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155 lbs benching two plates....there's hope for me! :lol:

5-7 lbs of muscle later.

I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar
I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar
You do 8 reps total from what you said? And you're wondering why progress is slow? Come on man
Last week I hit 255 on the bench with my boy, we had a nice 4 day rest after a weekend in Boston with some friends and decided to try 275 today. Eh...2 reps, not great reps though.

Hopefully I can do that 275 3-4 times in another couple weeks.
I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long
not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar
You do 8 reps total from what you said? And you're wondering why progress is slow? Come on man
 thats not even enough for a 182 u should def be able to bench a full set of 225..somethings gotta change
I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar
You do 8 reps total from what you said? And you're wondering why progress is slow? Come on man
:lol:  thats not even enough for a 182 u should def be able to bench a full set of 225..somethings gotta change

You serious? yes i do 8 total reps on chest day and then walk out feeling like a boss :smh:
Of course i warm up....and do incline, decline and db fly. I am just lanky.

And yes i understand im weak a soccer player....if you have ever seen soccer players they usually have small chests its hard to keep mass on when you have to long distance run to stay in shape....benching isn't a main concern of mine. I would like to bench 225 :lol: but right now im cool, I can max Deadlift 365 and i can max squat 355 which im more concerned with then my bench.
I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar

Having long arms suck when doing the bench.
Day 3 JS S2S: Cardio
Did 50 minutes on my favorite, the bike.

Will be going -20% macros today

Have a good day fellas :smokin
You serious? yes i do 8 total reps on chest day and then walk out feeling like a boss :smh:
Of course i warm up....and do incline, decline and db fly. I am just lanky.

And yes i understand im weak a soccer player....if you have ever seen soccer players they usually have small chests its hard to keep mass on when you have to long distance run to stay in shape....benching isn't a main concern of mine. I would like to bench 225 :lol: but right now im cool, I can max Deadlift 365 and i can max squat 355 which im more concerned with then my bench.

Hey I'm not knocking you man, just curious. What you're saying makes a little more sense now with soccer, running, etc. You need to drop down to 50-60 and start doing full sets. if you wanna use higher weight (65-75) do a 5x5, otherwise try to do 4 full sets of 8-12. Either way based on your squat / dead you should be able to get a little more out of your chest workout, just sounds like it needs some tweaking.
You serious? yes i do 8 total reps on chest day and then walk out feeling like a boss :smh:
Of course i warm up....and do incline, decline and db fly. I am just lanky.

And yes i understand im weak a soccer player....if you have ever seen soccer players they usually have small chests its hard to keep mass on when you have to long distance run to stay in shape....benching isn't a main concern of mine. I would like to bench 225 :lol: but right now im cool, I can max Deadlift 365 and i can max squat 355 which im more concerned with then my bench.

Hey I'm not knocking you man, just curious. What you're saying makes a little more sense now with soccer, running, etc. You need to drop down to 50-60 and start doing full sets. if you wanna use higher weight (65-75) do a 5x5, otherwise try to do 4 full sets of 8-12. Either way based on your squat / dead you should be able to get a little more out of your chest workout, just sounds like it needs some tweaking.

I normally do 20 reps at 45lbs dbs to basically get the blood flowing. Then i will pyramid up to 80lb dbs for "working sets" (10-12 reps 50s, then 8 reps at 60, 6 reps at 70s). Im sure i could get 85s up for 2 reps. But i would like to get 80s to 6 reps per set before i up the weight that's all.

