STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Got got my gym at 10:55 today, didn't realize they don't open till 11. I basically had the gym to myself, it was AMAZING, I worked out chest and didn't have to wait for a single thing :wow:

I kinda wanna start waking up early and going now.

The main reason I go so damb early at 5am during the week haha

Not once have I had to ask anybody Hey brah, how many sets left? You think I can get in between sets?
11am is early?!
5am on the weekdays is kinda crowded. 5am on saturday is kinda sparse. 5am on sunday is ghost town.

there's a big bodybuilding contest coming up and yesterday in the locker room, dude asks if i can use his phone to take some pics of his poses (wearing straight BVDs). i was like ahhhh man whatever. started taking the pics and 2 guys walked in, looked at the half-naked guy, looked at me and both were like :smh:
slight embarrassing moment :lol:
DESTROYED legs today. Did more squats than I can count 

I'm gonna be sore till the middle of the week. OH BOY.

RoOk you still my boy. Love u bro.
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Had a good workout with a friend this morning:

Started with 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill, alternating between 3mph and 12mph every 45 seconds. I def could go harder but that's the highest the treadmills go. Then you go into the upper body circuit.

The circuit:

DB Bench
Single-Arm Row
DB Military Press
DB Curls

Each exercise for 20 reps. No rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute between circuits. Do the circuit twice.

Go back to the treadmill for 10 minutes. Do 5 minutes at a light intensity (7mph for me). Do 5 minutes at high intensity (11mph for me).

Do the upper body circuit 2 more times.

Go stretch.

Took ~50 minutes by my watch, not including the post-workout stretching.
I'm not saying 11 am is early by any means :lol: But, for my University, (FSU) 11 am is early for the gym on a Sunday, most people are out drinking and partying the night before.

And :lol: to that situation, must have been a little awkward lol
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How do you guys track how many calories you lose while lifting? Any sportsband or anything that gives accurate results?

honestly trial and error is the best start off w/ a 40-40-20 split and arnd 2500 cals and if u lose weight on that (and thats your goal) stay w/ it and vice versa if trying to gain weight, everybody is diff
I usually take 400mg caffeine on Sundays, but not any other day of the week.

Going back in to the gym now to finish my workout.

I was so high off the stims that the world seemed dream-like :smh: :lol:.
what creatine you guys recommend? my brother recommended GNC AMP Creatine 189.. anyone use it before or have suggestions?
Recently I have been seeing guys wear the training mask in the gym. It looks like something Bane would wear. I think it looks ridiculous and unless you're a professional athlete I don't see why anyone would want to incorporate this into their workout. Different strokes for different folks.
Recently I have been seeing guys wear the training mask in the gym. It looks like something Bane would wear. I think it looks ridiculous and unless you're a professional athlete I don't see why anyone would want to incorporate this into their workout. Different strokes for different folks.
Don't tell Mike Rashid that.
Workout was :pimp:

I walked in, and went straight to an empty bar. Overall, did 8 sets of DLs, and set a new PR of 315x3. I could've done more, I think, but I was satisfied with a new PR. Still a long way off my goal of 505x5 though.

The gym was empty as well...I may start doing Sunday afternoon gym sessions over a morning session.

Went hard on seated rows, and lat pulldowns since I was out of it when I did those 2 this morning.

Finished off with some external rotation exercises, and calf raises.
Just abused my chest and bi's for the last hr.5 and got on this trainer there. Athletic yambs ftw. all those squats, shorty booty like an apple.
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Just abused my chest and bi's for the last hr.5 and got on this trainer there. Athletic yambs ftw. all those squats, shorty booty like an apple.
There this mexican chick who goes to my gym, all i have ever seen her do is squats, leg press, calf raises & stair master. Like 3x a week atleast. Her lower body situation is something serious. 

Anyway, tomorrow is Back, shoulders & traps. Cant wait to deadlift and F these weights up. 
Athletic broads are a weakness for me. Friday night, I was doing hanging leg raises when a little Asian chick used the one next to me. She starts telling about how it's her 4th day working out ever and she's trying to get right for her nude photoshoot Tuesday....o_O
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