STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You in the dub bro? I used to live down there 
A few months ago you guys were discussing Chipotle. Were you guys eating it because of bulking? And is it ok to eat if I'm trying to get leaner.

I order a chicken burrito with brown rice and no beans. Lettuce, tomatoes, and light cheese & sour cream. Is this bad for my post workout?

Its late and I didnt have time to cook a meal/only open restaurants are fast food.


i think chipotle is pretty good for a dirty bulk (but so is pretty much everything else).

otherwise, get a burrito bowl w/o sour cream & cheese. eat your beans. the tortilla alone is 300Cals.

Been eating ground beef and eggs cooked together with spinach and carrots. Crazy protein :pimp:

Found the recipe on misc

post it.
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:lol: I don't think anyone wants to watch their video. I damn sure don't. Cliffs anyone?

They say that your body produces hgh while working out and when you consume carbohydrates and protein directly after your workout it hinders the amount of hgh that your body absorbs, so you aren't maximizing the amount of or the full effects of the growth hormone that your body is producing. Basically they say to wait about an hour after working out to eat or consume anything.

Admittedly I haven't watched the video so I'm just going off of your description but if that's what they're implying I can't consign that at all.

They come across the kinds of people who will read the conclusion statement of an article and base all their thoughts off of that sentence. I could be wrong but that's just how it's perceived.
Ok, I'm just curious if there is any actual science to it.

Also, anyone have any thoughts as green tea for a pre workout? Is there enough caffeine to actually do anything?
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Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.
Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.

cliffs on what this shortcut to shred's about & involves?
Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.

cliffs on what this shortcut to shred's about & involves?
The staple of the program is cardioacceleration. Immediately after each set, you do a minute of cardio or any exercise that keeps you moving so that your heart rate remains elevated (run in place, step ups, kettlebell swings, dumbbell cleans, jump rope, step ups, etc. any activity of your choice). If you push yourself the way you're supposed to, it will kick your *** lol.
Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.

Agreed, Chest, Tris, and Abs were worked today.

Quick question, I watched the initial video and it said to keep the weight the same for the Bench press even though you would decline in reps, but as long as you got the initial set as 9-11 reps your fine. Just push out what you can for the remaining sets.

Is that the same basis for the rest of the workout? Not lowering weight but pushing the same weight (maybe less reps) despite the cardioacceleration?
^ Sounds pretty good, post the recipe por favor? here ya go bros

Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.

Yo Im doing his workout also but lol Idk what to do between sets. I know he says to do cardio between sets but like I can't imagine myself running in place, bench jumps, etc infront of people at a frantic pace lmao
Aight NT,

So I'm about to enter my third bulk this lifetime :lol:

I'm motivated now more than ever. I have my own spot with enough room to throw some weights around. I got P90x, the perfect pull-up, the perfect push-up and a few assorted sized dumb bells. Imma start out in the crib and just push myself until I feel I need a gym membership. I got a some extra money left over in the month for supplements and food. So as you can see, I'm ready.

I've been looking at a few of those combo packages on and wanted to know what you guys thought about it. I'm leaning towards that Progressive stack, but wanted a little input first.

I'm 5'10/150lbs if that helps.
Aight NT,

So I'm about to enter my third bulk this lifetime :lol:

I'm motivated now more than ever. I have my own spot with enough room to throw some weights around. I got P90x, the perfect pull-up, the perfect push-up and a few assorted sized dumb bells. Imma start out in the crib and just push myself until I feel I need a gym membership. I got a some extra money left over in the month for supplements and food. So as you can see, I'm ready.

I've been looking at a few of those combo packages on and wanted to know what you guys thought about it. I'm leaning towards that Progressive stack, but wanted a little input first.

I'm 5'10/150lbs if that helps.

pick up protein, creatine and a good coffee maker. multi vitamins for sh and giggles. spend the rest of your money on food. don't buy into those combos/stacks.

i'm not so sure p90x is what you want if you're trying to bulk up. a gym membership might not be a bad idea cause you're gonna want to lift HEAVY.
im def not eating enough. i cant get over 170. between my inconsistent use of creatine and my unplanned meals on my off work days, im struggling.

the days i work, i easily hit my macros. but the days im off work, im always with my girl and i eat whenever and dont keep track, its f'n up my progress.
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Aight NT,

So I'm about to enter my third bulk this lifetime :lol:

I'm motivated now more than ever. I have my own spot with enough room to throw some weights around. I got P90x, the perfect pull-up, the perfect push-up and a few assorted sized dumb bells. Imma start out in the crib and just push myself until I feel I need a gym membership. I got a some extra money left over in the month for supplements and food. So as you can see, I'm ready.

I've been looking at a few of those combo packages on and wanted to know what you guys thought about it. I'm leaning towards that Progressive stack, but wanted a little input first.

