gotta have spots on them for me :lol: HAVE TO

I like mine ripe but like 3 days in when I got like to the last 2 they were all bruised and stuff.
So I just ordered a power rack, now I just need a weight set.
Is the bar on all olympic weight sets 45 pounds? I'm looking at a 300 lb set and it comes with a 7" bar but doesn't say how much the bar weighs

That's tough working out with no1 around. I couldn't do it.

can anyone recommend me a new chest routine? i feel like my outer chest is lagging horribly and im just bored with your basic press routine in general

also, my dudes who do circuit training: what is your hardest routine? 

We'll post ur chest workout so we can see what it is and help u out.

leg day. about to go get it in. 2nd of the week, the power day. leeeeeeegooooooo

Twice a week. Damb.

Just finished leg day can't eem walk.

Warm up outside my house wit jump ropes than drive to gym

Squats wit droplets

Stiff leg deadlifts

Dumbell lunges

Seated calf raises

Standing calf raises

yea bro, I try to work them twice a week. Different exercises though and 3-4 days a part. The first day is endurance, mobilization and overload exercises. so lots of reps and more rom. More iso exercises. The 2nd one, today, was for power, less reps, compounds.
Starting my bulk on Tuesday

Anyone else bout to bulk?

Sucks cuz I cut in April and lost my gut completely after my 1st bulk. Gonna suck getting that gut back. But feel I need to bulk.
Bulking right now. My sphincter is getting a work out man.  
yea bro, I try to work them twice a week. Different exercises though and 3-4 days a part. The first day is endurance, mobilization and overload exercises. so lots of reps and more rom. More iso exercises. The 2nd one, today, was for power, less reps, compounds.
I hit legs twice a week as well. Thinking about trying a 10x10 soon.
yea bro, I try to work them twice a week. Different exercises though and 3-4 days a part. The first day is endurance, mobilization and overload exercises. so lots of reps and more rom. More iso exercises. The 2nd one, today, was for power, less reps, compounds.
Similar to the westside-conjugate method.  I apply that method into my workout with a few lifts.  I don't do a body part split but my last phase I would do more of a dynamic squat with bands (chains get in next week so i'll be using them now) on Tuesdays and Fridays I would throw in that heavy squat.  Strength gains through the roof.
Similar to the westside-conjugate method.  I apply that method into my workout with a few lifts.  I don't do a body part split but my last phase I would do more of a dynamic squat with bands (chains get in next week so i'll be using them now) on Tuesdays and Fridays I would throw in that heavy squat.  Strength gains through the roof.
I do something similar, minus the bands/chains. Monday is heavy like 5x5, heavy doubles and triples, then Thursday is speed day where I go down to around 70% and do pauses at the bottom and work on speed out of the hole.
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