STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

CincoSeisDos. you still IF'ing??

Yes sir. Funny you ask because I planned on giving it up after doing it for 9 months. This morning I actually made breakfast for the first time since I began (at breakfast time), and after I finished my 3 eggs and cheese, I was still hungry...and wanted more :stoneface:

The fatguy flashed before my eyes, I said back to leangains after that episode :lol:
Yo ksteezy, the girl you posted in the first 2 crossfit pic is Mary right? Was friends with her at St. John's and she was a bartender at the local college bar, used to hook me up all the time
Did insanity pure cardio this AM

About to head off to the gym and do back/biceps

Actually managed to eat healthily today at work.

Not bad for a monday. :lol:
are the questbars in gnc stores or just online? also i heard the chocolate chip cookie dough ones were a gnc exclusive for like 60 days, is that true?
are the questbars in gnc stores or just online? also i heard the chocolate chip cookie dough ones were a gnc exclusive for like 60 days, is that true?

I've bought a few Questbars in a couple different GNC's, idk if its an exclusive but that chocolate chip cookie dough is damn good
How much weight should I add each day I do squats? I try to add 10-20lbs. Is this the best way to make it go up quick?
Went to Boston for the weekend.

Thursday did a full body routine in the AM, havent been in the gym since. Gonna start again tomorrow, nice long 4 day rest. 

Any thoughts?

I really can't stand the Hodge twins - can you summarize what they're talking about? please and thanks, possible reps if you do.

I agree 100% squats are the best for strength and size, but I actually personally enjoy doing leg press. Something about moving all that weight just makes me feel like a beast.

I do a 5x5 for squats. Do you think that is a good way to make it go up? Or should I try something different? 
Nah 5x5 is good. Sorry this convo got all drawn out. You seem to know what you're doing; I was just curious about the whole 50-rep leg press thing. If you enjoy it, go for it - it's always good to get enjoyment out of the gym. I just think it's pretty much neutral to making gains.

Fat free cheese has about half the calories.
What's the taste/consistency like? I feel like fat makes up half of the appeal of cheese for me.

I did pretty much the same thing, what was your time?...I finishe mines at 6:44
Can you crossfit kids at least post what the workout consists of rather than just the name, thanks?

Quick bros, best lean protein powder out?
What do you mean by lean? Just protein - no carbs/fat? Aren't the majority of powders just that?

Pretty positive it's a exclusive

Dudes asking about iLLest, it seems he's AKA omygosher
Why is he posting his address like that? When people pull the whole here's my real address come say that to my face and not on the internet stuff, it just reeks of insecurity to me.

Anybody here try Greg Plitt's MFT28??

On my second week, and I have never felt so sore :x

Only thing that im a bit concerned with is the lack of carbs with this program
That's the only thing you find wrong with it? Am I wrong in concluding that the program dictates only one solid meal per day? LOLWUT?
6 scoops of brotein a day? Classic workout plan created to sell supplements. Also the whole afternoon 30 rep cardio stuff seems extremely inefficient and a great way of overtraining. I'm basing off this of a 3 minute review of it, so let me know if I'm missing something.

Yo ksteezy, the girl you posted in the first 2 crossfit pic is Mary right? Was friends with her at St. John's and she was a bartender at the local college bar, used to hook me up all the time
Not gonna lie - if I saw a chick lifting like that in sick camo tights, I'd be very intrigued. How transparent would it be if I joined a crossfit "box" just to meet women (or yambz as they are so affectionately referred to on this website)?

A couple random thoughts:

1) If you wanna get the pizza taste, but don't wanna take a huge cheat meal, try cooking up a chicken breast in olive oil - with some oregano, salt, pepper on it. Heat up some tomato sauce with some pizza veggies (think mushrooms, peppers, onions), pour that over the chicken and add some mozzarella on top. Tastes great - good macros (if you keep the cheese from getting out of hand) and easy.

