STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Easy Saturday morning workout:

10 to 1
Sumo High Pull
Lateral Bar hops.

Dead lift
135 x 5
225 x 2
285 x 2
315 x 2
335 x 2
185 x 10
t bar clean and press??

how in the world would you clean and press a t bar?

serious question.

In all honesty I don't know the official name of the exercise but here's a video of the movement being called just a t bar clean. The person that taught me the exercise called it a T bar clean and press but was just making up name to describe it. I've also heard it being called a landmine clean and press as well.

Also what I called a switch is the same movement as the landmine twist on the rouge fitness channel.
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Any of you guys eat this?

10g protein per 56g serving(as much as tuna).

$2.50 per box 8)
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just hit a nice session.

upright rows on bar that simulates bamboo bar:

about to start my super clean eating regiment.

i tend to go in opposite routines..

i cut in the winter, bulk in summer
Please explain 


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What's a hang clean to squat? Wouldn't you just classify that as a hang clean?

I can't catch in a squated stance bc of my knee.

So I perform a hang clean, then perform front squat.

It's a quick movement, I just can't catch already *** to grass off the go.
Tried to put on more mass it seems, he looked good to me when he first came out then I saw phil and Kai isnt gonna win unless they want him to win for story purposes. Wolf looked BEASTLY though.

kai's physique last year was :smokin ... this year he should barely crack top five.
wolf was looking insane too, my pick for 2nd. phil had no type of competition this year, easy work for him.

shoulders and tris today, trying to get 135 for 5 reps on the overhead press.
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if anyone wants to save $10 off $30 or more order from then PM me :smile:

pretty please?
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So I just ordered a power rack, now I just need a weight set.
Is the bar on all olympic weight sets 45 pounds? I'm looking at a 300 lb set and it comes with a 7" bar but doesn't say how much the bar weighs

That's tough working out with no1 around. I couldn't do it.

can anyone recommend me a new chest routine? i feel like my outer chest is lagging horribly and im just bored with your basic press routine in general

also, my dudes who do circuit training: what is your hardest routine? 

We'll post ur chest workout so we can see what it is and help u out.

leg day. about to go get it in. 2nd of the week, the power day. leeeeeeegooooooo

Twice a week. Damb.

Just finished leg day can't eem walk.

Warm up outside my house wit jump ropes than drive to gym

Squats wit droplets

Stiff leg deadlifts

Dumbell lunges

Seated calf raises

Standing calf raises
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Looks like I missed something heated :lol:

Taking next week off. Maybe the week after that too. My workouts have been a complete waste of time since Tuesday. Felt like it was going to be my best week yet after going heavy for the first time in a bit and tossing 3 plates around on the bench like a feather. Then personal stuff took over. The gym just did not cut it as a release this week so I need to listen to my body and rest. Lots of work with the rumble roller, some mobility work. Also need to dig back and find that long youtube vid discussed a week or so ago so I can grab a few of those books.
Starting my bulk on Tuesday

Anyone else bout to bulk?

Sucks cuz I cut in April and lost my gut completely after my 1st bulk. Gonna suck getting that gut back. But feel I need to bulk.
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So I just ordered a power rack, now I just need a weight set.
Is the bar on all olympic weight sets 45 pounds? I'm looking at a 300 lb set and it comes with a 7" bar but doesn't say how much the bar weighs
No.  If you buy a cheap import, like the kind you would find at Sears/Kmart/Sports Authority, they can weigh any where between 30-45 lbs.  A quality olympic bar weighs 44lbs.  A personal suggestion, you can usually find crazy steals on CL for used weights.  Ive gotten Ivanko weights for 30 cents/lb.  Buy your weights on CL and use your savings towards a new, quality olympic bar.  Just my 2 cents.
Gottaa stop smoking weed, and letting these chicks come over and do so. Not that I am a weedhead, I have only done it 4x, but every time shortly thereafter I proceeded to the Chinese place to order like 1000's of calories worth of greasy *** food . Considering my proneness to binge eat, seems counterproductive to my new, overly ambitious goal to lose 20lbs before my birthday (40 days) . :lol:

me and my dude stay smoking-- just condition yourself to good high foods. Granted last night, it was fried chicken :lol: But we hadn't had friend chicken in MONTHS. Before we were bad about ordering pizza, or going out to taco bell or something.... But these days I'm good with a bowl or two of honey bunches of oats with almond milk. One time I just grabbed a bunch of carrots and went to town.

It's all in the mind man, but smoking has less calories than drinking so ...... :smokin
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