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I don't have a problem with Crossfit. I think that it is good training for health,endurance and speed. Those pullups are ridiculous though.

its watever, i can see why people would joke on certain moves, kipping being one of them, but it has improved my strength and if i wanted to bust out 100 dead hang pullups, i probably can in 5-7 minutes.
the thing is if you dont have proper form specially with something like an overhead squat, you simply wont be able to do it, there is really no room for bad form, or else the damb bar will either fly forward, backwards or on top of your head.

Thats one of the reasons that Crossfit gets such a bad rap. They have you doing all of this crazy stuff that is dangerous and bad for your back/knees/etc.
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I respect crossfitters.

The comradary, emphasis on compound/full body exercises, and competion aspects are very appealing to me.

There is one in my area, I'm just not down with paying $150 per month to work out.

So I'll just continue to do what I do for $35
Thats one of the reasons that Crossfit gets such a bad rap. They have you doing all of this crazy stuff that is dangerous and bad for your back/knees/etc.

its only dangerous when you go and load weight you cant the gym you see dudes with 3-5 plates doing the most ridiculous squats, in a crossfit class you wont be allowed to load anything you cant do while compromising correct form and an injury, well at least a good box with good coaches..
I respect crossfitters.

The comradary, emphasis on compound/full body exercises, and competion aspects are very appealing to me.

There is one in my area, I'm just not down with paying $150 per month to work out.

So I'll just continue to do what I do for $35

You don't have to go to the gym and pay to do Crossfit though. The workout of the day can always be found online.
Thats one of the reasons that Crossfit gets such a bad rap. They have you doing all of this crazy stuff that is dangerous and bad for your back/knees/etc.

its only dangerous when you go and load weight you cant the gym you see dudes with 3-5 plates doing the most ridiculous squats, in a crossfit class you wont be allowed to load anything you cant do while compromising correct form and an injury, well at least a good box with good coaches..

Yeah, I'm sure it's just like Martial Arts or anything else fitness related, you have to shop around for the best gym and instructors.
any of you guys use a Blender Ball shaker? I'm using one, but I'm looking for one with some extra compartments for protein mix.
Please excuse the confusion on "repping" because i didn't mean putting up 10-12, just anything more than 2 on consecutive sets. And i said "close" to 500. I start out at 315 for 5, then 365, 405, 455, and most recently I hit 485 for 4. After every set I immediately do a set of 5 box jumps. Just stating that u can go relatively heavy on squats and super set them with another exercise.

1000% believable. It's all in the context, esp on the net. Good sh*t man. I'm slowly working my way back up there squatting. Almost exactly a year out from back surgery so it's slow but I'm just glad I'm able to lift again.
i max out OVH squats 3 reps at 105, the biggest guys in my class are not doing more than 225lbs and no more than 3-5 reps and these are ex college football players....when we do WODS like today which was a total of 100 push presses, we dont load our max, we do 50% of our 3 rep max, which we should be able to do without a problem, while still getting the burn.
dont knock it til you try it. i go to a crossfit class about once a month and its definitley something worthy of throwing into your routine. i especially like the whole competition aspect of it. i try to get better every time i go 
You don't have to go to the gym and pay to do Crossfit though. The workout of the day can always be found online.

thats true, but i wouldnt recommend experimenting on your own, id recommend at least going for a month, getting coached and then if you must go on your own...
these girls though :pimp:


1000% believable. It's all in the context, esp on the net. Good sh*t man. I'm slowly working my way back up there squatting. Almost exactly a year out from back surgery so it's slow but I'm just glad I'm able to lift again.

Thanks man.

Anybody kno of a pwo that doesn't have creatine of any kind in it? Thanks
1000% believable. It's all in the context, esp on the net. Good sh*t man. I'm slowly working my way back up there squatting. Almost exactly a year out from back surgery so it's slow but I'm just glad I'm able to lift again.

Thanks man.

Anybody kno of a pwo that doesn't have creatine of any kind in it? Thanks
Black coffee.

Not trying to be anti supp, but beyond that, I don't really believe in preworkouts. Probably in the minority.
im with you, im against prework/stims

if you want energy, eat before the gym or drink a cup or two of coffee during the day
Steezy, wassap with a day guest pass though. Me and my boy would try it out. Only thing im worried about is my pullup game. 
Steezy, wassap with a day guest pass though. Me and my boy would try it out. Only thing im worried about is my pullup game. 

They have a class on Wednesday night and one on Saturday that are free intro classes, chek their website and make sure, stop by and let them show you what it's all about...classes are getting huge, the last couple f days, the 12pm class has been stacked :wow:

Everyone starts off at their own pace bro, if you can't do a hang pull up, use the bands till you build the strength to do it on your own, we always do 10 pull-ups during our warm up, everyday.
:lol: for every person doing a kipping pullup at a crossfit box, you can find 10x more people doing weak pullups at your local 24 barely breaking 90 degrees going down
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