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lolwut? your lower back should be sore from doing deadlifts especially if its your first time doing it. could also be from rounding your lower back, but lower back soreness after deadlifts is normal as the spinal erectors are one of the primary targets.

speaking of deadlifts i did rack pulls for the first time the other day since ive been dealing with a groin injury. topped out at 405(w/ straps) not bad for someone whos only been deadlifting less than half a year.

lower the weight and work on your form from there. Then slowly build up. There's a lot of different variations to the dead lift that put emphasis on different parts, hams, gluts, lower back, lats. You have to find the stance and grip that benefits your program.

Oh alright. Yeah I looked it up and seen your lower back should have some soreness especially in your early time doing them.

My # 1 problem is my stance i think.

try sumo. it takes a bunch of stress off of your back and places on your hams and glutes.
It's not normal. I've been lifting for 3 years and never had lower back soreness. You're probably doing it wrong.


Deadlifts are for your lower back/legs. Of course its gonna be sore/tight.

I think it's absolutely normal for your lower back to be sore after deadlifts, especially if you didn't do many lower back exercises before.

See here's the problem though... soreness is 100% subjective and isn't indicative of much. You can be sore after a good workout, or you can be sore after a lousy workout. Soreness can come from the muscles being used correctly or it can come from the muscles being used incorrectly.

Some people get sore frequently, others rarely ever get sore.

Judging the quality of a workout based upon soreness will only lead to problems.

How much weight were you doing?
It's not normal. I've been lifting for 3 years and never had lower back soreness. You're probably doing it wrong.


Deadlifts are for your lower back/legs. Of course its gonna be sore/tight.

I think it's absolutely normal for your lower back to be sore after deadlifts, especially if you didn't do many lower back exercises before.

See here's the problem though... soreness is 100% subjective and isn't indicative of much. You can be sore after a good workout, or you can be sore after a lousy workout. Soreness can come from the muscles being used correctly or it can come from the muscles being used incorrectly.

Some people get sore frequently, others rarely ever get sore.

Judging the quality of a workout based upon soreness will only lead to problems.

How much weight were you doing?

I started out with 135 on...stopped after doing 175
What's the consensus in ATG Squats?

I was talking about to my PT doctor, and he said going that deep is actually bad for your knees. Just wanted some extra opinions.

Also, should you feel pressure, or soreness in your lower back from ATG Squats? I feel like my form is good, but I want to make sure.

It all depends on how youre squatting and the form used.

I think theres a difference between ATG squats and full ROM squats. I dont necessarily think ATG (where the hamstrings make cotnact with the calves) is necessary because of the forces required to get up out of that position, but theres no real major knee issue with full ROM squats. (Full ROM being the hip angle being lower than the knee angle.) When you get low in a squat, the hamstrings are more active than they are during a partial movement. Because theyre more active, they do a better job of equalizing out the forces required to complete the movement. If youre only going 1/2 of 3/4 of the way down, all the tension is on the quads and knees. As long as your hips are back and your knees dont travel too far forward, going low in a squat doesnt provide an extra injury risk. Its when the knees travel too far forward and the hips dont flex enough that knee problems arise

Youll feel pressure if you go too low and your lower back goes from extension to flexion. (Think of the motion of going from standing up tall to a crunched position)
It's not normal. I've been lifting for 3 years and never had lower back soreness. You're probably doing it wrong.


Deadlifts are for your lower back/legs. Of course its gonna be sore/tight.

I think it's absolutely normal for your lower back to be sore after deadlifts, especially if you didn't do many lower back exercises before.

See here's the problem though... soreness is 100% subjective and isn't indicative of much. You can be sore after a good workout, or you can be sore after a lousy workout. Soreness can come from the muscles being used correctly or it can come from the muscles being used incorrectly.

Some people get sore frequently, others rarely ever get sore.

Judging the quality of a workout based upon soreness will only lead to problems.

How much weight were you doing?

I started out with 135 on...stopped after doing 175

Ok, Dont go any heavier next time and see how it feels. It's likely just because its a new exercise to you, but youre better off making sure its that and not a form/stance issue.

