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Good **** bruh. Crazy transformation.
Ok protein powder experts help a bro out, are MuscleTech products overpriced? I want a powder that has BCAAs, creatine and whey with under 150 cals per seving. I'm looking at their Anabolic Halo at the bb store and its a 2.4lb tub for 50 shipped. Good deal or not?

EDIT: found it on Amazon for 27 shipped.

muscletech is garbage IMO
Gotta second Zyzz.

Just go with a quality whey and do your creatine separate. You'll end up with better protein and better creatine. You will prob see better results from the creatine too, as it will be more "stand alone" this way.
I'm curious as to what your weekly split/routines look like, Joka. Would you mind posting them? I love changing things up, and I never really considered training certain body parts 2x per week. I might give it a try...


Abs every day. Cardio every day. Since I run so much, I skip legs entirely. Take a day off whenever I feel like I need a break. Basically ends up being one day off a week unless I'm busy with life.
Ordered psyllium after some time away, ran out a month or so ago...

TMI but
Just gave birth, might've been more painful than what a woman experiences :lol: 0]


Abs every day. Cardio every day. Since I run so much, I skip legs entirely. Take a day off whenever I feel like I need a break. Basically ends up being one day off a week unless I'm busy with life.
No hate but thats why you can hit everything twice a week, most people hit legs and give them their own day. How many miles do you run a week? Because I do cardio everyday and still put a heavy leg workout in as well.
Gotta second Zyzz.

Just go with a quality whey and do your creatine separate. You'll end up with better protein and better creatine. You will prob see better results from the creatine too, as it will be more "stand alone" this way.
muscletech is garbage IMO
So what do you guys suggest I buy? The only reason I wanted them all in one is because of the calories. 
Why do my boobs sag. I feel like it looks good head up but from the side you can see the sag. Any exercises I can do to improve it or do I just need to drop bf. I use to be really fat so it maybe extra skin idk. I use to be like lucky

Why do my boobs sag. I feel like it looks good head up but from the side you can see the sag. Any exercises I can do to improve it or do I just need to drop bf. I use to be really fat so it maybe extra skin idk. I use to be like lucky


Isnt that called gyno or something likethat? idk...that or genetics.

Try and cut your bf as low as possible though. That may very well do that trick
No hate but thats why you can hit everything twice a week, most people hit legs and give them their own day. How many miles do you run a week? Because I do cardio everyday and still put a heavy leg workout in as well.

Depends on where I am in my training. Right now it's 35+ a week. It's 20 minimum unless I am in the first weeks off a marathon. I don't need to work legs. They're in proportion to my small frame.

Abs every day. Cardio every day. Since I run so much, I skip legs entirely. Take a day off whenever I feel like I need a break. Basically ends up being one day off a week unless I'm busy with life.

This my work out too basically

Mon: Chest/Back-Heavy Weight
Tues: Delts/Traps-Heavy Weight
Weds: Chest/Back-Light Weight
Thurs: Easy day. Biceps (random stuff and whatever is lacking) Soccer Game at Night
Friday:Delts/Traps-Light Weight

Abs every other day.

No leg workouts...just soccer
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I do crossfit and the lower body workouts (front squat, back squat, deadlifts, box jumps, etc) we do helps me with soccer and running. I play 2-3 times a week and run about 15-20 miles on top of that. Doesn't matter how many miles you run, still got to give them legs some love IMO.
I do crossfit and the lower body workouts (front squat, back squat, deadlifts, box jumps, etc) we do helps me with soccer and running. I play 2-3 times a week and run about 15-20 miles on top of that. Doesn't matter how many miles you run, still got to give them legs some love IMO.

Agree. I mean, it won't hurt to add some squats in there.

I wouldn't just disregard legs in total. Make them even better!
Agree. I mean, it won't hurt to add some squats in there.

I wouldn't just disregard legs in total. Make them even better!
Nah. Lifting isn't my priority. It's running. Dedicating a day to legs takes me away from two days of running.
Why do my boobs sag. I feel like it looks good head up but from the side you can see the sag. Any exercises I can do to improve it or do I just need to drop bf. I use to be really fat so it maybe extra skin idk. I use to be like lucky

lower pec exercises and lean out, my chest was like that when i bulked, im not a lean machine, but they dont droop at all now
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