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How do I master lifts like the deadlift, squat, and barbell row with good form?

When I do the movement of the deadlift, it feels wierd and I start doing them with incorrect form.
How do I master lifts like the deadlift, squat, and barbell row with good form?

When I do the movement of the deadlift, it feels wierd and I start doing them with incorrect form.

decrease weight till you get good form.

ideally, the weight you should be working with should be about 75% of your one rep max.
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thats a tough muscle group, ive always worked out chest, i dont like any exercises but push ups so my chest gets reps, but ive never gone heavy enough to make it pop

So you don't bench?

You're gonna start looking imbalanced after a while.
Quick question. I work 4-12 and usually get home around 1 and wait to hit the gym from 5-6. I usually come home, take a protein shake, eat a bowl of oatmeal then sleep till its time for work. Am i missing out on eating a big meal after my workout? Should i take a gainer shake with more calories after i workout instead? Im just worried about sleeping after having a lot of carbs.

thats a tough muscle group, ive always worked out chest, i dont like any exercises but push ups so my chest gets reps, but ive never gone heavy enough to make it pop

Any particular reason as to why? No spotter? Don't like benching? Usually, chest is the most popular muscle group to workout so I'm sort of surprised to see you say that.
thats a tough muscle group, ive always worked out chest, i dont like any exercises but push ups so my chest gets reps, but ive never gone heavy enough to make it pop

So you don't bench?

You're gonna start looking imbalanced after a while.
i guess i wasnt clear enough, ive definitely done bench, not so much anymore because i use dumbbells now

one rep max was only like 270 and it hurt like crazy, i dont think my elbows ever really recovered, i might just not go down all the way, i have a 6'6 wingspan and i heard long armed people usually have problems with that, so im just going to stop a few inches above my chest if/when i start benching again

thats a tough muscle group, ive always worked out chest, i dont like any exercises but push ups so my chest gets reps, but ive never gone heavy enough to make it pop

Any particular reason as to why? No spotter? Don't like benching? Usually, chest is the most popular muscle group to workout so I'm sort of surprised to see you say that.
i dont like benching, but love pec flyes, my chest is just very slow to grow
If anyone is looking for a new protein brand to try I recommend this one. It has 3 different types of protein and it is the most delicious protein I have ever tasted.
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Took 2-3 weeks, but finally got my 5 lb tub of Syntha 6 in the mail.... For FREE 
i guess i wasnt clear enough, ive definitely done bench, not so much anymore because i use dumbbells now

one rep max was only like 270 and it hurt like crazy, i dont think my elbows ever really recovered, i might just not go down all the way, i have a 6'6 wingspan and i heard long armed people usually have problems with that, so im just going to stop a few inches above my chest if/when i start benching again
i dont like benching, but love pec flyes, my chest is just very slow to grow

That's maybe why, Benching will help massively in your growth, Can you not do bench but at a lower weight?

Abs every day. Cardio every day. Since I run so much, I skip legs entirely. Take a day off whenever I feel like I need a break. Basically ends up being one day off a week unless I'm busy with life.

This my work out too basically

Mon: Chest/Back-Heavy Weight
Tues: Delts/Traps-Heavy Weight
Weds: Chest/Back-Light Weight
Thurs: Easy day. Biceps (random stuff and whatever is lacking) Soccer Game at Night
Friday:Delts/Traps-Light Weight

Abs every other day.

No leg workouts...just soccer

It seems you are into am I, this is why i ask, i play indoor tuesday and thursday and have my Maryland Men's Major Semi-Pro games on Sunday. If I don't hit legs at the gym one week i will make sure i skip chest or back or shoulders to get them in. Since soccer is a priority for me i need strong legs. I always try to make sure i fit legs day in on monday or tuesday so they can be fresh by sunday (the only game i really care about). I am in the same boat on cardio > lifting but thats why i put legs > chest/back/shoulders

Squats and lunges really help my leg endurance. Legs won't get tired in a match as fast. Both can be used to increase your speed and jumping as well (or so they say :lol:).

one day...the god

soccer calves ftw though thank god ive played my whole life and have decent genetics
they are modest :lol:
The reaching is at catastrophic levels in this thread

Pretty sure if you d00dz put as much effort into lifting as you do at trying to go at dudes in this thread, you'd see better gainz.
Big reason why the activity has basically dropped off of late in this thread.  People are either reaching for lulz, arguing about the most stupid ish, or challenging people to fights over the net.  Too much childish activity going on of late.

Took a midweek break from Shortcut to Shred.  Body just wasn't ready for the back/bis workout.  Did a bunch of suicides and some other cardio.  Will get back to it tomorrow and just switch my rest day.  Sucks because I wanted to switch out Sat, but I'm trying to make sure I listen to my body more nowadays.  Going to wind up in the gym bright and early on Sat, lil one's bday so I will have to get that out of the way ASAP.

Have to apply some heat to my left knee later.  Been feeling some nagging soreness the past week or so.

Kicking myself for completely ignoring the and VitaminShoppe sales lately.  Going to need some Whey soon.  Been trying some Vegan powder, but I'd rather just leave that for smoothies only.
Slickp if benching hurts your elbows you could try altering your form a bit by touching your chest but not locking your elbows all the way out. I've heard this is good for people who flare their elbows out and have shoulder problems.

