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I guess I'm in the minority but I love leg day.



After adding full on squats instead of half-assing it with hacks and presses, I absolutely LOVE IT :smokin
Lol. It's like people pop into this thread just to argue...
I wanna give that a try as well, I only really use ONs Natural Whey, gotta look into the profile of the MetRX brand's version.

As for Shortcut to Shred, I think you may be right on your post a few pages back. I've always come to understand it as doing the cardio directly after your set and then taking a short rest. I do agree with you that just flat out replacing any meaningful rest with cardio is a bit much. I don't really do many of the programs on as I too see some of them as repackaged stuff advertised as something different, but the two programs I've tried from Stoppani (rock hard challenge and this) have offered nice changes of pace for me. In this case, I plan on doing Shred the same way I did the challenge with my tweak as I don't plan on completely replacing my rest periods all together. Thanks for that post, I watched the video and all and just assumed that when he took his rest periods to explain the program between sets that rest periods for the consumer are implied :lol:
Ordered some - I'll let you know how it turns out. Yeah if you enjoy it and it gets your out there lifting consistently, that's the biggest thing.


That's me at the gym today after a 15 minute run and in the middle of a dumbbell curl/overhead dumbbell press/hammer curl 12 rep superset with 20/35/20lb dumbbells. Completely relaxed.

I was 226lbs back in July 2011. I had basically stopped exercising for two years. I picked it back up, lost 20 pounds then sprained my ankle badly Thanksgiving 2011. Couldn't run and didn't lift a whole lot until March 2012. Ballooned back up to 215.

Then I rededicated myself. And for the past year I've been doing low weight, high rep and supersetting everything. I do each body part twice a week. I ran a marathon in November, and will be running another in three weeks. My weight has been 200lbs give or take 2-3 pounds since November. I've been adding lean mass and losing fat. Sounds unbelievable, but when your clothes are getting bigger, you know you're doing it right.

So yeah, heavy weights for size aren't a necessity.
Congrats on the weightloss, but, with all due respect, you aren't doing anythng to prove the point that you can get large without lifting heavy weights. You're not particularly large, plus your sample size is one. I don't think the argument is that it's impossible to put on size by not lifting heavy weights. Rather, the point we're trying to make is that, incorporating heavier weights (relative to one's maxes) is a more efficient way of putting on size than only lifting light.


I had a pretty bad night's of sleep last night in part due to being on the computer up until I went to bed, so the importance of sleep is on my mind. Who here gets 8-9 a night?

Lack of sleep has been documented to increase cortisol (stress hormone) and decrease test:

I had a pretty bad night's of sleep last night in part due to being on the computer up until I went to bed, so the importance of sleep is on my mind. Who here gets 8-9 a night?

Lack of sleep has been documented to increase cortisol (stress hormone) and decrease test:

I get ~7 a night and usually feel fine.

I dont think one bad night will really effect you much IMO.

When I was in college it took about 3 straight nights of 4-5hrs to really start messing with me.
Yeah, I'm gonna' have to stick by my statement. I've never seen anyone big who didn't get that way through lifting heavy weights.
~6 hours most nights. Try to sleep by 930p to be up at 420 and head straight to the gym.

Even on days I don't go, I don't get any more than 7-8, although on Monday night I was out by 730, the next day I felt god-like
What's the consensus in ATG Squats?

I was talking about to my PT doctor, and he said going that deep is actually bad for your knees. Just wanted some extra opinions.

Also, should you feel pressure, or soreness in your lower back from ATG Squats? I feel like my form is good, but I want to make sure.
Man i can't get a good nights sleep like i need to. I need to be tired to even get in bed. If not then i toss and turn and get more restless throughout then night. I was taking melatonin but ran out. Might get back to it again

I had a pretty bad night's of sleep last night in part due to being on the computer up until I went to bed, so the importance of sleep is on my mind. Who here gets 8-9 a night?

Lack of sleep has been documented to increase cortisol (stress hormone) and decrease test:
I get close to 8 a night, 7 at the very least. I am never tired during the day and am able to have multiple workout sessions. 
Seems like the days I'm feeling tired and feel like I wanna skip lifting are the days I have my best workouts. Killed legs today, felt good once I got going 8)
What's the consensus in ATG Squats?

I was talking about to my PT doctor, and he said going that deep is actually bad for your knees. Just wanted some extra opinions.

Also, should you feel pressure, or soreness in your lower back from ATG Squats? I feel like my form is good, but I want to make sure.
ATG squats are fine. When squatting you are utilizing muscles in your lower back so that may be the source of soreness.