2) is having a 20% off top brands bday sale on April 11th. I'm assuming that includes most of the thread favorite brands, so if you need to make a purchase soon, try and do it on 4/11.
Nah 5x5 is good. Sorry this convo got all drawn out. You seem to know what you're doing; I was just curious about the whole 50-rep leg press thing. If you enjoy it, go for it - it's always good to get enjoyment out of the gym. I just think it's pretty much neutral to making gains.
What's the taste/consistency like? I feel like fat makes up half of the appeal of cheese for me.
I agree the twins suck.

I just did that rep range to switch things up.

You are right about the fat free cheese. When you try to melt it, it kind of blobs up lol But I just throw half a serving on my salad which is like 25 cals and makes it more bearable because I'm not the biggest salad fan.

Help me out with my squat question, is adding 10-20lbs per session a good way to get it up quick? I really don't like doing more than 5 reps per set.

Pretty much, you should wait a whole hour after working out before you eat. Something about disrupting natural GH levels, and such. You pretty much have to watch the video since I'm not too sure apart from that part myself.


Go up in weight when you feel comfortable doing 5x5 at the current weight.
lol hodge twins are entertaining, but i've seen some videos where they say some stupid stuff like deadlifts being :stoneface: they also are constantly changing their opinions on things every couple weeks.
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I agree the twins suck.

I just did that rep range to switch things up.

You are right about the fat free cheese. When you try to melt it, it kind of blobs up lol But I just throw half a serving on my salad which is like 25 cals and makes it more bearable because I'm not the biggest salad fan.

Help me out with my squat question, is adding 10-20lbs per session a good way to get it up quick? I really don't like doing more than 5 reps per set.
Linear progression is the best way of getting your squat up - correct. 10-20 lbs a session seems like it may not be sustainable. Be prepared to stall at some point and have to deload some and work your way back up. I'd suggest 5 lbs a session depending on what your lifts are currently at. What are you squatting currently?
See what Baltimore wrote above also - simple way of saying it.

Pretty much, you should wait a whole hour after working out before you eat. Something about disrupting natural GH levels, and such. You pretty much have to watch the video since I'm not too sure apart from that part myself.


Go up in weight when you feel comfortable doing 5x5 at the current weight.
Maybe I will then. I haven't seen research to suggest that. Honestly, I think this is the type of thing where they're just going for the whole contrarian argument considering the common bro-science approach to having a post-workout shake and the more scientifically based idea of having post-workout carbs.
Linear progression is the best way of getting your squat up - correct. 10-20 lbs a session seems like it may not be sustainable. Be prepared to stall at some point and have to deload some and work your way back up. I'd suggest 5 lbs a session depending on what your lifts are currently at. What are you squatting currently?
See what Baltimore wrote above also - simple way of saying it.
Well I have only been squatting for about a month so I'm only up to 255. I figured I would stall sometime, esp since I'm cutting right now and trying to keep my strength up as best as I can. 
A few months ago you guys were discussing Chipotle. Were you guys eating it because of bulking? And is it ok to eat if I'm trying to get leaner.

I order a chicken burrito with brown rice and no beans. Lettuce, tomatoes, and light cheese & sour cream. Is this bad for my post workout?

Its late and I didnt have time to cook a meal/only open restaurants are fast food.

:lol: I don't think anyone wants to watch their video. I damn sure don't. Cliffs anyone?

They say that your body produces hgh while working out and when you consume carbohydrates and protein directly after your workout it hinders the amount of hgh that your body absorbs, so you aren't maximizing the amount of or the full effects of the growth hormone that your body is producing. Basically they say to wait about an hour after working out to eat or consume anything.
A few months ago you guys were discussing Chipotle. Were you guys eating it because of bulking? And is it ok to eat if I'm trying to get leaner.

I order a chicken burrito with brown rice and no beans. Lettuce, tomatoes, and light cheese & sour cream. Is this bad for my post workout?

Its late and I didnt have time to cook a meal/only open restaurants are fast food.


I ate chipotle a lot while on my mini cut, still managed to lose about 1 lb a week.

I think if you take out the sour cream and cheese, or at least one of those, then you're good.
Been eating ground beef and eggs cooked together with spinach and carrots. Crazy protein :pimp:

Found the recipe on misc
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