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Had a good day at the gym yesterday we were behind this week so we did legs, arms and back. Took forever but got it done and got a really good work out in. Might consider grouping more body parts into each day and taking a "rest day" mid week and do full cardio and plyometrics.

PLEASE give legs their own day, whatever the program your on.

Why is that? I feel like when i do legs i am in and out. Why not get more out of the day?
Why is that? I feel like when i do legs i am in and out. Why not get more out of the day?
I def agree legs get their own day. The energy i put into legs would never allow me to hit another muscle group on the same day. Legs are the biggest muscle group in your body and release the most natural gh. If you are in and out, you aren't doing enough- simple as that. Cut or bulk, legs will help move you along if you aren't already hitting them sufficiently. Just my opinion.
Had a good day at the gym yesterday we were behind this week so we did legs, arms and back. Took forever but got it done and got a really good work out in. Might consider grouping more body parts into each day and taking a "rest day" mid week and do full cardio and plyometrics.
PLEASE give legs their own day, whatever the program your on.
Why is that? I feel like when i do legs i am in and out. Why not get more out of the day?
If you're going in and out on leg day, you might need to up the volume. (no hate on your routine)

IMO, legs are such a large muscle group, and require high reps(they're an endurance muscle group), I need to devote plenty of time to promote hypertrophy/growth.

:The views expressed in this post are mine alone:
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Had a good day at the gym yesterday we were behind this week so we did legs, arms and back. Took forever but got it done and got a really good work out in. Might consider grouping more body parts into each day and taking a "rest day" mid week and do full cardio and plyometrics.

PLEASE give legs their own day, whatever the program your on.

Why is that? I feel like when i do legs i am in and out. Why not get more out of the day?
If you're going in and out on leg day, you might need to up the volume. (no hate on your routine)

IMO, legs are such a large muscle group, and require high reps(they're an endurance muscle group), I need to devote plenty of time to promote hypertrophy/growth.

:The views expressed in this post are mine alone:

Yesterday we did squat , press , extentions/curls, and DL. Maybe more sets? I did 3 sets of each 8-10 on squat and DL and 20 of light weight on extention and curls.

What threw me off was switching body groups between exercises so we did squat first then went to lat pulldown then to leg press to give legs a rest between so we could hit the next exercise.

On normal leg days my legs are sore but my upper body is still fine and i figure why not?

As far as energy im usually ok but my legs prob couldnt handle much more sets unless i lower weight
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In my own experience I really only get worked and tired on leg days when I lift heavy, especially on squats, leg presses and deadlifts. Going light on those exercises feels weird.
In my own experience I really only get worked and tired on leg days when I lift heavy, especially on squats, leg presses and deadlifts. Going light on those exercises feels weird.

But when you are tired is it your legs that are tired or your overall energy level?

My legs can be shot barely able to stand but i can do simple upper body workouts that dont need to draw much from my legs
No bacon, no eggs, no oatmeal... just multi gran cheerios. F it, had a bowl w/ 2% milk :rolleyes

Headed to the gym, today is arms/shoulders and back, ugh.
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But when you are tired is it your legs that are tired or your overall energy level?

My legs can be shot barely able to stand but i can do simple upper body workouts that dont need to draw much from my legs

Good question.

In general if you lift heavy in those exercises I listed, your whole body should be exhausted because they are mostly compound exercises that work more than your legs. It includes your core, lower back and so on. Usually my legs are still kinda in shock when I leave the gym and I don't feel the exhaustion in them until I sit down or something.
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Extreme milk chocolate, but it's harder to find than double rich chocolate. I've gone through close to 30 lbs of the latter.

Bought a couple 10lb bags of double rich on eBay, liking it so far.

Had caramel toffee a while back wasnt too bad.
How many reps can all y'all do with your body weight on bench and squat?

Since strength is relative, I always find it interesting seeing people at the gym (dominate/struggle with) weight based on their size. Gives a little better perspective to who is actually "strong".
Why is that? I feel like when i do legs i am in and out. Why not get more out of the day?
I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 
I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 
exactly. When I go legs I am dead tired and I only do 3-4 exercises. Squats , dead lifts, and leg presses has me barely able to move when I am finished.
I have a workout book I got from LSU when they were recruiting me. Great workouts that are way better than those "juice" splits in my opinion.
I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 
exactly. When I go legs I am dead tired and I only do 3-4 exercises. Squats , dead lifts, and leg presses has me barely able to move when I am finished.

makes sense yesterday was a bad example i guess since i did not do all exercises straight so it would have been diff. When i left the gym i had zero energy and honestly felt it was my best work out ive had since my football days.

In terms of actual leg exercises i only did the 3 you mentioned and right before we left we did extension and curls light weight really slow reps to really burn our legs into the ground before heading out.
I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 

Couldn't help but think of this meme when I read that lol

I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 
exactly. When I go legs I am dead tired and I only do 3-4 exercises. Squats , dead lifts, and leg presses has me barely able to move when I am finished.

Nah **** that. I hit the gym in leg day and always end up doing some upper body work as well.

Yeah I'm exhausted after I'm done with my legs, but I superset squats/lunges and leg curls/calves so although I'm doing major weight/high reps it goes quickly. The beast that I am, I always end up saying f it and hit arms or whatever.

Sko I know what dude is saying about doing more than just legs on leg day
If you can super set squats with anything youre not lifting heavy enough.

Squat has to be the lift I see done incorrectly the most. Dudes think theyre doing it going down 2 inches...Don't see bad form deadlifts very often maybe it's because everyone knows you mess up deadlifts you'll snap some s up.
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