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Torta with no bread?
Do it I cannot
mmmmmmm tortas! aint no way im giving them up, diet or not
Dude said he's never seen anyone big that hasn't lifted heavy. Here I am.

In 13 months I've gone from 215 @ 22% BF to 197.4 @ 12% BF. That's 23 pounds of fat lost and 6 pounds of muscle gained. What do you gain through a traditional bulk and cut cycle?

That's just one year. Was I supposed to put on 20 pounds of muscle in one year? I'll get back at y'all in four years so we can see how it goes.
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Good shoes like the guy above said and that's about it.
As for tips, prepare for hell lol. First week, granted I was way out of shape and only recently finished my physiotherapy to recover from severe muscular atrophy, I vomitted twice during the program because it was so hard.

Don't expect any real muscle gains though unless you've literally never worked out in your life. If you keep your diet in check a bit you'll lose weight like it's nothing.

Are hurache free runs , good work out sneakers, or should I get a traditional running sneaker
Carbed up this morning to go for a light run later. Resting legs for the 5k on Thursday.

As I sit here drinking my sugarless coffee on a Sunday morning, reflecting on the past few months, I am glad I decided to get my *** in shape.

Running a 5k is Phase 1 of my overall goal and that will be completed later this week. Taking a mini-vacation next weekend and then will begin Phase 2.
I'm never mixing preworkouts/stimulants again.

I mixed 2 servings of C4, 400mg caffeine, and 2 servings of MP Assault...:smh:

Had my heart pumping hard, but I couldn't catch my breath. Almost passed out at 1 point.

I'm going back later after everything wears off to finish my workout. I felt like my lat pulldowns, seated rows, and DLs were half assed.

Didn't even do my hyperextensions, or calf raises since I was so out of it.
I was reading an article abt building muscle and it said Lift fast to increase bench press strength? Would this help me I always go super super slow like as slow as I can and hold it cm above my chest before going up my bench is one of my weakest lifts only 225x4 I maxed out while bulking at 265 which at 185 isn't very good considering I've been lifting for 4yrs and in comparison to my other lifts
Feel like the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of stuff doesnt matter, 20% does. What you are saying doesnt matter at the end. Yes, it does sorta matter how fast or slow you push weight, but in the end its a miniscule thing to worry about.

Wanna increase your bench? Keep benching, keep pushing.

This article suggests lifting faster incorporates more muscle fibers which leads to increased gains.  
mmmmmmm tortas! aint no way im giving them up, diet or not

Torta with no bread?
Do it I cannot :lol:

:lol: enjoy, but like I said, I don't miss it. I have family members ask me how "I've done it", I begin with what's going to literally hit em in the gut just to cut the conversations short "Well first things first, beans tortillas and bread were over for the most part, and then..." By then they've left like grandpa Simpson
I'm just going to call today's workout an L. The stims are wearing off, and I feel exhausted. I won't have a chance to have a nap today either.

I'll hit my DLs, hyperextensions, and such on my Tuesday workout, so that'll be brutal.

The good thing is I benched today without any shoulder pain. 4x5 at 95 lbs since my PT doc told me to go light for the next 2 months. Going to listen, and just wait till my shoulder is fully healed.

Maybe 2 more PT sessions, and I won't have to see him more than once a week.
mmmmmmm tortas! aint no way im giving them up, diet or not

Torta with no bread?
Do it I cannot :lol:

:lol: enjoy, but like I said, I don't miss it. I have family members ask me how "I've done it", I begin with what's going to literally hit em in the gut just to cut the conversations short "Well first things first, beans tortillas and bread were over for the most part, and then..." By then they've left like grandpa Simpson

I know that feel bruh, not with tortas though. People ask me how I lost weight while they eat McDonald's in front of me. I tell em "you can't have that, first and foremost". Conversation over.

This article suggests lifting faster incorporates more muscle fibers which leads to increased gains.  
Exactly why I said it does matter. Theres multiple articles that talk about the speed at which you lift, but I still believe its a miniscule thing to worry about.

