STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Quick question. I work 4-12 and usually get home around 1 and wait to hit the gym from 5-6. I usually come home, take a protein shake, eat a bowl of oatmeal then sleep till its time for work. Am i missing out on eating a big meal after my workout? Should i take a gainer shake with more calories after i workout instead? Im just worried about sleeping after having a lot of carbs.
Yo just got my on creatine 300 caps. What my daily dose? Its says at the label to take 2 in in morning, afternoon and 2 in the evening, should i follow that? Should i also take during rest days? 1st time user here. Thanks!
Splits dont matter? Orly.

Splits matter. Thats how you schedule your rest and working days. Its not really complicated, takes about two minutes to formulate. Talking about different workouts is just another way to break from a mundane, set routine. It will also shock your muscles.

Working out IS that simple. But simplicity only goes so far.
They don't matter in the sense that there are countless ways you can go about creating a routine and being okay. And I'm all for changing things up. Keeps it interesting and helps growth.
Splits dont matter? Orly.

Splits matter. Thats how you schedule your rest and working days. Its not really complicated, takes about two minutes to formulate. Talking about different workouts is just another way to break from a mundane, set routine. It will also shock your muscles.

Working out IS that simple. But simplicity only goes so far.

Rest days? U don't need rest days you neither need more sleep or more food rest days are not mandatory
Yo just got my on creatine 300 caps. What my daily dose? Its says at the label to take 2 in in morning, afternoon and 2 in the evening, should i follow that? Should i also take during rest days? 1st time user here. Thanks!
2 caps are equal to what serving?
I'm on a push pull and legs routine (hit everything but legs twice a week) and its awesome. I've been making really, really good hypertrophy and strength gains. A lot of natural bodybuilders believe hitting a body part twice a week is the best way to maximize gains for a natural lifter. Studies show protein synthesis(basically the process of muscle growing)only lasts up to 48 hours TOPS after you hit your muscles. This means after 48 hours those muscles are ready to be hit again and grow. If you hit a muscle once a week you basically go like half a week where your muscle is doing nothing. This only applies to naturals.
Totally agree. I've been doing each body part 2x/week for about a year. Best gains I've ever had. I never feel like I can't give it my all when I workout.
Not sure if it has anything to do with it...but I found that deadlifts improved my posture.

I used to slouch my back like crazy until i started deadlifting. I realize I've been standing straighter ever since and my friends had said my posture improved.

I really need to start deadlifting. It's bad how much I avoid it in my routine.
people in this thread make everything so difficult u dont need any "programs" u just need to go to the gym work your *** off and eat right really its that simple

it doesn't matter when u do the exercises it doesn't matter when u eat your food as long as u dont half *** the workouts and dont over/under eat results will come, everyday theirs 5 people posting new workout plans, you dont need that **** train arms, legs, back, shoulders, abs and do cardio in the same day IT DOENST MATTER! just make sure its quality reps and u are eating enough

theirs no shortcut to a great body

flame suit on

Couldn't have said it any better!
About to go grocery shopping and need some ideas on some snack foods that are calorie dense. Already got different kinds of nuts. Any suggestions?
They don't matter in the sense that there are countless ways you can go about creating a routine and being okay. And I'm all for changing things up. Keeps it interesting and helps growth.
Yeah exactly.

Countless ways to go about creating a routine = essentially making a split.

And rest days dont matter? Yet you say more sleep...sleep = rest.

 I know what you guys mean, but its essentially the same thing I been saying.
That feel when you can't properly soap up your back in the shower because of a good workout. 

Feels/Hurts sooo goood.. 
They don't matter in the sense that there are countless ways you can go about creating a routine and being okay. And I'm all for changing things up. Keeps it interesting and helps growth.

I'm curious as to what your weekly split/routines look like, Joka. Would you mind posting them? I love changing things up, and I never really considered training certain body parts 2x per week. I might give it a try...
Ok protein powder experts help a bro out, are MuscleTech products overpriced? I want a powder that has BCAAs, creatine and whey with under 150 cals per seving. I'm looking at their Anabolic Halo at the bb store and its a 2.4lb tub for 50 shipped. Good deal or not?

EDIT: found it on Amazon for 27 shipped.
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I'm on that push/pull/legs train hitting parts 2x a week. Pretty much the best strength/hypertrophy progress i've seen so far.
i know you mean well, but get out of here with that. everybody knows working out and working out hard is important, but you need to work out smart as well. that's what the people in this thread are trying to figure out.

thats the issue THEIRS NOTHING TO FIGURE OUT, the solution is train hard, eat right THATS IT thats all you need to do and splits dont matter, again wrk everybody part every day of the week its no diff then doing 5 chest exercises on 1 day than if u do them on separate days throughout the week combined w/ other body parts

everybody wants "shortcuts" and new "programs" but in the end its all the same

C'mon now, this is all gibberish to a beginner, cut it out. You can't/shouldn't just jump into things without guidance, routines serve their purpose. Once you've done it for a while, only then can you truly understand the message you're trying to convey.
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Word routines give you direction and once you get it down you tweak it to fit you. I see so many dudes walking around the gym looking lost picking up dumbbells doing like 3 curls then going to the bench for 2 reps then let extension and crunches and other random things
Maybe it's just me, but I get extremely irritated when people use those garbage bags suits and  leave an entire puddle around workout material.

I watched some dude sweat all around the gym and not wipe down anything.

Talk about proper gym etiquette.
Maybe it's just me, but I get extremely irritated when people use those garbage bags suits and  leave an entire puddle around workout material.

I watched some dude sweat all around the gym and not wipe down anything.

Talk about proper gym etiquette.
That's friggin gross.
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