Then i do some light weight DB flys before i do incline bench. Usually go lighter on incline max at 65lbs 4 reps 2 sets...same type set up start lower more reps. Light weight flys and onto decline...either cords or machine normally (we have one decline bench...its normally taken)
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Had a good day at the gym yesterday we were behind this week so we did legs, arms and back. Took forever but got it done and got a really good work out in. Might consider grouping more body parts into each day and taking a "rest day" mid week and do full cardio and plyometrics.
PLEASE give legs their own day, whatever the program your on.
I always like that video. If you think about it though, considering his max, it's not all that hard for him. If he maxes 700, the 600 rep is 85% of his max, and everything else is significantly below that, so it's not all that difficult for him. Also, I'm sure he warmed up fully prior to that. It's not as if he's working up to the single starting cold. It's still a cool video tho - better way of showing him benching 600 then just showing a single.
Dude is  BEAST, I love watching him and the WHITE RHINO do work 

I think he hit close to 715 raw recently, or at least attempted it. He was for sure warm in that vid, when you do stuff like that you have to know what your doing plus actually be strong enough to do it so you do not get injured. I saw a vid of him doing 600 raw for 6 reps 
One thing I hated about short cut to shred today. Cardio acceleration in between squats? How am I supposed to do any weight that's worth while? Also dead lifts right after WITH cardio acceleration? Doesn't seem logical to me. Quick route to an injury. Was really frustrated.


Well yeah - maybe that's the problem with the program. I haven't bothered to read Mr. Stoppani's arguments supporting cardio acceleration, but if strength is at all a goal of yours, you should stay away from this sort of program. Effectively, the cardioacceleration concept eliminates rest periods between sets. Generally, for strength purposes, you should aim for 3-5 minute rest intervals between sets, see: For muscular hypertrophy, shorter rest intervals are preferable; however, this program (at least from what you all have been saying) seems to do away with all rest intervals of any meaningful length. What are the rep ranges in the program?
Rest periods aren't eliminated, you just take your rest after the cardio, which is meant to keep your heart rate up. As the name implies, Shortcut to Shred is more about cutting than strength/mass gains. Doesn't have to be crazy cardio as long as you're moving and your heart rate is elevated. As we all know, there's countless ways to accomplish that.

Couldn't hurt to give it a quick read. It's different, but it's not like he pulls this stuff out of his *** and hopes for the best.

Shortcut to Size is the more traditional program he has which is geared more towards strength and adding mass. 4 day split, cardio on your off days.
I normally do 20 reps at 45lbs dbs to basically get the blood flowing. Then i will pyramid up to 80lb dbs for "working sets" (10-12 reps 50s, then 8 reps at 60, 6 reps at 70s). Im sure i could get 85s up for 2 reps. But i would like to get 80s to 6 reps per set before i up the weight that's all.

Then i do some light weight DB flys before i do incline bench. Usually go lighter on incline max at 65lbs 4 reps 2 sets...same type set up start lower more reps. Light weight flys and onto decline...either cords or machine normally (we have one decline bench...its normally taken)

Your original post was misleading, I read it like.. Wait, homies does 8 reps and that's it lmao? You sound like you're doing fine man. It'll eventually come. Just try to get one or two extra out in each set too if you can. Ive read people say dont start counting reps until it starts to burn. Its all about how much you're willing to put in to it.
That's can be considered just a warm up to actual routines bro, you are going to need to put in more work than that...
Thanks buddy thinking about joining the gym now that i have time for it..any workout routine/advice to start with? Thanks in advance
5'10 170, i rep 225 fairly easy (4 sets, 10 reps each). It used to be around 265 before I lost about 10 pounds that I have been trying to put back on. Mid summer is my target date to be back at 180-185. Maxed out on the bench the other day at 345 though. Dont take any supplements, never have and never will. Just gotta eat a ton, which is pretty hard for me to do now adays smh..
155 lbs benching two plates....there's hope for me! :lol:

5-7 lbs of muscle later.

I'm 6 foot and weight about 182lbs right now....the most ive ever benched is 185 :/ my arms are so long :lol: not mad...slowly making progress. I usually DB bench 80s 2 sets 4 reps. Then after a couple weeks of DB i go to bar

Having a spotter helps. I was bout to bench 185 like the last time, my dude looked at me like "195????" I just said ok, and actually knocked out 9 reps. I know I could do 225x4 by now, but I'm working towards a full set. Feels good getting stronger while shredding fat.
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