I'm 5'10/150lbs if that helps.
Just get a gym membership bro. If you don't have a barbell at home, your home gym isn't gonna work


3 rounds for time
Barbell Thrusters (95#)
Barbell thrusters are the clean-squat-pushpress combo lifts yall do right?

What's the coffee maker for?
hahahaha. What he's saying is you should just have coffee pre-workout not whatever PWO suppy concoction is currently pushing.

im def not eating enough. i cant get over 170. between my inconsistent use of creatine and my unplanned meals on my off work days, im struggling.

the days i work, i easily hit my macros. but the days im off work, im always with my girl and i eat whenever and dont keep track, its f'n up my progress.


Dump your girlfriend bro.
In all seriousness, Inconsistent use of creatine should be the least of your worries. I highly suggest taking some time every night or a couple times a week and preparing all your food for the next day or two. That way, you'll have food prepped you can eat on your off-days making you a lot less likely to skip a meal.
Shortcut to Shred is giving me that feeling that Stoppani's M&F Rock Hard challenge gave me when I did it last year. Definitely sticking with it mainly due to the cardioacceleration. Kick that stamina into high gear. Can't wait for tomorrow's session.
glad to see a lot of us doing the same things on the same days. i'm following the program to the t from sample meal plans to supps.

Agreed, Chest, Tris, and Abs were worked today.

Quick question, I watched the initial video and it said to keep the weight the same for the Bench press even though you would decline in reps, but as long as you got the initial set as 9-11 reps your fine. Just push out what you can for the remaining sets.

Is that the same basis for the rest of the workout? Not lowering weight but pushing the same weight (maybe less reps) despite the cardioacceleration?
correct. he doesn't want you to decrease weight to get to 9 again. push as many as you can. your numbers will gradually go up through the weeks. here ya go bros
Yo Im doing his workout also but lol Idk what to do between sets. I know he says to do cardio between sets but like I can't imagine myself running in place, bench jumps, etc infront of people at a frantic pace lmao
do it bro. get in the zone. i ran in place AND imaginary jump roped today like it was nobodies business. it intimidates the **** out of people who sit their watching tv in between sets. plus, you finish the workouts a hell of a lot faster considering you have no time to waste.


Yeah, it's rare that I follow a strict program, but I usually like what Jim Stoppani has to offer.

Co-sign what you said to the other two questions posed.  I recommend that everyone invests in a jump rope.  There isn't a better bang for your buck fitness wise IMO.  Cheap, you can take it anywhere, and it's probably one of the best cardio workouts you can find.  I jump my rope between sets or do step ups.  Was drenched in sweat yesterday.  Having my hoody on didn't hurt that either, lol.

I'm following the meal plan as close as I possibly can, but the supps are usually a bit much for me.  I'll incorporate some, though.  The good thing about him is that he doesn't recommend a bunch of products with everything blended together, makes more sense to buy all of that in bulk if you're going to use it so that you can control your dosing.
Man i hate being in a time crunch at the gym. Chest is a little sore today but i didn't have time to really hit my Tri's like i wanted :smh:

Had soccer on sunday and no had to run the full 90mins...pre game weight 185lb post game weight 179lbs :lol: and im only back up to 182lbs today...i know by the end of the season im going to be back down to 175 like i normally have been my whole life....ain't that mad though i love the sport.
Shortcut To Size, Week 1 Day 2: Done
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
4 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Wide-Grip Pulldown
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Standing Pulldown
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Straight-Arm Pulldown
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Barbell Curl
4 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Incline Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

One-Arm High Cable Curls
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Rest-pause on final set

Bent-Knee Hip Raise (on a bench)
3 sets of 20-30 reps*
Rest-pause on final set

3 sets of 20-30 reps*
Rest-pause on final set

Oblique Crunches
3 sets of 20-30 reps*
Rest-pause on final set

Felt awesome, finished in just shy of an hour, 57 minutes.

Doing rows on the DB rack as opposed to the traditional bench-bent over stance made a huge difference in ROM, I felt it much more semistanding

I still feel awkward not doing cardio, but i'll be getting used to it since i'm trying to follow this routine as closely as possible, cardio manana since it's an off-day (active rest day)
Man i hate being in a time crunch at the gym. Chest is a little sore today but i didn't have time to really hit my Tri's like i wanted :smh:

Had soccer on sunday and no had to run the full 90mins...pre game weight 185lb post game weight 179lbs :lol: and im only back up to 182lbs today...i know by the end of the season im going to be back down to 175 like i normally have been my whole life....ain't that mad though i love the sport.

Feel your pain bro - Winger checking in

Im playing Thursday - Sunday - Thursday games at the moment and having to get my workouts in between that, Working and my girl :lol:
KILLED back and biceps today, one of the best workouts I've had in a while. Set a PR on trap bar deadlift at 475 for 4 reps. Couldn't even get 1 a few weeks ago
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