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the thing is if you dont have proper form specially with something like an overhead squat, you simply wont be able to do it, there is really no room for bad form, or else the damb bar will either fly forward, backwards or on top of your head.
sounds like youre explaining actual control of the weight, not form

although in order to maintain "good" form, its imperative you have control of the weight

one doesnt equal the other tho, like those pull ups, horrible form, but you're controlling the weight (you)
fad? i dont think its ever going to go away. Sure it might not be main stream one day but people will still do it.

people just hate on the stupidest things, like i said before as long as people are up and active and trying to get fit, build muscle, lose weight, w/e the hell you want. Im all for it.
Anybody who does Rippetoes does this. Go to, tons of T Rexes on there.
Yea I dunno man I'm gonna have to go with photoshopped. I personally have never seen someone that stacked on their lower half, and ive lifted at more than a handful of gyms. Jjust to get your legs that big you have to be squatting and doin compound exercises. The gh your legs release would at least put some mass up top. Not to mention the sheer weight of the bar toning you up as well.
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Anybody who does Rippetoes does this. Go to, tons of T Rexes on there.
Yea I dunno man I'm gonna have to go with photoshopped. I personally have never seen someone that stacked on their lower half, and ive lifted at more than a handful of gyms. Jjust to get your legs that big you have to be squatting and doin compound exercises. The gh your legs release would at least put some mass up top. Not to mention the sheer weight of the bar toning you up as well.


I'll find some pics to post. Lotta' people who do Rippetoes wind up with huge legs and weak looking upper bodies. Some of it is genetics also, some peoples legs grow easily, but are hardgainers up top and some people are vice versa.









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Nearly Gym time, Chest day today lets get it..

What's the deal with those suppies - what's Jekyl and what's Hyde for? Having trouble it's not just a clever marketing trick to get you to buy both

Shortcut to Shred

Ya took a look at it.
"Cardio effectively replaces your rest periods" - This implies that you aren't supposed to be doing rest periods beyond the cardioacceleration periods. I'd like to see the UCSC study he references in the "Science behind the Shred" section. I understand intuitively the whole blood flow leads to muscular repair thing - fine, but I'm not sure it's as instantaneous as the program makes it out to be. It seems like the program creates muscular fatigue through the mid-workout cardio that could potentially detract from your actual lifts. Aside from arguably saving time, there doesn't seem to be much of a convincing argument as to why you should do your HIIT during your lift rather than afterwards or at a different time of day. Also - I think the whole linear periodiziation and reverse linear periodization stuff is just an odd gimmick.
It does seem like Stoppani knows what he's doing - I took a cursory look at some of his peer-reviewed papers, but I'm kind of skeptical of this program - it seems like a clever repackaging of already established ideas that over prescribes supplements (600 grams of caff a day, seems excessive, etc etc on the suppy section) but I guess that's what I've come to expect out of the workout section.

In case anyone was wondering....

ON natural mixes ALOT better than the standard

This. ON Natty also doesn't taste all artificial like normal ON. I cringe thinking about some of these new flavors they're putting out.

How many reps can all y'all do with your body weight on bench and squat?

Since strength is relative, I always find it interesting seeing people at the gym (dominate/struggle with) weight based on their size. Gives a little better perspective to who is actually "strong".
Body weight is around 210-215 right now. Could get high teens, maybe 20 for each squat and bench (more worried about hitting that for my squat though). Don't quote me on it, as I haven't actually done it, but that's my guess based on rep maxes etc.

Nah **** that. I hit the gym in leg day and always end up doing some upper body work as well.

Yeah I'm exhausted after I'm done with my legs, but I superset squats/lunges and leg curls/calves so although I'm doing major weight/high reps it goes quickly. The beast that I am, I always end up saying f it and hit arms or whatever.

So I know what dude is saying about doing more than just legs on leg day
Care to explain why supersetting is more effective, apart from saving time? Everything I've read points to 3-5 minute rest intervals between sets as being optimal for maintaining strength across sets.