Just lift, and lift hard. You'll see results if you put the work into it. I focus more on getting that weight to move than the speed at which I lift, atleast when I try to max the weight. With less weight, I tend to do slower, controlled movements to get a better burn, rarely do I ever try to explode, except squats.
I mixed 2 servings of C4, 400mg caffeine, and 2 servings of MP Assault...:smh:.
what possessed you to do this? that's about 1 gram of caffeine. if i took half that much i'd be sick.

I take 400mg of caffeine every Sunday preworkout. Doesn't bother me much. I don't have a clue why I decided to add MP Assault, and C4 in the mix though. Dumb mistake. Lesson learned.
lol i'm not getting down on you or anything because i've made similar mistakes but i'm trying to imagine how bad that must have felt :lol:
Pretty wild. Just reading the labels on a lot of them and the specifically state not to mix or use more than the recommended serving.
:lol: enjoy, but like I said, I don't miss it. I have family members ask me how "I've done it", I begin with what's going to literally hit em in the gut just to cut the conversations short "Well first things first, beans tortillas and bread were over for the most part, and then..." By then they've left like grandpa Simpson

People who are stuck with old eating habits (especially the older generation) can't compute younger folks trying to eat healthier. My momz sees me eating a plate full of veggies and a little bit of rice and she thinks I'm not eating enough. It reminds me of a discussion I was having with my wife the other day...

Eating habits are carried on from generations. The food that we know is what has been passed down from the previous generation. They ate what fit their lifestyle. If you come from a working class family (a majority of people from two generations ago), you ate high caloric foods (lots of carbs) because that is what was needed to sustain. There were a lot more physical labor intensive jobs back then. They NEEDED the calories.

Let's say you were lucky enough to go to college and you end up with a job in an air-conditioned office for 8 hours a day. The old eating habits you were taught no longer fit your caloric needs. You really have to adapt to a whole new permanent way of eating and develop new habits. What is even more challenging is that most of us have to reverse the eating habits we grew up with. It's harder to drop the bad habits than to develop new ones.

Most of this is common sense but figured I'd put it out there.
I take 400mg of caffeine every Sunday preworkout. Doesn't bother me much. I don't have a clue why I decided to add MP Assault, and C4 in the mix though. Dumb mistake. Lesson learned.

u need a stim break theres been people who have died from less caffeine intake and they werent lifting weights
How do you guys track how many calories you lose while lifting? Any sportsband or anything that gives accurate results?
People who are stuck with old eating habits (especially the older generation) can't compute younger folks trying to eat healthier. My momz sees me eating a plate full of veggies and a little bit of rice and she thinks I'm not eating enough. It reminds me of a discussion I was having with my wife the other day...

Eating habits are carried on from generations. The food that we know is what has been passed down from the previous generation. They ate what fit their lifestyle. If you come from a working class family (a majority of people from two generations ago), you ate high caloric foods (lots of carbs) because that is what was needed to sustain. There were a lot more physical labor intensive jobs back then. They NEEDED the calories.

Let's say you were lucky enough to go to college and you end up with a job in an air-conditioned office for 8 hours a day. The old eating habits you were taught no longer fit your caloric needs. You really have to adapt to a whole new permanent way of eating and develop new habits. What is even more challenging is that most of us have to reverse the eating habits we grew up with. It's harder to drop the bad habits than to develop new ones.

Most of this is common sense but figured I'd put it out there.

I agree completely, and really, I don't understand how hard it is to understand. :lol:

Maybe the problem is I don't understand how to be so lax about stuff since i've been a fat *** dude my whole life and am constantly (IMO) having to look for ways to better my physique.
Got got my gym at 10:55 today, didn't realize they don't open till 11. I basically had the gym to myself, it was AMAZING, I worked out chest and didn't have to wait for a single thing :wow:

I kinda wanna start waking up early and going now.

Made a spinach and tomato omelet after, it was :pimp:
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