STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Jumping rope is a lot more challenging than many think and can probably get your heart pumping faster than running can, still tryin to learn to do consecutive double-unders, most I've done consecutive was 3 :lol:

I'm gonna order my own rope.
lol, people always challenge me to a double under showdown :lol:

Busted out 80 the other day and could've done more but I was outta breath, lol.
Try triple-unders!...arms must end up feeling like they will fall off after

80 DUs is effin great, I wish I could...part of it with me is fear, I've smacked the tip of my toes one too many times with the rope in attempts, that **** has you seeing stars.
^^ ha gonna have to try the triple unders! Never gave it a shot...yes the rope I have disciplines me, stings whenever it hits my toes or shoulders if I mess up when crossing

Tryna get a better transition from DU back to one legged skips but am scared to come down on one leg after a DU word to Ware

Day 6 of Sh2Sh tmrw
i used to jump rope for 20 min everyday before muay thai bare foot. you will never miss a jump while jump roping ever again with a thai jump rope. they are about 1inch thick of hard, heavy plastic and if you hit your toes even the slightest youll be in agony. :x speed ropes are a joke compared to thai rope.
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i want to know my bf so bad, im looking like a muscular 20, but honestly, i already know it doesnt matter, neither does the scale
I wish I had this attitude. But for some reason I am obsess with getting my BF low as I can.
honestly, its probably better if i concentrate on the numbers

i honestly dont think i would ever be satisfied with my body even if i was down to 7%
Did a 3 mile jog at a 9min/mile pace and finished off with a mini WOD 3 rounds for time, 10 pull-ups 15pushups and 20 squats, btw strict pull-ups!!!!!...if I tried to kip on my bar if probably die.



Get it in by any means possible.
man, i be hatin on crossfit

but i do love your spirit man

i remember when i got it IN on some at home workouts, now im to sadiddy for that man, its either a gym or bust

i need to get back to that raw tenacity
Did a 3 mile jog at a 9min/mile pace and finished off with a mini WOD 3 rounds for time, 10 pull-ups 15pushups and 20 squats, btw strict pull-ups!!!!!...if I tried to kip on my bar if probably die.



Get it in by any means possible.
Yonkers is mad hilly tho right? Must have made the run extra rough.

I've always had trouble working out at home - like in the house. If I'm not in a gym, I gotta be outside for whatever reason, but props to you for being able to get after it inside. Bro-tip, if you need a pullup bar outside and there aren't any, soccer goals make for great pullup bars (assuming you can reach). Gripping them is a nice added challenge. I'll also try the occasional tree branch pullup as well.
Did a 3 mile jog at a 9min/mile pace and finished off with a mini WOD 3 rounds for time, 10 pull-ups 15pushups and 20 squats, btw strict pull-ups!!!!!...if I tried to kip on my bar if probably die.



Get it in by any means possible.

i wouldnt really call that a strict pull up, more of a chin up. but still great work.
you go to Crossfit Gotham?? thinking about taking their trial class.
Checked the scale.

Lost 3lbs while making strength gains at the gym.


Took me a WHILE, but once the ball starts rolling, it starts rolling.
Did a 3 mile jog at a 9min/mile pace and finished off with a mini WOD 3 rounds for time, 10 pull-ups 15pushups and 20 squats, btw strict pull-ups!!!!!...if I tried to kip on my bar if probably die.



Get it in by any means possible.
Yonkers is mad hilly tho right? Must have made the run extra rough.

I've always had trouble working out at home - like in the house. If I'm not in a gym, I gotta be outside for whatever reason, but props to you for being able to get after it inside. Bro-tip, if you need a pullup bar outside and there aren't any, soccer goals make for great pullup bars (assuming you can reach). Gripping them is a nice added challenge. I'll also try the occasional tree branch pullup as well.

detonate is the best supplement ive ever used!, i took 9 days off from super hd before starting this next cycle of detonate and i thght the focus from super hd was great but i will never use another fat burner, the focus i get off of 2 pills is incredible only 80g of caff per seving as well, i literally feel unstoppable on this stuff, nt only is the focus great but the appetite suppression is unmatched and the fat burning aspect i cant really validate at this time since ive only been on it a week but with anything fat burner diet is going to determine how much fat i lose nt a pill i take fat burners for focus and appetite suppression while on a cut so im nt really concerned but i do sweat a **** ton while on this

ive been using it for a week and last week i weighed in at 187.6 and today i was 183.4 (and absolutely nothing chgd in my diet i literally eat the same thing EVERYDAY except friday nights i have a cheat meal, and maybe saturday if i feel lite, lost arnd 4 lbs in 5 days, which actually is a little more weight than i want to lose going for arnd .5lb a week (hopefully it was water weight and my lifts dnt go down)
Try triple-unders!...arms must end up feeling like they will fall off after

80 DUs is effin great, I wish I could...part of it with me is fear, I've smacked the tip of my toes one too many times with the rope in attempts, that **** has you seeing stars.
^^ ha gonna have to try the triple unders! Never gave it a shot...yes the rope I have disciplines me, stings whenever it hits my toes or shoulders if I mess up when crossing

Tryna get a better transition from DU back to one legged skips but am scared to come down on one leg after a DU word to Ware

Day 6 of Sh2Sh tmrw
Triple unders are no f'n joke.  Landing them is a feat haha.  I used to have welts all down my arms, once smacked myself in the lip, back of the head, it gets to the point where you just mentally won't allow yourself to get hit with the rope anymore.