I dont know how many sets/reps you were doing, but keep the reps low (
Technically that's 2 separate weeks
Ya'll know what I mean. 
as i've worked on going deeper, i get this pulling discomfort in the inner thigh almost to the groin area. it inhibits a fluid motion when i'm dropping down into my squat. i get close to parallel and do this awkward pause and then continue until below parallel. i haven't been stretching out the inner leg before squats so i'll start that. any other feedback from the motion/mechanics experts?
What's the consensus in ATG Squats?

I was talking about to my PT doctor, and he said going that deep is actually bad for your knees. Just wanted some extra opinions.

Also, should you feel pressure, or soreness in your lower back from ATG Squats? I feel like my form is good, but I want to make sure.

It all depends on how youre squatting and the form used.

I think theres a difference between ATG squats and full ROM squats. I dont necessarily think ATG (where the hamstrings make cotnact with the calves) is necessary because of the forces required to get up out of that position, but theres no real major knee issue with full ROM squats. (Full ROM being the hip angle being lower than the knee angle.) When you get low in a squat, the hamstrings are more active than they are during a partial movement. Because theyre more active, they do a better job of equalizing out the forces required to complete the movement. If youre only going 1/2 of 3/4 of the way down, all the tension is on the quads and knees. As long as your hips are back and your knees dont travel too far forward, going low in a squat doesnt provide an extra injury risk. Its when the knees travel too far forward and the hips dont flex enough that knee problems arise

Youll feel pressure if you go too low and your lower back goes from extension to flexion. (Think of the motion of going from standing up tall to a crunched position)

This is great info and basically what i was told when squatting. ASG is just kinda of the friendly reminder to go low. But i see people literally trying to get their butt on the ground and just from a mechanical stand point that almost forces your back to roll....i was told to get the hips below the knees....activate your hamstrings and glutes...which you can instantly feel...then back up.
Anyone hit legs twice a week? Did legs on Friday, contemplating on doing it again later.

Technically that's 2 separate weeks :lol:

I do them twice a week. noticed my upper body getting larger than my lower, so to bring back the symmetry I started doing them twice. one day is lighter, more reps, another is for power, heavy and less reps. I've seen great results.
I wanted to post pics and seek opinions on my progress, but now I'm kinda scared to be honest.

I'm taller than Joka and weigh less than him.
I need some advice on training my gf.

She wants me to help her tighten up, but I 'm not sure how much different a woman's workout should differ from a man's.

Like should I even have her do chest workouts? lol

I need some guidance.
Training legs twice a week currently. The tree trunks are looking massive. All of the rope I do has my calves on point too. Now I know why I see so many people at the gym copping ropes. :lol:
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N u didn't get her name or ask where u can see the pics at?


Bishes at the gym. >

Totally did not. I'm in a long distance relationship so I'm always at a crossroads with situations like this. But for NT, I'll follow up on the pics.

Push day today. Had a good workout.

Just made lunch. Put some brown rice in lentil soup. Then sliced up a chicken breast and reheated it in pan. Half sugar in the iced coffee.
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I wanted to post pics and seek opinions on my progress, but now I'm kinda scared to be honest.

I'm taller than Joka and weigh less than him.

No worries
I wish we all posted we could ask questions and discuss progress.
The reason Joka had comments was because he said he was Big.
Truth is he is a very healthy looking dude but is not Brolic or big.
I would post pics but not say I am this or I am that.
I'm gonna post soon with a shirt on because I'm way too hairy to show any cuts lol
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Just wrapped up a heavy intense Chest,shoulders and calves workout , i'm ready for tonight's beisbol game :smokin
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i dont think you need casein, thats just me tho.

whey and if you want mix it with some milk
i dont think you need casein, thats just me tho.

whey and if you want mix it with some milk

True, but I use casein when I want something thicker (( :nerd: )) with water, but my recent discovery of guar gum almost tosses casein out of the equation :lol: Now to finish it all


Push day today. Had a good workout.

Just made lunch. Put some brown rice in lentil soup. Then sliced up a chicken breast and reheated it in pan. Half sugar in the iced coffee.

That black liquid and green straw inspired me to make some iced coffee at home before I head out :lol:
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