Theres more guys in here that play soccer then i thought there would be 
  I played until my senior year and it blessed me with dem dreamer calves, I have more vascularity in my legs then arms sometimes 

Abs every day. Cardio every day. Since I run so much, I skip legs entirely. Take a day off whenever I feel like I need a break. Basically ends up being one day off a week unless I'm busy with life.

This my work out too basically

Mon: Chest/Back-Heavy Weight
Tues: Delts/Traps-Heavy Weight
Weds: Chest/Back-Light Weight
Thurs: Easy day. Biceps (random stuff and whatever is lacking) Soccer Game at Night
Friday:Delts/Traps-Light Weight

Abs every other day.

No leg workouts...just soccer

It seems you are into am I, this is why i ask, i play indoor tuesday and thursday and have my Maryland Men's Major Semi-Pro games on Sunday. If I don't hit legs at the gym one week i will make sure i skip chest or back or shoulders to get them in. Since soccer is a priority for me i need strong legs. I always try to make sure i fit legs day in on monday or tuesday so they can be fresh by sunday (the only game i really care about). I am in the same boat on cardio > lifting but thats why i put legs > chest/back/shoulders

Squats and lunges really help my leg endurance. Legs won't get tired in a match as fast. Both can be used to increase your speed and jumping as well (or so they say :lol:).

one day...the god

soccer calves ftw though thank god ive played my whole life and have decent genetics
they are modest :lol:

Swear to god, when I do leg day I put this as my wallpaper. Extra motivation
i guess i wasnt clear enough, ive definitely done bench, not so much anymore because i use dumbbells now

one rep max was only like 270 and it hurt like crazy, i dont think my elbows ever really recovered, i might just not go down all the way, i have a 6'6 wingspan and i heard long armed people usually have problems with that, so im just going to stop a few inches above my chest if/when i start benching again
i dont like benching, but love pec flyes, my chest is just very slow to grow

Have you tried doing dumbbell bench press? That might help.
one day...the god

soccer calves ftw though thank god ive played my whole life and have decent genetics
they are modest :lol:
is he even good tho? ive always heard him and beckham are the most overrated athletes in sports right now

and what does soccer calves mean? is that like turf toe or something?
i guess i wasnt clear enough, ive definitely done bench, not so much anymore because i use dumbbells now

one rep max was only like 270 and it hurt like crazy, i dont think my elbows ever really recovered, i might just not go down all the way, i have a 6'6 wingspan and i heard long armed people usually have problems with that, so im just going to stop a few inches above my chest if/when i start benching again
i dont like benching, but love pec flyes, my chest is just very slow to grow

That's maybe why, Benching will help massively in your growth, Can you not do bench but at a lower weight?
even lower weights hurt, not nearly as much, but my elbows pop, and under pressure the pop begins to hurt, incline dumbbells are not so bad because my hands move freely

Slickp if benching hurts your elbows you could try altering your form a bit by touching your chest but not locking your elbows all the way out. I've heard this is good for people who flare their elbows out and have shoulder problems.
it dont really get a pump if i dont lock out

and i dont have shoulder problems, its my elbows that hurt when i start to get around 190
i guess i wasnt clear enough, ive definitely done bench, not so much anymore because i use dumbbells now

one rep max was only like 270 and it hurt like crazy, i dont think my elbows ever really recovered, i might just not go down all the way, i have a 6'6 wingspan and i heard long armed people usually have problems with that, so im just going to stop a few inches above my chest if/when i start benching again
i dont like benching, but love pec flyes, my chest is just very slow to grow

Have you tried doing dumbbell bench press? That might help.
i have, i dont feel anything unless i go heavy, and when i go heavy i have zero control of the weight, scary situation

but im stealing someone elses routine starting this week so i will see in a month or so if it works
even lower weights hurt, not nearly as much, but my elbows pop, and under pressure the pop begins to hurt, incline dumbbells are not so bad because my hands move freely
it dont really get a pump if i dont lock out

and i dont have shoulder problems, its my elbows that hurt when i start to get around 190
have you tried different grip positions? ie wide grip or close grip
is he even good tho? ive always heard him and beckham are the most overrated athletes in sports right now

and what does soccer calves mean? is that like turf toe or something?
Dude is in the top 2 players in the world. Overrated maybe in his media attention, but never on his actual soccer skills. 

If you play competitive/high level soccer for a long period of time, you are going to have a good set of calves. It just comes natural to soccer players without really working out the legs. 
It seems you are into am I, this is why i ask, i play indoor tuesday and thursday and have my Maryland Men's Major Semi-Pro games on Sunday. If I don't hit legs at the gym one week i will make sure i skip chest or back or shoulders to get them in. Since soccer is a priority for me i need strong legs. I always try to make sure i fit legs day in on monday or tuesday so they can be fresh by sunday (the only game i really care about). I am in the same boat on cardio > lifting but thats why i put legs > chest/back/shoulders

Squats and lunges really help my leg endurance. Legs won't get tired in a match as fast. Both can be used to increase your speed and jumping as well (or so they say :lol:).

one day...the god

soccer calves ftw though thank god ive played my whole life and have decent genetics
they are modest :lol:

I agree. Maybe someday ill start hitting legs again but right now I'm just trying to get my upper body right. My legs are good so I just play soccer and leave it at that. I played high school and some college soccer but my ship has sailed as far as working out my legs for onfield performance. I just play to stay in shape and relieve stress.
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