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I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar
You do 8 reps total from what you said? And you're wondering why progress is slow? Come on man
:lol:  thats not even enough for a 182 u should def be able to bench a full set of 225..somethings gotta change

You serious? yes i do 8 total reps on chest day and then walk out feeling like a boss :smh:
Of course i warm up....and do incline, decline and db fly. I am just lanky.

And yes i understand im weak a soccer player....if you have ever seen soccer players they usually have small chests its hard to keep mass on when you have to long distance run to stay in shape....benching isn't a main concern of mine. I would like to bench 225 :lol: but right now im cool, I can max Deadlift 365 and i can max squat 355 which im more concerned with then my bench.

This you, bro?



I'm the same way, I can squat/deadlift much more than I bench. Here's a pic of my progress:

I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist. 
Love this myth. Going heavy doesn't equate to adding size.
^^ first thing about that is while its another exercise, its only bodyweight. with what kind of rest period in between? What is "repping" to you? Bc doing 500 your last set for 3 would make it a moot point. You saying you rep 500 x 10 x 3-4? If so, then point made and your a f'in beast, if not, you're putting it out of context
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Lol REPPING 500 squats and box jumps you be a world class athlete?


Anybody can be anything on the internet.

I'm not trying to tell you what you should be doing but when it comes to legs I am more exhausted after doing them then any other body part, and I only do 3 exercises.

If your doing a 3x10 on squats then you aren't going that heavy and I would up the weight. But it all depends on your goals, just don't be one of those dudes who is brolic up top but female dog below the waist.
Love this myth. Going heavy doesn't equate to adding size.

Heavy is relative, but I've never seen anyone who was big who didn't lift heavy weights, at least what would be considered heavy to your average male.
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If you can super set squats with anything youre not lifting heavy enough.

Squat has to be the lift I see done incorrectly the most. Dudes think theyre doing it going down 2 inches...Don't see bad form deadlifts very often maybe it's because everyone knows you mess up deadlifts you'll snap some s up.

Pls PLEASE stop with that stupid crap. If i have to superset anything I'm not lifting heavy enough? No bro. It's called just working your *** off even though you legs are feeling done after one set and attempting to do lunges.

Just because you don't have the extra motivation to do supersets doesn't mean im not lifting enough.

Foh with that crap

Anybody can be anything on the internet.
Heavy is relative, but I've never seen anyone who was big who didn't lift heavy weights, at least what would be considered heavy to your average male.
I'm 6'1 197. I do dumbbell press with 50s, dumbbell rows with 50s, dumbbell curls with 20s.

It's all about form. I'm sure I could be bigger if I lifted heavier. But I'm pretty happy with my lean mass right now. And I added it all doing low weight, high rep in quick intervals.

Anybody can be anything on the internet.
Heavy is relative, but I've never seen anyone who was big who didn't lift heavy weights, at least what would be considered heavy to your average male.
I'm 6'1 197. I do dumbbell press with 50s, dumbbell rows with 50s, dumbbell curls with 20s.

It's all about form. I'm sure I could be bigger if I lifted heavier. But I'm pretty happy with my lean mass right now. And I added it all doing low weight, high rep in quick intervals.

That's all I'm saying.
Squat has to be the lift I see done incorrectly the most. Dudes think theyre doing it going down 2 inches.

lol the quarter squats run rampant at my gym. there's a few guys that go deep though but most that load the bar with a buncha plates are working out their backs, knees and face muscles more than anything. i'm still in the process of getting my squat form to where i'm 100% happy with it. i can go below parallel and even do long pauses but i'm not consistently fluid. using the knee sleeves has helped me tremendously. my knees are in horrible shape but after using the sleeves, i'm now working on improving flexibility and strengthening my hip abductors and misc supporting muscles.
if its one thing crossfit focuses on is correct form for squats and deadlifts, overhead squats are probably the most challenging type of squats ive done....

a** to grass!!!!!

we do this at least once a week at our box, along with other excersises, usually mixed with pull-ups, (kipping or deadhang) your choice.


the hardest part is not even going deep, i can do that, the hard part is balancing the weight above your head, getting that flexibility at your wrist and keeping your shoulders engaged at all times, its tough.
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^^ first thing about that is while its another exercise, its only bodyweight. with what kind of rest period in between? What is "repping" to you? Bc doing 500 your last set for 3 would make it a moot point. You saying you rep 500 x 10 x 3-4? If so, then point made and your a f'in beast, if not, you're putting it out of context

Please excuse the confusion on "repping" because i didn't mean putting up 10-12, just anything more than 2 on consecutive sets. And i said "close" to 500. I start out at 315 for 5, then 365, 405, 455, and most recently I hit 485 for 4. After every set I immediately do a set of 5 box jumps. Just stating that u can go relatively heavy on squats and super set them with another exercise.
lol speaking of crossfit i saw this pic at the end of one of chris lavados recent videos :lol:


ps lavado has the best back of any of the lifters on youtube. looks like dude has the andes mountains on his back. lumps and knots everywhere.
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seems i cant mention ANYTHING good about crossfit on here...

I got you steezy. Them overhead squats are no joke. Form is key with all the movements, especially when your towards the end of the WOD and fatigue starts setting in. 
the thing is if you dont have proper form specially with something like an overhead squat, you simply wont be able to do it, there is really no room for bad form, or else the damb bar will either fly forward, backwards or on top of your head.
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