Anybody can be anything on the internet.
Heavy is relative, but I've never seen anyone who was big who didn't lift heavy weights, at least what would be considered heavy to your average male.
Not the best wording, but yeah I agree with you to an extent. While you put on size by lifting at sub-maximal weights, that doesn't mean that as you increase these weights, you aren't increasing your 1RM and 3- rep max. I do think that nutrition plays a huge role in putting on size though. There are plenty of very strong people who aren't particularly large - generally a result of not eating above maintenance for significant periods of time.

Pls PLEASE stop with that stupid crap. If i have to superset anything I'm not lifting heavy enough? No bro. It's called just working your *** off even though you legs are feeling done after one set and attempting to do lunges.

Just because you don't have the extra motivation to do supersets doesn't mean im not lifting enough.

Foh with that crap
You're awfully sensitive regrading supersetting. Again, could you explain why supersetting is so ideal?

I'm 6'1 197. I do dumbbell press with 50s, dumbbell rows with 50s, dumbbell curls with 20s.

It's all about form. I'm sure I could be bigger if I lifted heavier. But I'm pretty happy with my lean mass right now. And I added it all doing low weight, high rep in quick intervals.

On high reps, low weight for size

No offense but you're not particularly big so you're not proving the point that low weight high reps is the most effective way of putting on size. I agree that higher rep sets are preferable for hypertrophy, but that doesn't mean that these shouldn't be combined with sets performed at a weight closer to your max i.e. heavier sets.

lol the quarter squats run rampant at my gym. there's a few guys that go deep though but most that load the bar with a buncha plates are working out their backs, knees and face muscles more than anything. i'm still in the process of getting my squat form to where i'm 100% happy with it. i can go below parallel and even do long pauses but i'm not consistently fluid. using the knee sleeves has helped me tremendously. my knees are in horrible shape but after using the sleeves, i'm now working on improving flexibility and strengthening my hip abductors and misc supporting muscles.
What sort of mobility work do you do pre-workout (or on rest days for that matter)? I've found that doing some extra mobility work has helped immensely with squat form. Also, just squatting a lot helps. Do your strength work and do some back off 10 rep sets. The more reps you do, the better at the motion you'll get (within reason obviously - don't do so many reps such that you can no longer maintain relatively proper form). You probably know all this, but reiteration never hurts

Please excuse the confusion on "repping" because i didn't mean putting up 10-12, just anything more than 2 on consecutive sets. And i said "close" to 500. I start out at 315 for 5, then 365, 405, 455, and most recently I hit 485 for 4. After every set I immediately do a set of 5 box jumps. Just stating that u can go relatively heavy on squats and super set them with another exercise.
True - but box squats are a dynamic/explosive exercise. Do you think you'd get the same results if you supersetting with another lift i.e. lunges?

is this you superju?


Fake plates/10. She has 5 plates a side in that video - so 495. Compare that to women's raw world records. Not believing it.

the thing is if you dont have proper form specially with something like an overhead squat, you simply wont be able to do it, there is really no room for bad form, or else the damb bar will either fly forward, backwards or on top of your head.
I agree with this. I've never really gotten the hang of overhead squats but they seem to take the front squat idea that you'll fail the lift if you don't maintain good form one step further.

these girls though :pimp:


Much appreciated.

best thing ever invented
Nah - the dark chocolate PBFactory is way better. Careful of that stuff if you're on a cut though - easy to eat a half jar in a quick sitting.


Not to beat the crossfit dead horse, but the following is an interesting article on its growing popularity: Some very good points in a logical, non-fanatical way.

On the price of crossfit, I think it works having it that expensive. Normal big box gyms operate on the principle of the more paying clients the better under the assumption that they won't actually use the gym, especially because they're only paying $20 bucks a month. By charging $200 a month, the "box" is doing 2 things: 1) selecting its members - only the most committed will pony up that much to attend the gym 2) ensuring attendance and in turn success. if you pay 200 a month for a gym, you damn well better go to the gym as much as possible or you'll be feeling stupid guilty about it.

