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When weight lifting how often do you guys do a set of any given exercise till failure?

Just curious
Isnt every set til failure?

On another note, ya boy just got VS. 
 And yes, its exactly the store youre thinking of.
Oh thats what you mean. I usually set myself a goal rep weight, and usually by the time I hit that number, its failure. Failure counts as when you finally need a spot? I go for 6-10 reps on most workouts, those last 2, sometimes 3 reps I may need a tiny spot by then.
Oh thats what you mean. I usually set myself a goal rep weight, and usually by the time I hit that number, its failure. Failure counts as when you finally need a spot? I go for 6-10 reps on most workouts, those last 2, sometimes 3 reps I may need a tiny spot by then.

oh ok... I see.

I feel like im short changing myself lately because I havent needed a spot.

On the other hand I guess that's kind of a good thing because the current weights im using are becoming "easier"

I guess its time to move up.. :smokin

**scared** lol
oh ok... I see.

I feel like im short changing myself lately because I havent needed a spot.

On the other hand I guess that's kind of a good thing because the current weights im using are becoming "easier"

I guess its time to move up..

**scared** lol

Theres only 3 reasons why you cant do a weight: mental, technical, or its just too damn heavy.

Once you get passed that "mental" wall, you WILL surprise yourself.
been doing upright rows and shrugs like crazy but im just gonna do em everyday and see what happens

IDC :lol:

military press.. I do them with the regular barbell. Last set I'm usually at 25 lbs on each side for ~5-6 reps..Been stuck at 95 lbs forever lol

Look up a videon on the form though..IIRC in a video I saw this guy said if you dont do it correctly they can turn into mostly a shoulder/upper back exercise
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I feel you Zyzz, I'm literally about to start doing body parts 3-4 times a week man. Overtraining my ***!
I love working traps.

I do 2 sets of heavy with dumbbells, around 80 lbs, making sure to get the full stretch and range of motion.

Then I do 3 sets of this super-set thing. I take two 45 lb plates and set them on the ground, and two 35 lb plates and set them next to them.

I do 8 reps slow with the 45's then 8 reps fast, then 2 very slow.

Put those down and go to the 35's and do 6 slow 6 fast, then back to the 45's for 3 slow, 3 fast, and repeat that 3 slow 3 fast till failure.

Destroys my traps :pimp:
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I feel you Zyzz, I'm literally about to start doing body parts 3-4 times a week man. Overtraining my ***!

like i said before i dont believe in over training. when i was young and dumb i used to work out my arms 3-4 days a week :rofl:

the gains man... the gains were :pimp:

if only i had kept them
I normally hit a body part once a week.  I want to switch doing a body part twice a week.  Does anybody do this?  Whats your routine?

Thanks NT

I'm on a push pull and legs routine (hit everything but legs twice a week) and its awesome. I've been making really, really good hypertrophy and strength gains. A lot of natural bodybuilders believe hitting a body part twice a week is the best way to maximize gains for a natural lifter. Studies show protein synthesis(basically the process of muscle growing)only lasts up to 48 hours TOPS after you hit your muscles. This means after 48 hours those muscles are ready to be hit again and grow. If you hit a muscle once a week you basically go like half a week where your muscle is doing nothing. This only applies to naturals.
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When weight lifting how often do you guys do a set of any given exercise till failure?

Just curious :nerd:
I rarely go to failure. On my 5+, 3+, and 1+ sets on 5/3/1, I always try and keep a rep in the tank on those sets, so it's not to true failure.
No shame here bruh. The womenz I will see everyday. 
I used to work at VS at the mall. I did not have to do much and my co workers were mostly bomb girls who were really nice. The only thing that sucks is if a guy walks in he will ask you for recommendations on products.
what the hell are you guys doing for traps? mine get sore as hell but barely seeing growth.

im about to honestly just hit them 4 days a week, i dont even care :lol:****-are-those-things-around-your.html

replace the asterisks with the F word


tl;dr heavy *** barbell shrugs and heavy *** one arm dumbell rows

on the military and overhead press, lock out all the way at the top to engage your traps.
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I normally hit a body part once a week.  I want to switch doing a body part twice a week.  Does anybody do this?  Whats your routine?

Thanks NT
I'm on a push pull and legs routine (hit everything but legs twice a week) and its awesome. I've been making really, really good hypertrophy and strength gains. A lot of natural bodybuilders believe hitting a body part twice a week is the best way to maximize gains for a natural lifter. Studies show protein synthesis(basically the process of muscle growing)only lasts up to 48 hours TOPS after you hit your muscles. This means after 48 hours those muscles are ready to be hit again and grow. If you hit a muscle once a week you basically go like half a week where your muscle is doing nothing. This only applies to naturals.
Thanks for the help .  I'm mos def switching it up next week.  Hitting a body part 2 times!!!!
what the hell are you guys doing for traps? mine get sore as hell but barely seeing growth.

im about to honestly just hit them 4 days a week, i dont even care
if you wanna mix it up, try the farmers walk. grab heavy, but appropriate, dumbbells in each hand, and walk for as long as you can. dont let your arms just hang though. keep a nice contraction through your arms, up to your shoulders. i walk with a little shrug to really work the traps. 
For traps I just load a barbell with as much weight as I can do for 10 reps and try to go past that. 
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