Man i can't get a good nights sleep like i need to. I need to be tired to even get in bed. If not then i toss and turn and get more restless throughout then night. I was taking melatonin but ran out. Might get back to it again
Have you tried shutting off your computer/electronics an hour or two prior to heading to bed?

Here's some very good info on sleep: - the links are scientific studies if you want to learn more
my sleep has been horrible and erratic cause i have a newborn in the house. that coupled with cutting body fat and crap nutrition has killed my strength. slowly losing body fat though and can't do anything about the baby so i'm just gonna keep going. try and clean up my diet as best i can.
my sleep has been horrible and erratic cause i have a newborn in the house. that coupled with cutting body fat and crap nutrition has killed my strength. slowly losing body fat though and can't do anything about the baby so i'm just gonna keep going. try and clean up my diet as best i can.

I slept a full 8 hours and woke up feeling like Hulk Hogan circa 1983, are you taking care of the new born or you the baby is just in the house?
Can anybody recommend some reasonably priced headphones to work out with? I know there's some out there that secure to your body so they don't get in the way during lifts.
my sleep has been horrible and erratic cause i have a newborn in the house. that coupled with cutting body fat and crap nutrition has killed my strength. slowly losing body fat though and can't do anything about the baby so i'm just gonna keep going. try and clean up my diet as best i can.

man, my sleep is so messed up the last month

idk how i can even function :smh: :smh:
i wake and help change the diaper and burp him at night. it's my son. i try and help out as much as i can. he's starting to sleep at least one 6 hour stretch at night which has been great.
man, my sleep is so messed up the last month

idk how i can even function
back in the day when i used to take no xplode, i wouldnt fall asleep til like 3, then be up by 7 for school. after about a month of that i started to take nyquil to get to sleep. my body was all messed up from taking all that crap. to this day, i get nauseous when i have to take nyquil and wont go near no-xplode anymore 
I get 7.5 - 8 hours of sleep a night. Recently though I have this habit of watching Iron Chef re-runs at 11pm and that keeps me up until 12am. On the weekends I sometimes sneak a 1 to 2 hour nap.
Lol. It's like people pop into this thread just to argue...
I wanna give that a try as well, I only really use ONs Natural Whey, gotta look into the profile of the MetRX brand's version.

As for Shortcut to Shred, I think you may be right on your post a few pages back. I've always come to understand it as doing the cardio directly after your set and then taking a short rest. I do agree with you that just flat out replacing any meaningful rest with cardio is a bit much. I don't really do many of the programs on as I too see some of them as repackaged stuff advertised as something different, but the two programs I've tried from Stoppani (rock hard challenge and this) have offered nice changes of pace for me. In this case, I plan on doing Shred the same way I did the challenge with my tweak as I don't plan on completely replacing my rest periods all together. Thanks for that post, I watched the video and all and just assumed that when he took his rest periods to explain the program between sets that rest periods for the consumer are implied :lol:
Ordered some - I'll let you know how it turns out. Yeah if you enjoy it and it gets your out there lifting consistently, that's the biggest thing.

Yea, more than anything, it offers a nice change of pace to pushing weight, which at times can feel monotonous, especially if you've been training for several years. I don't get bored with it as I train consistently and always have people hunting me down if I dare to take an off day, but for those of you who play sports, you get your fix for that athletic/competitive aspect. For me, it's not really until it warms up and I make time to be outdoors that I get that. Just too many extra variables thrown into the mix (family, work, side projects).
man, my sleep is so messed up the last month

idk how i can even function :smh: :smh:

back in the day when i used to take no xplode, i wouldnt fall asleep til like 3, then be up by 7 for school. after about a month of that i started to take nyquil to get to sleep. my body was all messed up from taking all that crap. to this day, i get nauseous when i have to take nyquil and wont go near no-xplode anymore 

yea im straight on that, my friends girl friend told me to take nyquil but i said nah :lol:

no melatonin either.

its just i got stuff on my mind i think, i just need to get it together and sleep :lol:
yea im straight on that, my friends girl friend told me to take nyquil but i said nah :lol:

no melatonin either.

its just i got stuff on my mind i think, i just need to get it together and sleep :lol:

About 2 months ago I couldn't fall asleep, up until maybe 2am, waking up as I've been at 420-30 for gym, 530 every other Tuesday for apprentice class... went to taking a shot of Codeine/cough syrup and an ibuprofen, I was so desperate for sleep, this was before I even thought of doing a pre-workout. I was **** ed up!

Glad to say this issue stopped
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