The friends don't let friends skip leg day meme
I guess it's fine to post it here, because everyone in this thread actually lifts/understands what it takes to put on muscle (at least to an extent); however, it definitely rustled my jimmies when I saw the non-lifters championing that meme. Fact of the matter is guy in the pic has a very impressive upperbody (at least in terms of pure mass), which certainly took a lot of hard work. The people not committed to self-improvement through lifting who share the picture in an attempt to poke fun at the guy and the lifting life style should first pick up a barbell and improve themselves before jumping on someone who's already put in a good deal of hard work - unbalanced hard work but hard work nonetheless.
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I'll find some pics to post. Lotta' people who do Rippetoes wind up with huge legs and weak looking upper bodies. Some of it is genetics also, some peoples legs grow easily, but are hardgainers up top and some people are vice versa.









Total bro science, bro. None of them are nearly as extreme as the first pic lol, I hear you though. My lifting partner has tree trunks for legs that are strong as an ox but a crappy upper. Genetics play in like you said too. Original pic just wasn't believable to me.
Seriosuly supersetting is now looked at as being waste of time and useless? Big Boss, just wondering...what are your stats may I ask
Seriosuly supersetting is now looked at as being waste of time and useless? Big Boss, just wondering...what are your stats may I ask

I always thought that supersets were more for cardio/endurance/fat burn than anything else.
awesome advice timbo and thanks. i just recently started incorporating a little squat mobility work into the end of every workout and just getting all the way down into the squat position to feel comfortable hanging out down there. it's been interesting doing a complete overhaul of the horrible form i had and i still have a long way to go to squat heavier with good form. i embrace the challenge though.
ksteezy or anyone else... do you have before and after crossfit pics? 

Just curious to see what it does for peoples physique 

Like any type of workout routine, diet still plays a major role in gains/losses. That being said, it's heavy cardio, so if you are looking to bulk, crossfit is not for you. Think of it as Insanity/P90x + Olympic Lifts and some.

Intense and fast.
Seriosuly supersetting is now looked at as being waste of time and useless? Big Boss, just wondering...what are your stats may I ask
LOL I knew you would take whatever I said personally when more than one person is asking you about your supersets. I never said anything you were doing is useless, because what works for one may not work for another.

My stats? As in what, height and weight or lifting? Not that it even matters because I could say anything over the internet. But I never claimed to be a beast.

I'm going to stop taking you serious now. Half of those pics are obvious shops and the other half don't even look like they lift.

The 5th pic and the last one are the only ones that are questionable. You don't believe that someone can have huge legs and a small upperbody?
The 5th pic and the last one are the only ones that are questionable. You don't believe that someone can have huge legs and a small upperbody?

Definitely possible and vice versa. You just picked the most extreme examples.

I googled T Rex mode and those popped up. You can't say you've never seen anyone neglect their upper body for legs now. Tons of people do Rippetoes, and it has you squatting three times a week. If you have good leg genetics and get on that program, your legs will overpower your upper body in no time.
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I think that we can all agree that it's possible. Most gymgoers work on upper body more than lower though.

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Military pressed 145 x 7 today, felt good. I'm seeing a lot of gains in my shoulders and back in the past 2 weeks.

Dat feel when you notice the gains :pimp:
before i bash crossfit , ill have to actually go to a box and see how things work.
anyone here going to a box in or the bronx area preferably
I googled T Rex mode and those popped up. You can't say you've never seen anyone neglect their upper body for legs now. Tons of people do Rippetoes, and it has you squatting three times a week. If you have good leg genetics and get on that program, your legs will overpower your upper body in no time.

Yea squatting three times a week is insane
I googled T Rex mode and those popped up. You can't say you've never seen anyone neglect their upper body for legs now. Tons of people do Rippetoes, and it has you squatting three times a week. If you have good leg genetics and get on that program, your legs will overpower your upper body in no time.

Yea squatting three times a week is insane

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