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yea same here. I dont think u really need casein imo. I just think as long as you hit your protein requirements for the day you're good. But if u got the $$$ and feel like you need to go ahead
yea same here. I dont think u really need casein imo. I just think as long as you hit your protein requirements for the day you're good. But if u got the $$$ and feel like you need to go ahead

I agree 100%

Protein is protein, casein is all but pointless IMO, bodies aren't going catabolic overnight :lol:
That black liquid and green straw inspired me to make some iced coffee at home before I head out :lol:

lol nice.

I tried do it at home but I can't get the taste right. Tried different coffees and blends, just can't match the taste. I guess they sprinkle crack in the coffee mix lol. What coffee did you use btw? I used to double brew a pot, pour it in a jar with ice and let it cool before putting it in the fridge. Same way fivebucks coffee does it, I just can't get their teraza coffee anywhere.

I agree w/everyone else. casein for the most part is unnecessary. But if you want to get its up to you. Mix it with milk and treat it like a desert with them extra calories :tongue:
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N u didn't get her name or ask where u can see the pics at?


Bishes at the gym. >

Totally did not. I'm in a long distance relationship so I'm always at a crossroads with situations like this. But for NT, I'll follow up on the pics.

If you want a thick shake then get Giant Sports Delicious Protein. Very very very very good and its thick with water. I dont like my shakes thick so i dont drink it as much but the taste is amazing. I have the new CPB and everyone on loves it
bros instead of wasting your money on Casien cop Universal Nutritions Milk and Egg protein, its 23 bucks for 3 lbs (about 35-40 servings) Good blend
My wife got this fancy scale which measures body fat and water weight, I got 14% body fat, I seriously thought I was higher, also a water weight of 60% which is pretty high...
Can always just do a blend instead of straight casein. I do ON whey most of the time but dymatize elite xt is my nighttime protein. It's a blend and pretty cheap, 29 for 4.4lbs on
My wife got this fancy scale which measures body fat and water weight, I got 14% body fat, I seriously thought I was higher, also a water weight of 60% which is pretty high...

those things are NOT accurate... AT ALL :lol:
Took All Max today for the first time and compared to tub of Creatine I just finished and the Allmax is crystal like like fine sugar while the was chalky
What's the consensus in ATG Squats?

I was talking about to my PT doctor, and he said going that deep is actually bad for your knees. Just wanted some extra opinions.

Also, should you feel pressure, or soreness in your lower back from ATG Squats? I feel like my form is good, but I want to make sure.

It all depends on how youre squatting and the form used.

I think theres a difference between ATG squats and full ROM squats. I dont necessarily think ATG (where the hamstrings make cotnact with the calves) is necessary because of the forces required to get up out of that position, but theres no real major knee issue with full ROM squats. (Full ROM being the hip angle being lower than the knee angle.) When you get low in a squat, the hamstrings are more active than they are during a partial movement. Because theyre more active, they do a better job of equalizing out the forces required to complete the movement. If youre only going 1/2 of 3/4 of the way down, all the tension is on the quads and knees. As long as your hips are back and your knees dont travel too far forward, going low in a squat doesnt provide an extra injury risk. Its when the knees travel too far forward and the hips dont flex enough that knee problems arise

Youll feel pressure if you go too low and your lower back goes from extension to flexion. (Think of the motion of going from standing up tall to a crunched position)

So, it's normal to feel lower back soreness from ATG squats? I feel the soreness, but thought my form was off, or something.

Thoughts on using whey, casein, and soy in a post workout shake to lengthen the anabolic window? Broscience, or real science?
Took All Max today for the first time and compared to tub of Creatine I just finished and the Allmax is crystal like like fine sugar while the was chalky

did it dissolve? i only took allmax so im not sure if creatine dissolves :lol:
can someone recommend a good and cost friendly CASEIN protein? I was thinking of this:

ON Casein Protein via Amazon

but, just wanted to get NT's input.

I take ON All Natural Casein. I agree it's not really necessary from a body composition standpoint; however, I vastly prefer the consistency and the taste especially after dinner. It's a good way of getting that dessert feel without touching something grimey.

Ever wonder what it would be like to have a sesh in space? Pretty neat video.

Cool video - thanks for posting.

I need some advice on training my gf.

She wants me to help her tighten up, but I 'm not sure how much different a woman's workout should differ from a man's.

Like should I even have her do chest workouts? lol

I need some guidance.
Put her on a simple linear progression like starting strength. Assuming you don't want her to bulk up, keep the reps low and weights relatively high. In conjunction with training, make sure her diet is on point. Ensure she's in a deficit assuming her goal is to cut fat. I wouldn't ignore chest workouts, but from an "attractiveness" perspective, focusing on legs would probably make more sense.

I'd also consider getting her into Crossfit. From what I've seen the results it produces in women are great. also has a bunch of good articles on training women - use the search function.
bros instead of wasting your money on Casien cop Universal Nutritions Milk and Egg protein, its 23 bucks for 3 lbs (about 35-40 servings) Good blend
About a year and a half ago i bought their 18 pound bucket of that, in vanilla, for i think $110 at dps nutrition. I swear the size of this thing was like a big bucket of ice melt. 
Did legs today for the first time after recently spraining my ankle. It felt alright but it's kinda sore now.

Why is chocolate almond milk so damn good? Also, why does the chocolate almond milk have less sodium than the unsweetened vanilla?
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