One of my boys always challenges me with the rope so to shut him up I turn up the music and go in.  When I dropped that 80 on him he just walked away in disgust.  Gave him that MJ shrug afterwards.  Can't come at my throne.

I respect people who can get their workout in at home.  I used to have that discipline, but I just feel like going to sleep whenever I'm home now lol.  Keep on the CrossFit, this thread would be boring if everyone had the same exact training style and goals.

Finished out week 1 of shortcut to shred.  Did a bunch of suicides at the end to switch it up, wanna get my stamina up big time.  Felt like I was training for a fight.  That Kobe facebook post had me feeling some kinda way!  I can kind of do the cardioacceleration as its intended with the single joint stuff at the end of the week, but going straight through with no rest periods doing the compound stuff is a no go.  Will more than likely start starting strength once this is over and do a ton of outdoor stuff this summer.  Once it gets warm, it seems like my body senses it and leans out exactly to where I want it.  Love the strength/mass gains I made over the winter, but now it's time to get beach ready.
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the focus in detonate is from the dendrobium working with the other stims. it won't "burn" that much more fat keeping your calorie intake the exact same but you may have lost some extra water weight. i like that dendrobium feeling though and it's the strongest in craze.
can always count on JC for the usual LULZ :lol:

thanks for the encouragement bros, the hardest part of doing anything on your own is starting....i woke up late, missed an early breakfast and missed my 10am class, i was gonna chalk it up as a rest day but i rested yesterday also, so i said f it, threw on my free's got my ipod and walked out the door, did my 3 miles, came back and the adredaline left me hunger for a bit more so i made up this WOD, i guess doing WOD's everyday teaches you to be creative, you can pair up any 3-4 excercises, set a certain amount of rounds and try to get the best time possible and that alone will have you gasping within seconds because there really is no rest....something i wouldnt have done before crossfit...
btw i really need to order a rope, it really urks me when i smack my toes though, like legit pisses me off :lol:
Good **** ksteezy. I make my own mini wods too at home sometimes when I just feel like getting a quick workout in. Because of Crossfit, I've been able to come up with a bunch of wod variations at home.
Good **** ksteezy. I make my own mini wods too at home sometimes when I just feel like getting a quick workout in. Because of Crossfit, I've been able to come up with a bunch of wod variations at home.

:pimp: i know dat feel bro
Good **** ksteezy. I make my own mini wods too at home sometimes when I just feel like getting a quick workout in. Because of Crossfit, I've been able to come up with a bunch of wod variations at home.

:pimp: i know dat feel bro

Don't sweat the hate, bruh. I like how you coordinated the black shorts and grey workout shirt with the grey sweatshirt on the door and the black and grey pullup bar also. It's always good and fashionable to accessorize, even when training. . :wink:

I know that dog gets on your nerves when you are doing pushups
I was reading an article abt building muscle and it said Lift fast to increase bench press strength? Would this help me I always go super super slow like as slow as I can and hold it cm above my chest before going up my bench is one of my weakest lifts only 225x4 I maxed out while bulking at 265 which at 185 isn't very good considering I've been lifting for 4yrs and in comparison to my other lifts
im trying to figure out how to go up in benching even though i rarely do it

i love DB bench presses :pimp:
I was reading an article abt building muscle and it said Lift fast to increase bench press strength? Would this help me I always go super super slow like as slow as I can and hold it cm above my chest before going up my bench is one of my weakest lifts only 225x4 I maxed out while bulking at 265 which at 185 isn't very good considering I've been lifting for 4yrs and in comparison to my other lifts
Feel like the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of stuff doesnt matter, 20% does. What you are saying doesnt matter at the end. Yes, it does sorta matter how fast or slow you push weight, but in the end its a miniscule thing to worry about.

Wanna increase your bench? Keep benching, keep pushing.
I come to speak to those who do water with their protein shakes and blend/bullet them with ice.

If you're not much of a fan of the consistency, I HIGHLY recommend guar gum. It's a bit expensive, I bought an :nerd:z bag of Bobs Red Mill for $7, but you only need maybe 1/3-1/5 teaspoon per scoop of protein, 10oz water and handful of ice. That consistency resembles an authentic ice cream shake, well, as much as you can get using water. I should've taken a picture, it was jaw dropping :lol:
i know my gf's dad and brother do (i think 6 week) training cycles where they incorporate bands and bench press for speed to improve explosiveness as well as loading the resistance on the upper half of the press where they might get stuck. whatever they do, it seems to work because they're fricken strong to begin with and have gotten much stronger over the past year.
You're still on keto? If so how much longer do you plan to keep doing it?

I threw in the towel a little over a week ago. I understand what they mean by the flat look in your muscles while on keto because when I carbed up it was a noticeable difference.

I'm still doing it, I love the meal plan (lcHIIIIIIIIIGHf) and quite frankly, it's not too often I miss carbs. For example, today was my GF's sisters birthday party, her sister made a sandwich platter, their mom knows how i'm eating and hooked me up with lettuce-wrapped versions, bread aint eem missed

I know what you mean about that flatness, but what felt worse for me was those three days I went away from keto last week, spring break, and come this past Monday a belt wouldn't fit me at all anymore :stoneface:
Three days later i'm good at the third notch, where i've been at it for some time. As flat as I felt, that bloat felt worse. I'll have a cheat when I feel it's warranted, but I feel good about it for now :smile:
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